outside employment

Baskalci 1

27 (a) әhә ìskɤd znàči sɤs màlko rəbòta nògu pәrì dә zìmәt
Yup. They want to bring in a lot of money for [very] little work.

28 (a) i saà tùka nèma takà trɤ̀sɤt pu pètrič trɤ̀sɤt pu sòfija
No such thing here now, they’re looking [for work] in Petrich, in Sofia –

29 (a) kɤdè li nèma xòra ut ut selòtu
there’s hardly anywhere without people from [our] village.

30 (a) sèkade ìmә pu bɤlgàrija sèkuj tèra
They’re all over Bulgaria, all looking [for work].

Belica 1

11 (a) odìla sɤm vɤf Sòfia čèteri godìni
[except] I went to Sofia [for] four years.

12 (MM) kakvò si praìla tàm
What did you do there?

13 (a) emi slugìn'a sɤm bilà
Well, I was a servant.

14 (MM) na kòlko gòdini si bilà
How old were you?

15 (a) emi na dvanàes gòdin me e zavèl baštà mi
Well, [I was] twelve years old [when] my father took me [there].

16 (a) màjka mi bèše bòlna g'oturùmen pa ìmax sestrà pò golèma
My mother was sick, not able to get about, and I had an older sister.

17 (a) ta vṛ̀šeše po.kɤ̀šti
She looked after the house, ...

19 (a) mèn zavèdoa f sòfia da pèčela
… and they took me off to Sofia to earn money.

21 (a) sedèla sɤm za trìese na trìe za trìese dèna za šejsè lèva
I stayed there thirty – thirty days [to earn] sixty levs,

22 (a) i sɤm gledàla na evrèite decàta
and I looked after the children of [some] Jews.

24 (a) i zimɤ̀ska ìda tàm a lètoska si dòda ta žɤ̀na
I’d go there in the winter, and in the summer I’d come [home] and reap

25 (a) ta òra ta sɤm odìla u calapìško pòle čèteri godìni
and plow. And I went to Tsalapishko field for four years,

26 (a) po dvàese dèna segà za petròvden si dòdem
twenty days [each year], and now, for St. Peter’s day, we come

Dolna Sekirna 2

73 (VZh) a tùka odìli li sa mlàdi ə devojčetìja u sòviju da glèdaju
Did young – young girls from here go off to Sofia to look after

74 (VZh) na na bogàti te na bogatašè dečurlìgata ili ot tùka ne sɤ̀ odìli
rich – the kids of rich people? Or did that not happen here?

76 (VZh) da ìdu u sòviju kad da glèdad decà da kato podi
To go to Sofia and look after children

77 (a) ama išlì su ma sestrà mi
Yes, they did. My sister …

79 (a) u sòviju e bilà mòmkin’a
… was a “momkinya” (servant girl) in Sofia …

93 (a) sedem òsem gòdine bilà kà e bilà po sòfija i vodàta
She was in Sofia for seven or eight years. And the water

109 (a) a jà u edni dobrì xòra živejà rabotì u pàdin’e
But I lived with good people, and worked [for them] in Padine.

111 (a) a u ednì pòsle otidò ot eremìju a do ilìndɤn je
And after that I went to [others] in Eremiya, [working] up St. Elias’s day,

112 (a) polovìn ə tikòvo letòto a do mìtrovdɤn za šès mèseca
half the summer. Six months to St. Dimitri’s day

113 (a) do ilìndɤn trì i sedè tàmo do trì mèseca u tìja
and three to St. Elias’s day. [For] three months with these [folk],

114 (a) pàso im òvce kràve govèda i ə tàja čorbadžìjkata umèsi zèlnik
I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle, and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).

Drjanovec 1

47 (a) pɤk tɤ̀kɤn prèžba drùgtȕ š’ɤ dàvɤmi nɤ xòrɤtɤ srištu pɤrì
Weaving, spinning, all the other [stuff] – we’ll hire [other] people to do that.”

Golica 5

2 (a) i utìde w bez’erlìk’ u drùga dərdž’ɛ̀va ə č’e gu z’èha
And he went to Libya, to another country [where] they kidnapped him.

3 (a) i stuv’à ednà gudìna ə č’e gu z’èha bəndìt’tɛ̏
He was there a year. And [these] bandits kidnapped him.

7 (a) i nìe ni gù znàeme gi bùlkata i tò dwɑ̀mətə otìdaha
We didn’t know [anything more] about him. He and his wife had both gone,

8 (a) i i š’es momč’èta ednò ot sòhia i č’ètir:tȅ ot wɑ̀rnə
altogether six boys, one from Sofia and the four from Varna

9 (a) i i bùlkata i nàj žinɑ̀ a č’e otìdaha tàm
plus the wife – and some other one woman. So they went there,

10 (a) ə č’e t’è b’àha t’ehnìci tò arap’à tàm
[working as] mechanics [among] the Arabs there.

20 (a) tì i pàk komunìst’i i nàšto momč’è tehnìk bùlkata əndž’ilèrka
but they were Communists. So our boy is a mechanic and his wife an engineer

21 (a) i dàdəa im stud’èni kolɤ dv’à hòdiwa ot ə ə portakàlija
They had issued them driving school cars, two of them, from Portugal.

22 (a) z’èha dv’à kolì stud’èni i tàm tìa arap’à si ə očɛ̀t
So they took these two driving school cars out to give the Arabs driving lessons,

23 (a) pu ed’ìn i otòd’at nɑ̀štu mumč’è tehn’ìk pràat ym pɛ̀tištata
one on one. And they set off. Our boy the mechanic was building roads for them


66 (a) pə kòjtu pò n'èmə imòtᵊ pə kutu svɤ̀rš'eə imòtə
and the ones who had less property, when they finished [work] on their land,

67 (a) pə si utìde nə nèjde də si iskàrə pu n'èkuj l'ɛ̀f
they went off somewhere to earn a lev [or two].


6 (a) i hòdilə səm pu bəjìrə kupàlə ž’ɔ̀nələ vɔ̀rhlə dərvà kàrələ
And [then] I went about the hills [working]. I dug, I reaped, I threshed, I carried wood.

7 (a) č’ùzdim səm hòdilə də vɔ̀rš’əm də hmi kàrəm dərvà də hmi kàrəm s’ɛ̀nu
I went [to work] for others – to thresh, to carry wood for them, to bring in hay for them,

8 (a) də hmi kàrəm tòrət i s č’ùzdə ràptə səm minɔ̀lə du segà
to cart around fertilizer for them – and I’ve done work for others till now,

9 (a) du s’ɛ̀ə gudìni segà səm nə sedemdesè i č’ètiri gudìni i
up to the current years. Now I am seventy-four, and

11 (a) səs n’ègə sìč’kəd’e ùlum vərš’ɛ̀h sìč’kəd’e hòd’əh
I used to thresh everywhere with him, my son. I went everywhere,

12 (a) sìč’ki mə rùkəhə əmə zə gin’l’ùk’ zə ž’ivòt’
everyone offered me [work], but paid by the day, to survive.

13 (a) [Защо ходеше да работиш на чужди хора?]
[Why did you have to work for others?]

14 (a) ìštəm də mi plət’ɔ̀t n’ɛ̀kuj l’èf č’ɛ̀kə də mi dədɔ̀ n’ɛ̀kuj l’ɛ̀f
I want them to pay me a lev or two, I’m waiting for them to give me a lev or two.

15 (a) budnò mi dəd’ɛ̀š’e trì svìtkə slàmə zə mùl’etu i trì zə m’ène
Someone would give me three bunches of straw for the mule and three for me.

16 (a) mu səm càl’ d’èn’ vɔ̀rhlə ədìn tvàr slàmə səm hòdilə [laughter]
I threshed for him all day long [but] I’d gone [for only] one load of straw. [laughter]


80 (a) glèdam si gradìnku i tegàj ìdemo od tàm do podi selò
I look after my garden. Back then we’d go outside the village

81 (a) da si porabòtimo nèšto onò nalì znàeš i togàva si imàlo zàvis
to work a bit. Back then, you know, there was envy –

Stalevo 4

26 (b) tə nèjnətə sèstrə pristànə nə əd’ɨ̀n ərgàt’ɨn vəf
And [it was] her sister [who] ran off with a hired worker in –

27 (b) tòj nè̝ č’ə b’e̝dni hòrətə imàne ìmət
He wasn’t [hired out] because [his] people were poor; [in fact] they had property.

28 (b) əmə mlògu bràt’ə̥ pòčnəl də gi c’en’àvə ərgàt’e̥ bəštàtə̥
But [there were] many brothers, so their father started hiring them out.

Vŭrbina 1

32 (a) ne smè hòdili pu g’um’urž’ìne də ràbutime nàšte hòd’ehə du
We didn’t go to Komotini to work. Our [men] would go to –

33 (a) du hàskuvu i du kɯ̀ržələ i i i du plòdif
to Haskovo, to Kurdzhali, and – and to Plovdiv.

34 (a) i t’è sə hòdil’i hòdum pu dvà dè̝n’ə də vərvìš’
They went there by foot. It took two days walking

35 (a) du plòdiv də pòjdeš’ dè̝ dè̝ e bilɤ̀lə kulà nè e im’è̝lu
to get to Plovdiv. Where were there any cars? There weren’t any!

Vŭrbina 2

46 (a) kətu mɤ̀š’ wòt’i məžɤ̀ mi e hòdil də mi kəzəndɨ̀svə
like a man, because my husband had gone off to earn a living for us,

47 (a) i də mə ràni siràk səm z’ə̟̀lə tə tvà e
and to feed me. I took [him on in marriage] as an orphan. That’s how it is.

Žitnica 1

4 (a) səs ə bəštà tɨ i tòj u sòfijə rəbòt’eše̥ rəbòt’eše tàmkə
your father and I – [that was when] he was working there

5 (a) u sòfijə às vɨ̀kəm səmɨ̀čkə səs ə vulòvet’e še ìdə də uprè̟gnə
in Sofia – I [did it] all alone. I’d go harness the oxen

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut