
Bosnek 2

6 (a) i sìte da smè u seftè čoràpi plèteni i kato izvàdi pogàčata
and we were all wearing newly knitted socks. And when she brought out the bread,

Bosnek 3

36 (a) òdglado čoràpi gàšti rìza sìčko pižàma kakvò e rèdno
socks, pants, shirts, everything, [even] pajamas. Whatever is appropriate.

Breste 3

37 (a) əm kɤdèl’kite e takà vl̀nata ùrkata i si predème za za čeràpe za
Well, the distaff-full – wool on the distaff, and we spin it for socks, for –

Iskrica 2

58 (b) əmi z’èmət nə inì cərùlki ni napràjət i səs čuràpiti du kul’enàtə
So they got us these sandals, with socks [only] to the knees.

59 (b) du tàm ni b’àxə čuràpi̥te enò vrèm kulinàtə ni červ’èni t’è
That’s where our socks came to in the old days. Our knees were all red [from the cold],

Srebŭrna 2

18 (c) a pək nìj sel’endùr:tȅ nəučèni səs vɤ̀l’n’eni čuràpi
But us simple country folk, we’ve grown up with these woolen socks,

20 (c) vɤ̀l’n’eni el’èčətə
and woolen vests,

22 (c) i nòsim tùkətɤ̀jki i sjà n’àma məšìni li n’àmə də jə prirəbòtvət
and we wear them here. None now though, and no machines or whatever to process it.

Stakevci 4

98 (f) ne smò se setìli da si ispletèmo čeràpe smo plèli i klàšn’e
we didn’t figure out how to knit them. We did knit socks, and homespun.

Stoilovo 1

30 (a) vɤ̀l’neni č’uràpi pl’èteni
Woolen socks, hand knitted.

Šumnatica 3

209 (b) əm mòžeš də gu ustrìžeš džuràpe də si nəpràiš
You can shear [the sheep] and make socks,

236 (b) perprìdəš tugàvə pək še go plit’èš džuràpe svà nvà
You twist the strands, and then you knit it into socks, this or that –

Vladimirovo 2

33 (a) s čeràpe nèma ə ə takòvo
with socks. There wasn’t any –

34 (b) vɤ̀lneni

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut