All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
zberɔ̀t 42732 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zberɤ̀t 75637 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zberʌ̀d 46567 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zber’è̝mə 39078 gather 1pl pres P сбера
zbèrat 17390 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zbère 91828 gather 3sg pres P сбера
zbèreme 87663 gather 1pl pres P сбера
zbèremo 34867 gather 1pl pres P сбера
zbèreš 46974 gather 2sg pres P сбера
zbèri 29611 gather sg imv P сбера
zbèru 53296 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zbèru 56707 collect 3pl pres P сбера
zbèrɤt 46972 gather 3pl pres P сбера
zbè̝re:me 61562 gather 1pl pres P сбера
zbir'èm 8633 gather 1pl pres събирам
zbìra 59011 gather 3sg pres I сбирам
zbìra:me 74630 gather 1pl impf I сбирам
zbìraju 58522 gather 3sg pres I сбирам
zbiràla 27272 gather sg f L.part I сбирам
zbirèš 6795 gather 2sg pres
zbirèš 43734 gather 1pl pres P сбера
zbìrəhme 12709 gather 1pl impf I събирам
zbìrəm 66723 gather 1sg pres I сбирам
zbìrət 47133 gather 3pl pres I сбирам
zbir’èš’ 37226 gather 2sg pres I сбера
zbir’èm 72304 gather 1pl pres I сбера
zbìtu 43000 compress n P.part P сбия
zbìra 21083 hold 3sg pres I събирам
zbìra 49074 gather 3sg pres I сбирам
zbìra 49124 gather 3sg pres I сбирам
zbìra: 12573 collect 3pl pres I събирам
zbìra:me 61320 gather 1pl impf I сбирам
zbìraà 21611 gather 3pl impf I събирам
zbìrahme 48594 gather 1pl impf I сбирам
zbìrame 45333 gather 1pl pres I сбирам
zbìrame 25221 gather 1pl pres I сбирам
zbìrat 27176 gather 3pl pres I сбирам
zbìrate 47692 gather 2pl pres I сбирам
zbìraxa 26605 gather 3pl impf I сбирам
zbìrštinə 48073 rabble sg f сбирщина


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut