Belica 2
64 (MM) kɤdè ìma kɤdè ìmaše vodenìca
Where is – where was the mill?
65 (a) emi tùka si ìmaše po rekìte na vòda vodenìca
Well, here along the rivers, on the water. There was a mill
66 (a) s kàmik šmìrgel kàmik mu kàzvaa omèlem brašnòto
with a stone that they call an emery stone. We’d grind up the flour,
105 (MM) dobrè i kàzvaš na vodenìcata
OK. [Now] you say that at the mill …
107 (MM) čèren
… [you mill flour for] dark [bread]
108 (a) nə vodenìcata šmìrgel kàmik si se vṛtì è tòlk'uo kolò
... at the mill the emery stone revolves, a wheel this big.
109 (a) tò si e odgòre napràveno i si pàda žìtceto po màlko
It’s made so the grains fall on it from above a little at a time,
110 (a) ot tùka kràj kolòto kolòto go isfṛ̀ga na brəšnò
from here by the wheel. And the wheel puts out flour.
112 (a) i vɤf kòšče tàm sɤbìra se tùra se f čuvàle
And everything gets gathered in a basket, and put into sacks.
Breste 2
87 (a) i mèleme pòveče na tìja vòdnite vodenìci
And grind it. Mostly at these watermills,
94 (a) ìmaše si vodenìci po dolovète si ìma vodenìci
There were watermills. Down in the gullies there were watermills.
96 (a) si mèleme tàm na rɤkà ne smè mlèli
We grind [it] there. We didn’t grind by hand.
Gorna Krušica 1
26 (a) i vèče pòčneme da vrɤtìme na kàmɤnìte kato na vodenìca
we start to turn the stones, like at the watermill.
27 (a) vìe ne stè nì viždàli ni vodenìca takàva
You [probably] haven’t seen such a watermill.
Huhla 1
18 (a) bòg də gu prost'ì utìəhə tə sm'èlihə e tùkə ìmə m'èlnicə
may he rest in peace, they went and ground it – there’s a mill here –
Hvojna 2
39 (a) v’èč’e nə fud’enìcətə ìməhm’e pròsti fudenìci̥ səs kàmək sə vərt’ì
at the mill. We had simple mills [here]: a stone that revolves
40 (a) vudɤ̀tə gu kàrə v’àtərni n’èməš’e tùkə s vudʌ̀
[and is] driven by water. We didn’t have [the kind] with wind - here it was with water.
Kolju Marinovo 1
7 (a) kəto rəbòtim nàči nəlì s kulà s vulòvi ur’èmi zem’ɤ̀tə
… when we work, it’s with oxcarts, you know, we plow the earth,
8 (a) sèjəmi pribìrəmi ž vəršèm žènim vəršèm i àjde nə vudenìcə̥ta [laughter]
we sow, gather, thresh, [then] we reap and thresh, then it’s off to the mill [laughter]
Leštak 2
74 (d) əmi smet’èž gu udvɛ̀ež gu ə hàjde nə vudenìcə [laughter] gu sm’èl’əš [laughter]
You sweep it, winnow it, and off to the mill [laughter] you grind it [laughter]
75 (VZh) a vodenìcətə kədè bèše tùkə nablìzo li bèše
And where was the mill around here? Was it nearby?
76 (d) n’è e tùkə nəgòre ədnò məhəlʌ̀ imèše tùkə nə rɛ̀kətə
No, [it was] up [there]. There was a neighborhood there, on the river.
219 (a) ìdeš ta sm ta smèjaš na vodenìcu ìmaše u krečìmir i u salàš
go down to the mill. There was one in Krechimir. And in Salash
220 (a) e imàlo pèt šès vodenìce ama onò ìmaše vodà po rek’ète
there used to be five or six mills, because there was water in the rivers.
Sŭrnica 4
38 (a) d’èt si sm’èlilu ž’itòtu gu si dukàrəlu iz vud’enìcətə
where you’ve ground the grain – you’ve brought it from the mill,