
Brŭšljan 4

52 (d) ə kugɤ̀tu stàvəš'e nàš'ijət səbòr nə devèti àvgus tòə ìdvəš'e prəmətàretu
When we had our [village] fair, on August 9th, then peddlers would come.

53 (d) tvà prəmətàre nòsət svìrki nòsət kəvàl':e
[And] these peddlers brought small pipes and end-blown flutes.

54 (d) i nìe gi upìtvəme
and we would try them out.

55 (VZh) [Какво правехте в Бургас?]
[What did you do in Burgas?]

56 (d) krəstòsənu s č'ètiri stòla ud ednɤ̀tə stərnɤ̀ si sədì mumč'ètə
[They’d sit] cross-wise on four chairs. The boy sits on one side

57 (d) ud ednɤ̀tə stərnɤ̀ mumàtə də sə gl'èdət təkà
and the girl on the other, and they look at each other like this –

58 (d) kɤrčì kɤrčì təkà be nəpràvenə nìe mu vìkəme vərtìkòlnicə
crosswise. It was set up that way, we call it a “vŭrtikolnitsa” (swing carousel).

59 (d) vərtìkòlnicə də sə l'ul'ɛ̀eme št'à: dədème ednò jəcè
A carousel to swing on. We’d give an egg –

60 (d) ednò jəcè nə l'ùlkəž'ijətə dèt nə l'ùl'ə
an egg to the carousel operator who swings us.

61 (d) tòj dvà pəti št'à: ni ubɤ̀rne trì
He’d spin us around two or three times.

62 (d) nəvàlicə nəvàlicə kətu ìmə mlògu àjde drùgi pàk
If there was a throng, many people, [he’d say] “O.K. Someone else now!”

63 (d) nìe mu vìkəme vərtìkòlnicə gàjdətə tɤ̀pən'ət sə kàčvəə
We call it “vŭrtikolnitsa”. Bagpipe and drum [players] would climb up [on it],

64 (d) mòmi mumč'ètə pu č'ètiri dùš'i tò be mlògu mudèrnu
[and] girls and boys, four at a time. It was very modern!

65 (d) i xuròtu igràe nəòkulu gàjdətə svìri tɤ̀pən'ət
And [they] dance the horo all around, the bagpipe plays, and the drum.

66 (d) i nìe se l'ul'ɛ̀eme trìese i trètə gudìnə beše tuvà
And we swing. This was in ’33,

67 (d) trìes č'etvɤ̀rtə trìes p'ètə trìes š'èstə i likvidìrə
[also in] ’34, ’35, ’36 – and then they shut it down.

Kralevo 3

31 (a) či izlɨ̀zəli təkà tə pràjəli tùkə pənəìr č’e sə burbà
And they went out and put on a fair, with wrestling [matches],

Vladimirovo 2

9 (a) pa ìma pànair u lexčèvo ìmaše pànair trì dèna
There was a fair. In Lehchevo, there was a fair for three days.

10 (a) pa tàm turàle baràki pa ìma jàdene pa pìen’e
And they put up food booths, and there was eating and drinking

11 (a) pa sìčko tàm mùzika
and everything – and music.

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut