Bosnek 1

43 (a) togàva se mnògo dɤržèše i jà si ojdòx čèsna
but back then they cared a lot. So I went [to be married] in an “honorable” state.

44 (a) kato si ojdòx čèsna i svekorò togàva pa nèmaše so štò
And when I was married “honorably”, my father-in-law – back then there wasn’t

45 (a) nèšto da kupiš pedesè i i ftòra godìna se oženìx nèma nìšto
anything to buy with. In [nineteen] fifty-two [when] I got married there was nothing.

Bosnek 3

42 (a) nalì kato se ožèn’a i kogà idaa u čèrkva bàbite gi vòda
So when they get married, and they go to church (the grannies lead them),

Gigen 1

4 (a) ožèni sɤ dvɛ̀ sestrì ìməm pò gulèmi i sə užènii
Marriages – I have two sisters older [than me], they both got married

5 (a) àjde sə užèni i àze i uprài:me ràbuttə pribrà se bɤštɤ̀ ni
And I got married too. And we took care of things. Our father came back

Gorna Krušica 3

19 (c) l’ubòvnik k’e se žèna
I was going to marry [my] beloved

21 (c) na velìgden k’e se žèna prolettà
on Easter. I was going to get married in the spring,

Rajanovci 1

6 (a) ja sɤm se ženìla na sedemnàes gòdine no mì ne smò učìli
I got married at seventeen, but we didn’t study.


37 (a) užìnij sə zə ednò sɨrmàšku mòmčə pedesèt i dev'ɤ̀tə gudɨ̀nə
I married a poor boy in [nineteen] fifty-nine.

39 (a) səs trɨ̀ zɤ̀lvɨ i edɨ̀n dìver deverɤ̀t m bèše užìnən
[He lived] with three sisters-in-law and one brother-in-law [who] was married

40 (a) zə mujà sestrà àz zə nèguvijət bràt stànəjme dvè sestrɨ̀
to my sister, [and] I to his brother. [So] we ended up as [both] two sisters,

45 (a) užìnijmi zɤ̀lvit'e zədum'à sə i tìjə
We found husbands for my sisters-in-law; they each set up their own households.,


41 (a) baštà trèto detè ə nali karàlo karàlo oženìlo se
My father was the third child, he went along a while and then got married,

42 (a) te tùj za siràče i onò nèmaš kòj da ti pomògne
and to an orphan, so you don’t have anyone to help you out.

245 (a) sìčko se tɤčè dàže jà kàt sɤm se oženìla bilà sɤm
Everything was woven! When I married, I was

246 (a) na sèdɤm osəmnàes godin dvàes u stàn se tùra čèrgi
seventeen or eighteen, twenty. And rugs got put on the loom!

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut