
Belica 1

53 (a) sčùkat česnòf.lùk i ocèt kùsame ta se trèpeme
They mash up garlic, [mix it] with vinegar, we scoop it up as we can.

Huhla 1

42 (a) bir'àše təkà təkɤ̀vu gròzd'e əmə gurìdə i pràeše uc'èt
would pick these grapes, but unripe, and would make vinegar

43 (a) v'èke grebène jedène t'àə šurìpki
and [we’d] scoop it up and eat – the skins too.

44 (GK) ot gurìdata
Of the unripe grapes?

45 (a) ɤ̀ ud gurìdətə gribène uc'èt pək šurùpkite
Uh huh, of the unripe grapes. We’d take this vinegar, and the peels

46 (a) ut kurmìt'ə ščùkən e kurmìt lùk i greb'ène jədène
of onions, chopped onions, and we’d scoop it up and eat.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut