outdoor ovens

Babjak 1

20 (a) f peštà fùrn'ɛ əmə t'a fùrn'ɛ màlkə p'eš
into the oven. [Like] the outdoor oven, but this oven is small. It's a “pesh”,

21 (a) nè e gul’ɛ̀mə fùrn’ɛ gul'àmə sə vìkə na təko nə fùrn'ete
it's not the big oven. The big ones are called, you know – “furna”,

22 (a) gul'ɛ̀mətə fùrn'ɛ ə unuvà pò màlkə p'eš zbìra du
the big oven. But this one is smaller, the “pesh”. It takes up to …

Belica 2

146 (a) napàlim fùrn'ata vɤ̀nka sɤz dṛ̀va
and we heat up the wood oven outside.

147 (MM) à navɤ̀nka ti e fùrna
Ah, your oven is outside?

148 (a) emi furn'a e nagràdeno napàlim a sɤz dṛ̀va tùreni sa plòčki takìva
The oven is built up [outside], we heat it with wood. It’s got these tiles,

149 (a) kakvìto sà sɤgà tìa po po pɤ̀t'a kɤdèto gi rèdat
the kind that [you see] lined up along the road.

150 (a) takìva plòčki sə tùreni kato se napàli izmetème a isčìstim
Such tiles are put there. So when [the oven] is heated, we sweep it out, and clean out

151 (a) ot pèpel ot ə vɤ̀glene fṛ̀lim go tàm sɤs lop s ednɤ̀ lupàtə
the ash and coals, and then we toss [the bread] in there with a shovel,

152 (a) ta i tùšni go tàm tòj se opečè vàdim i edèm
and push it in there to bake. Then we take it out and eat it,

164 (MM) a tòj ne sè pečèše u fùrn'ata
Ah, you didn’t bake that in the [outdoor] oven?

165 (a) od gnìla tòj ne sè pečè edìn xlèp tòj ne sè pečè
... of clay. No, a single loaf of bread isn’t baked – it isn’t baked

166 (a) vɤf fùrn'a edìn xlèp napàlim pòdnica na ognìšteto
in the [outdoor] oven. [For] one loaf, we heat the dish at the hearth ...

182 (a) takà bèše i fùrnite kòj uš kàl napràil si fùrn'a
It was like that with ovens too. Whoever [had] mud would make himself an oven.

Dolno Draglište 3

4 (a) əmi jà fùrnədžìite ne sì li vidèl nà pekà
Haven’t you seen the outdoor oven tenders [who] bake it over there?

7 (a) də vuzìde tàm i lupàtətə mètəme f peštà
[to let them] rise, and then toss them in the oven with a peel.

8 (a) pèš mu vìka:me nìe nè fùrnə a peštà
We called it “pesh”. Not “furna” (outdoor oven) but “pesh” (home oven).

34 (a) soberè̝m se pet šès dùši upàlime fùrnətə
five or six of us gather together, and fire up the large communal oven,

35 (a) tam peštà i izmetèm jə mùšneme təvìte vɤ̀tre
the oven there. We sweep it out, and then shove the pans inside

36 (a) də se ispekà jàgnetàtə vèčer izvàdimè i gutòvi
so the lambs will roast. In the evening we take them out [when] ready,

Drabišna 1

84 (a) fùrnətə səjvànetu uttàm pruvəlìhme dùpkə tə teč'àš'e udɤ̀tə nədòlu
We bored a hole [by the] outdoor oven, the shed, and the water flowed down.

Eremija 3

46 (a) èe dòma si se mèsi si ìma fùrna domàšna fùrna
Ah, you knead it at home, there’s the outside oven, the oven of [our] house.

64 (a) na daskì kato gòri fùrnata ìzmeti ìščisti
on boards. And when the oven is hot you sweep it out, clean it out.

65 (GK) s kvò ja izmìtaxte i isčìstvaxte
What did you sweep it out and clean it out with?

66 (a) na edìn na ednò dṛvò golèmo parcàl
With a – with a big piece of wood [and] a rag.

68 (a) golèm izmetè se iščìsti se tè takà nafṛ̀l'aj lèbo
A big [one]. You sweep it out, clean it out like that, and throw in the bread!

69 (a) vràta si ìma zàtvori zàlepi tàm kòku se pečè
There’s a door – you close it, and seal it there [for] as long [as] it bakes

70 (a) òtvori ìzvadi nàredi na daskìte zàvij pa drùgata sɤ̀buta
open, take [it] out, arrange [it] on boards, cover [it]. Then next Saturday –

Golica 3

144 (a) ž'èn:t'ȅ si opikɛ̀t l'àp h pèštitɛ̏ ìdət
… the women bake bread in the [outdoor] ovens, they go

Gorna Krušica 2

9 (RA) i kədè go pèčeš
And where do you bake it?

10 (c) jà takvàa fùrna ìmame jàle ja e è sà tàm ìmame jà
Ah. We have the outdoor oven, over there. See, there is what we have.

12 (c) zat karùcata
Behind the carriage.

14 (d) vɤf fùrnata
In the outdoor oven.

15 (c) vɤf fùrna tàm
Over there, in the outdoor oven.

16 (RA) vəf tàzi fùrna
[Ah,] in that oven.

19 (c) tàm go pèča
I bake it there …

Iskrica 3

44 (c) zəkòl’əd gu pràəd gu c’àlu gu pečàə vəf fùrni
they slaughter it and prepare it. People roasted lambs whole in the outdoor oven –

45 (c) ìməše s’èlski fùrni təkìva tàm pu zə n’àkulku kumšìi sə zberɤ̀t
there were these village ovens that several neighbors would share –

49 (c) zəšìjəd gu pàk i gu slàgəə vəf fùrnətə də sə upičè
Then they sew it up again, and put it in the oven to roast.

Mogilica 6

4 (d) fùrnə imɛ̀še si sèkə kɔ̀štə fùrnə tə si gu pečè
There was an outside oven, every house had an outside oven. And it bakes

5 (d) petnàeset təkòvə təkòvətə fùrni i tegà sedɛ̀še
fifteen such [loaves], these ovens. And back then it kept.

18 (d) m'ètnət vəf fùrnənə ədìn č'ɛ̀z gòre.dòlu ispeč'è se i àjde
they throw it in the oven for about an hour, and it bakes, and there you are.

19 (GK) əxə̀ a fùrnənə nèmə li žàr vɤ̀tre
Uh huh. But aren't there coals inside the outdoor oven?

21 (GK) nèma li žàr vəf fùrnana
Aren't there coals in the outdoor oven?

22 (d) ìmə ba tè gu o ometɤ̀t žərɔ̀n
There are, yes. [But] they [will have] swept out the coals.

23 (GK) səs kakvò
With what?

24 (d) səz metlàč
With a sweeper.

26 (d) ìmə si i udèlnu səs rùo go nəkvàsət u
There's a special kind with cloth. They moisten it

27 (d) i umetɔ̀t gu pepelɔ̀n
and sweep the ashes out of it.

33 (d) pòsle gu nəm'ɛ̀tət i č'ɛ̀kəd də sə ispeč'è
After that they throw it in and wait for it to bake.

Oborište 1

35 (MM) i n’àkɤde pàk u fùrnata li
Somewhere also in the outdoor oven?

36 (a) mi t’à mòže i vɤf fùrn’ata ama kato segà f pèčkite
Well, you can also bake it in the outdoor oven, but [usually], like now, in [indoor] ovens.

Repljana 2

32 (VZh) a nèma li takòvo zìdano vùrn'a nèma li m zìdano
But wasn't there this oven constructed outside, wasn't there some structure –

33 (a) a vùrn'a vùrn'a u pa tegàj u vùrn'utu ga tùrimo
Oh yes, [we light] the outdoor ovens, and then we put it into the oven

Šumnatica 3

120 (b) a fùrnətə kàk à ni znàeš
In the outdoor oven. What? You don’t know?

137 (b) ə tugàvə f sòbətə li e fùrnə li še go mùšneš
And then you shove it either into the stove, or the outdoor oven,

Vŭglarovo 1

54 (a) s’è̝tne iməhme hùrni pɤ̀k dè̝s’ət pitnàjset hl’àbə fàtəha
And then we had big outside ovens, they used to hold ten or fifteen loaves.

65 (a) i m’è̝tneš gu
And you put it …

67 (a) fùrnətə upeč’è sə tòu l’àp iskàrəž gu pitnàes duši̥ pu ədɨ̀n l’àp
... into the big oven, it bakes, you take it out. One loaf each for fifteen people.

77 (GK) i kakvò i pòsle kɤ̀k f fùrnata kvò ima po fùrnata
And what happens next? What about the outdoor oven, how is that set up?

79 (a) ùrnətə s dɤ̀rvə jə ugurɨ̀me
[For the] outdoor oven, we heat it [with a] wood [fire].

81 (a) i um’ət’è̝me ìməhm’ə pòm’et ut pərcàl’e nəpràen vɤ̀rdzən nə ənə̀
And we sweep out – we had this pole with rags tied onto, onto …

82 (b) pòmet se kàzva
It’s called a sweeper.

83 (a) nə ednò dɤ̀rvo i gelgerìjkə
… onto a piece of wood [making] a mop.

84 (b) nəkvàsiž gu nəkvàsiž gu vudà màlku
You moisten it, moisten it with a bit of water.

86 (a) təkɤ̀və təkùu
[And then there’s] this …

87 (c) [unintelligible]

88 (a) grəbùčkə təkà nəpràenə d’è̝t də stɤ̀rže žərtɤ̀
… scraper made like this, that you [use to] scrape the coals.

89 (a) s’è̝tne pòm’etə pək ə pepelɤ̀ um’et’è̝
After that I sweep out the ash, sweep it out …

91 (a) hùbəvu i m’àtəme l’àbə upečè̝ sə
… nice and good and we put in the bread and it bakes.

93 (a) iskàrəme gu
And then we take it out.

97 (a) tòj pučerven’è̝e fùrnətə kàk n’àmə ìmə s kəpàk fùrnətə
It browns [in] the oven! What else? The oven’s got a lid.

104 (GK) a tùkə vəv stàlevo mi kàzaxa če tàm pečàli
But here – in Stalevo they told me that there they used to bake

105 (GK) i bèz takòva i bèz fùrni
without this, without this outdoor oven.

106 (a) kɤ̀k bez fùrni f təvɨ̀
What do you mean, “without an oven”?! In a pan, maybe?

Vŭrbina 2

50 (a) nem’èhme ni fùrnə ni nìkina ɤjtùvə im’ɛ̀ u mè̝ne ədnɤ̀ fìrnə
We didn’t have an outdoor oven or anything. There was one oven here near me,

51 (a) u ejt’ùvə càltu s’è̝lu [unintelligible] ʌd’ɨ̀n p’eš im’è tə
[the only one] in the the whole village [unintelligible] Just [the] one oven and

54 (a) jɛ̀ im səm p’èklə hl’èbən nem’èš’e fùrnə d’è e kəsu eseà
I did [all] the baking of bread for them. There wasn’t a large oven like there is now.

63 (a) nè ni e ud drùgəde fùrnənə es’à nemòj gl’èdəj
Our oven is not from another place, so don’t jump to conclusions

64 (a) gà ìmə fùrni ajtùkə ədnɤ̀ fùrnə im’èhme
when you see many ovens here. We had just that one,

65 (a) i tòə puìməš’e du trìjsi hl’èbə fùrnənə mùt’kə
and it would take up to thirty loaves. [It was] a small oven.

66 (VZh) mùtka bèše fùrnana
[Your] oven was small.

67 (a) əmhəm kòl’kunu je ugrəd’è̝nə bilà ev’è̝l ət kinànə səm nəšlɤ̀ ugrəd’è̝nu
Yes. The size it had been built earlier on. When I came upon it [it had already] been built.

68 (a) tò nem’è ejtùvən də grəd’èt ni budnòn nìk’əna
They weren’t going to build anything new [for so few people].

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut