slaughtering animals

Breste 3

90 (a) zaklàla kokòška svarìla čorbɤ̀ mesìla pìta
She’d have slaughtered a hen, made soup, made pita bread,

Golica 3

142 (a) ìdɛt tàm napr'àt tè kurbàn:t'ȅ zakòl'at mɛ̀škit'ȅ
They used to go there and [make] sacrifices. The men do the slaughtering,...

Skrŭt 2

48 (b) f pètoko vìki pràat tokòvo zbìrat ə mèso kol’àt
On Friday, they’re already – whatever. They gather [things], slaughter [animals] for meat,

Vladimirovo 1

12 (a) ə zakòl’ame si ako ìmame nèšto pò golèmo alì àgɤnce
and slaughter – if we have something larger, either a lamb –

13 (a) alì nèšto kokòški li gɤ̀ski kòj ako si kòj si e čuvàl
something, chickens or geese, whoever if – whoever kept what –

14 (a) i i gi zakòl’eme i gòskite ìdat zborjànete se gòtvime
and we slaughter them. Then guests come, celebration visitors, and we cook –

Vladimirovo 2

75 (a) e ə ònea kol’àča ko o čùš a pa ako si e
Well if the butcher is someone from outside, if he is –

77 (a) koto mòjɤ bɤštà si i kòl’aše i si gi pràeše takà
My father slaughtered them himself, and did them up that way.

78 (a) narèžɤt mesòto tə ə ə tovà e takà op opečème go
People cut up the meat, and then – then they roast it

Vŭrbina 1

29 (a) èj tùkə kinàt si iskàrəhm’ə f kulìbənə i ku zəkòl’əš’
[We stayed] here and earned our keep from the hut. If you slaughter [your animals]

30 (a) ku prudəd’è̝š’ š’ə də ìməš pərì ku ne zəkòl’əš’ i ne prudàvəš’
and sell [the meat], you’ll have money. If you don’t slaughter and sell [your livestock]

31 (a) n’èmə də ìməš’ nì pərì kòjtu lu pàti [laughter] i n’èmə nikinà
you won’t have money. Always suffering [laughter], without anything at all.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut