Bangejci 2
38 (TD) əmi pòsl'e kət sə ispred'è pr'èždətə kvò jə pràit'e
And later, after the yarn is all spun, what do you do with it?
39 (a) əm či pr'èždətə jə mutàimi nə idnò mutuvìl'či̥ è təkvòs
Well then we wind it up on a yarn-crutch about the size
40 (a) è tɤ̀j kət bəstùn'enu səs vìluškə tùkə udòlu s vìluškə
of this cane-like thing with a fork – here below, with a fork,
41 (a) tùkə ìmə ràvnu tɤ̀j d'èt sə slàgə pr'èždətə
and here [where] it’s flat, where you put the yarn,
42 (a) i tɤ̀j gu pràvim nə grànici pòsli gu putup'àəmi fəf vudɤ̀
and then we аrrange them in skeins. After that we soak it in water
43 (a) də sə upɤ̀ni tɤ̀s pr'èždə kət sə upɤ̀ni pr'èždətə i kətu isɤ̀:ni
so the yarn will stretch out. And when the yarn is stretched out, and dry,
44 (a) sn'èməmi jə ut ə mutuvìl'čitu i jə m'ètvəmi nə slɤ̀nci
we take it from the yarn-crutch and put it out in the sun
45 (a) də si isɤ duisɤ̀:ni štòtu tò ni mòži də isɤ̀:ni nə mutuvìl'čitu
to finish drying, because it can’t get dry on the yarn-crutch.
274 (a) tòpime mò mòtame ja na mutuvìlka da se ìspne
put it to soak, and wind it up on the yarn-crutch so it's stretched tight,
275 (a) tòpime mutuvìlkata da se ne nasùgruva ga svàl'ime pàsmutu
then we soak the entire winding frame so it won't tangle when we take off a tuft.
Breste 1
52 (a) i pòsle go zèmem na motovìlčeto
And after that we put it on the yarn-crutch.
Kozičino 2
5 (b) kəd gù vɑ̀pcəme či gu nəwìəme nə mutuvìl’čitu̥
After we dye it, we wind it onto the yarn-crutch.
6 (b) tò mnògu pɛ̀ti tr’àbvə də sə nəwìvə nəwìvəne rəzvìvəne
You have to wind it many times. Winding, unwinding,
7 (b) dukət stàne pròstu də stàne hùbəwu pràwu slòžim gu nə stanɛ̀
until it gets smooth, till it gets nice and straight. We put it on the loom.
Stalevo 1
62 (a) ud r’ət’è̝n:tu nə mut’v’ìlkə
[You take it] from the spindle to the yarn-crutch.
64 (a) mut’v’ìlkə ìmə zə jə smutàiš nə mut’v’ìlkə
There’s a yarn-crutch, and you wind it onto the yarn-crutch.
68 (GK) əhə dobrè a zaštò na mutvìlka go slàgaxte
Aha. Good. But why did you put it on the yarn-crutch?
69 (a) zə gu smutàeš nə mut’v’ìlkata i zə gu nəkvàsiš səs udà
You’ll wind it up on the yarn-crutch, and then you’ll moisten it with water
70 (a) kətu gu sùč’iš s’è̝tn’e nəỳəš ne sʌ̀ gʌ̀rč’i
while you twist it, and then you wind it up so it doesn’t tangle
71 (a) pək ìnək fànət sə gʌ̀rč’uli to gʌ̀rč’uli də sə prepr’ɛ̀č’ət
because otherwise it starts to get tangled, and tangled like that, it jams
72 (a) nə plətɤ̀ n’è sta n’è e hùbəu mut’v’ìlkətə smutànu
the cloth, and it doesn’t – it won’t be nice. [Everything’s] wound [onto] the yarn-crutch,
73 (a) stud’è̝nə vudà nəkvàsenə əršìnkətə i i kɤ̀t isʌ̀hn’e
and a yarn-crutch measure is moistened with cold water. And when it dries
Sveta Petka 1
28 (a) i kato go izvìješ’ nәtòč’iž gu na motovìl’č’eta i go isper’èšᵊ
And when you’re done then you wind it onto the yarn-crutches, and you wash it
Tihomir 1
227 (a) azàm agà se napɔ̀lni vret'ènono pàk ìmame matavìlkɔ matavìlkɔ e zav'ème
Then when the spindle is full we’ve got the yarn-crutch. We call it yarn-crutch.
229 (a) nə na matavìlkata mat'ème
And we wind [it all] onto the yarn-crutch.
249 (GK) a hubu i pòsle na na kakvò ga matàeš
Good. And then, what do you wind it on?
251 (GK) matavìlkata kakvò ìma otdòlu ìma
A yarn-crutch. What does it have [there] down below?
252 (a) matavìlka ìma č'atàl'kɯ
The yarn-crutch is forked (= has forked-like protrusions).
253 (GK) a odgòre
And on top?
254 (a) adgòre šɛ̀jka
On top [there’s] a nail.
256 (a) dùpčica mìška pravalìme
We bore a little hole [in it] ...
258 (a) i šɛ̀jka skl skləd'ème
... and put a nail [in there].
260 (a) i mat'è sa
And it winds up.
262 (a) jà tèj stànuva mat'ème agà ga smɔ̀kneme da ga papàr'me
That’s how it happens. We wind it, and then take it off in order to steam it.
264 (a) at matavìlkanɔ smɔ̀kneme go papàrivame go i sabìrame
We take it off the yarn-crutch, steam it and then gather it up.