
Vŭglarovo 2

45 (c) odv’àvə zərnòto
The kernels winnow out –

137 (a) čə k səber’è̝me nə kùp gul’àm č’e vejàlkə ìmə
And we gather it up into a big pile, and there’s a winnower.

138 (GK) ako n’àmə vejàlka
And if there’s no winnower?

139 (a) əm n’è̝mə kɤ̀k də g udvè̝em nə veterɤ̀ ni mòže
Well then, there’s no way to winnow it. You can’t do it [only in] the wind –

140 (a) n’è̝mə v’èt’er
[what if] there’s no wind?

142 (a) kɤ̀k də uvè̝m žɨ̀tut zərnòtu pək nìe ìməme vejàlkə
How [else] to winnow the grain, each kernel? So we have a winnower.

143 (a) təkà vərtɨ̀me i tvà žɨ̀tu s’ t’ič’è žɨ̀tut bəškà
We rotate like this and the grain falls out. Grain separates out,

144 (a) slàmətə bəškà klàs d’è̝t e ustànəlu tòj bəškà s’ t’ič’è̝
straw separates out, and the ears that are left, that separates out; it all falls out.

145 (a) i s’ pòsle òšte enɤ̀s sàm zərnòt privèeme i gu sɨ̀pvəme tugàvə
and then once more, we winnow just the kernels, and then pour them –

Vŭrbina 4

37 (d) i gu vɛ̀eme i gu zbìrəme vəf čuvàlite po po nàšenski
and winnow it, and gather it up in sacks in – in our own manner.


16 (a) vlàškətə kətu wberème issuš’ìme jə slè i jə v’ɛ̀ime i
After we pick the corn we dry it, and the – and we winnow it and –

40 (a) i udmìtət ž’ènite s metlɤ̀tə udmìtət i gu tìkəme təkà nə
The women sweep it up with a broom – they sweep it up and we pile it like this in –

41 (a) dərmunìme gu sètne prez dərmòn’
we “dermonize” it, [run it] through a “dermon” (big sieve)!

42 (VZh) [После веете ли го?]
[And after that you winnow it?]

43 (a) tò e udvɛ̀enu tuvà vèč’e tvà e ud’ɛ̀ennu ž’ìtutu
It’s been winnowed already! The grain is winnowed.

44 (VZh) [A значи вече сте го одвели?]
[Ah, so you’ve winnowed it already?]

45 (a) dà predì tuvà se i gu v’ɛ̀eme
Yes, before that it’s – we winnow it.


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut