
Breste 2

20 (b) mèsečinata sɤ̀što se poznàva
You can tell also by the moonlight.

21 (a) mèsečinata po dzvezdìte rečème zornìcata pɤ̀kne takà e
By the moonlight, by the stars. We say the morning star is out – Like that.

Breste 3

48 (a) koto ìma mèsečina na mèsečinata pa koto nèma mèsečina
When there’s moonlight, we work by moonlight. If there’s no moonlight ...

49 (b) e kà še predèš na mèsečina
Ah, how can you spin by moonlight?

50 (a) slàgame ò predè:me si na mèsečina èkstra nìe tè si
... we put – Oh, we would spin fine by moonlight, just fine! It’s –

51 (a) po pṛ̀stite si poznàam kà da go prèda nèko tɤ̀nko
I know by my fingers how to spin it. Some [threads] are thin, [so]

Pavelsko 4

57 (b) i tò šə me čùvə jà š’e žʌ̀nə nə m’èseči̥nkə
and he’ll watch my back ( = the kids) [while] I reap in the moonlight.


128 (a) dṛ̀vena dṛ̀ška tùreno nalì tovà onò e takà sṛ̀pa
A wooden handle, attached to this, and the sickle is like this,

130 (a) kato lunàta
Like a [crescent] moon.

Široka Lŭka

3 (a) mɛ̀se̥činata izlɛ̀la nìvata e uzrɛ̀la trɛ̀va d ìdite da a žɔ̀nete
The moon’s out, the [crops in the] field are ripe, you have to go out and reap them

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut