
Babjak 3

7 (b) mumìte zbìra: cvet'à zdràvec eglìče è
the girls gather flowers – geraniums and primroses, [things that grow

8 (b) pu pu mesnostà udvɤnkə pu pulètu i gu pràva: nə č'itki̥
locally outdoors in the fields – and then they make bouquets of them.

9 (b) pràvejà gu f č'ùp sìčkite̥ mòmi puudɛ̀lno f
They used to make these [and put them] into a large pot. All the girls in each

10 (b) məəlà nə sɛ̀kujə məəlà puudɛ̀lnu č'ùp si pràva:
neighborhood do this, each neighborhood makes its own flower pot.

11 (b) i s kətu nətòpa: tuvà cvɛ̀te f č’ùpu i večertà gu upɛ̀va:
And when they put the flowers in the pot, in the evening they sing [and]

Bosnek 1

72 (a) edìn kotèl vodà i cvet’à u kotèlo tùreja i nevèstata
a cauldron of water, and they’ve put flowers in the cauldron. And the bride

73 (a) da rìtne tovà kotèlo i da fɤ̀rli cvetjàta pres ə pres kɤ̀štata
kicks the cauldron and throws the flowers over the house.

74 (a) ta da ìma kolko sa cvet’àta tòlko decà da ìma
And however many flowers [she throws], that’s how many children she’ll have.

Vasiljovo 1

89 (a) sas kìtkata napràil kìtka ud zdràvec i bosìl’ek kṛstàd bosìl’ek
with a bouquet. He’s made a bouquet of wild geranium and basil, shaped in a cross.

Vladimirovo 2

13 (a) i mùzika i si svìri i nìe òdime si z g’ùlove
Music. They played music, and we went with roses [in our hair],

Vŭrbovo 2

42 (a) uvìvaju kadà kṛpl’àk kadà cvèk’e tùru kadà svèče tùra
They’d wind rugs [on the door], or leave a flower, or leave candles.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut