Maksim Mladenov
Belica 1
1 (MM) And where were you living?
and | nom 2sg | where interr | 2sg pres aux clt | live sg f L.part I | now adv |
2 (a) [0:04] I lived in Durliite for eighteen years.
nom 1sg | 1sg pres aux clt | live sg f L.part I | in | Durliite | eighteen | year f pl |
3 (MM) Yes?
thus adv |
4 (a) [0:09] And then I got married, and I was here in a district [called] Parapandovtsi.
and | after adv | acc refl clt | marry 1sg aor P | and | 1sg impf cop | here adv | in | one f adj | district f | Parapandovtsi |
5 (a) [0:13] And they moved us, gathered us together, and we abandoned that district,
move 3pl aor P | acc 1pl clt | and | acc 1pl clt | gather 3pl aor P | here adv | and | abandon 1pl aor P | that sg f adj | district f |
6 (a) [0:16] so [now] I’m here [in] this one.
and | 1sg pres cop clt | here adv | this sg f adj |
7 (MM) Ah, in order to make the village here bigger.
excl | comp | make 2pl pres P | big sg n adj | village sg n def | here adv |
8 (a) [0:18] Yes.
yes |
9 (MM) And you haven’t lived any other place?
disc | and | in | other sg n adj | place sg n | neg | 2sg pres aux clt | live sg f L.part I |
10 (a) [0:22] I haven’t gone [away], I haven’t gone [anywhere] all my life,
disc | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | go sg f L.part I | about | life sg m | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | go sg f L.part I |
11 (a) [0:25] [except] I went to Sofia [for] four years.
go sg f L.part I | 1sg pres aux clt | to | Sofia sg f place | four | year f pl |
12 (MM) What did you do there?
what sg n interr | 2sg pres aux clt | do sg f L.part I | there adv |
13 (a) [0:29] Well, I was a servant.
disc | servant sg f | 1sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop |
14 (MM) How old were you?
at | how.many interr | year pl f | 2sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop |
15 (a) [0:32] Well, [I was] twelve years old [when] my father took me [there].
disc | at | twelve | year pl f | acc 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | take sg m L.part P | father sg m | dat 1sg clt |
16 (a) [0:34] My mother was sick, not able to get about, and I had an older sister.
mother f sg | dat 1sg clt | 3sg impf cop | sick sg f adj | immobilized indcl adj | and | have 1sg impf I | sister sg f | more | big sg f adj |
17 (a) [0:39] She looked after the house, ...
and | do.housework 3sg impf I | adv |
18 (b) [0:40] Put this [here if] you want.
arrange sg imv P | this sg n adj | want 2sg pres I |
19 (a) [0:40] … and they took me off to Sofia to earn money.
dat 1sg | take 3pl aor P | to | Sofia sg f place | comp | 1sg pres I |
20 (MM) Ah.
disc |
21 (a) [0:43] I stayed there thirty – thirty days [to earn] sixty levs,
sit sg f L.part I | 1sg pres aux clt | for | thirty | at | [...] | for | thirty | day ct m | for | sixty | lev ct m |
22 (a) [0:48] and I looked after the children of [some] Jews.
and | 1sg pres aux clt | look sg f L.part I | on | Jew pl m def | child pl n def |
23 (MM) Ahh.
bkch |
24 (a) [0:52] I’d go there in the winter, and in the summer I’d come [home] and reap
and | in.winter adv | go 1sg pres P | there adv | and | in.summer adv | dat refl clt | come 1sg pres P | and | reap 1sg pres I |
25 (a) [0:57] and plow. And I went to Tsalapishko field for four years,
and | plow 1sg pres I | and | 1sg pres aux clt | go sg f L.part I | to | Tsalapishko sg n adj | field sg n | four | year f pl |
26 (a) [1:01] twenty days [each year], and now, for St. Peter’s day, we come
by | twenty | day ct m | now adv | for | St.Peter' sg m | dat refl clt | come 1pl pres P |
27 (a) [1:03] from Tsalapishko field and we reap at our [field].
from | hes | Tsalapishko sg n adj | field sg n | and | reap 1pl pres I | and | our sg n adj | here adv |
28 (MM) And how did you call that traveling – to – to Thrace?
disc | […] | this sg n adj | go vbl.n I | how interr | dat n 3sg clt | call 2pl impf I | in | [...] | Thrace | interr clt |
29 (MM) What was it?
to | what sg n interr | 3sg impf cop |
30 (a) [1:11] Yes, to Thrace
to | Thrace | yes |
31 (MM) Ah, and who took you [there]?
disc | and | which sg m interr | acc 2pl clt | lead 3sg impf I |
32 (a) [1:13] Someone got us together, he was called the manager,
disc | [...] | gather 3sg pres P | acc 1pl clt | someone sg m | acc refl clt | say 3sg impf I | manager sg m | man sg m |
33 (a) [1:17] responsible for us. We get together, fifteen or sixteen boys and girls,
answer 3sg pres I | for | acc 1pl | gather 1pl pres P | acc refl clt | by | fifteen.or.sixteen | people pl | girl pl n | boy pl n |
34 (a) [1:22] and one boss. He knows who goes where
and | one sg m adj | landowner sg m def | nom m 3sg | acc m 3sg clt | know 3sg pres I | at | which sg m interr | 3sg pres cop clt |
35 (a) [1:26] [and] gets word to us – “Come [help in] the harvest.” We go off,
nom m 3sg | dat 1pl clt | announce 3sg pres P | come 2pl imv P | because | hes | for | harvest sg f | nom 1pl | go 1pl pres I |
36 (a) [1:31] and they meet us at Pazardzhik with carriages and take us off,
meet 3pl pres P | acc 1pl clt | at | Pazardzhik | with | carriage pl f | take 3pl pres P | acc 1pl clt |
37 (a) [1:34] and we leave our things and the next morning it’s off to the field.
and | dat refl clt | leave 1pl pres P | baggage sg m def | and | on | other sg f def adj | morning sg f | to | field sg n def |
38 (MM) Do you go there on foot?
on.foot adv | interr clt | go 2pl pres I | to | there adv |
39 (a) [1:40] By – we went by train.
disc | [...] | with | train sg m | go 1pl impf I |
40 (MM) Ah, from the station here.
disc | and | here adv | from | station sg f def |
41 (a) [1:43] From Ihtiman.
from | Ihtiman sg m place |
42 (MM) Ah, from Ihtiman.
disc | from | Ihtiman sg m place |
43 (a) [1:45] We go to Ihtiman on foot, and we go from Ihtiman to there,
to | Ihtiman sg m place | go 1pl pres P | on.foot adv | from | from | Ihtiman sg m place | to.there adv | dat refl clt | go 1pl pres I |
44 (a) [1:51] they meet us there at the station. We get off at Plov- at Pazardzhik
there adv | acc 1pl clt | meet 3pl pres P | already adv | at | station sg f def | descend 1pl pres P | at | [...] | at | Pazardzhik |
45 (a) [1:55] and the carriages await us, and the landowners. Not just one,
and | carriage pl f def | acc 1pl clt | wait 3pl pres I | landowner pl m def | nom m 3sg | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | only adv | one sg m adj |
46 (a) [1:59] they came in groups of ten or so.
nom 3pl | go 3pl impf I | by | about.ten | people pl | group pl f |
47 (MM) Yes.
yes |
48 (a) [2:03] Each one found his landowner, and when he goes over to him,
each sg m adj | dat refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | grasp sg m L.part P | landowner sg m def | and | come 3sg pres P | interr clt | dat m 3sg clt |
49 (a) [2:06] he calls them to move out and reap for him.
nom m 3sg | dat refl clt | acc m 3sg clt | call 3sg pres I | comp | walk 3sg pres I | comp | dat m 3sg clt | reap 3sg pres I |
50 (MM) Yes
yes |
51 (a) [2:08] We eat garlic and old curds [like in] this song –
eat 1pl pres I | garlic sg m | and | nematod sg f adj | curds sg f | impf exist | and | one f sg adj | song sg f |
52 (a) [2:14] Today in the heat only garlic in these bowls, these wooden [ones].
today adv | in | heat sg f def | only adv | garlic sg m | with | such pl adj | bowl pl f | ost | wooden pl adj |
53 (a) [2:19] They mash up garlic, [mix it] with vinegar, we scoop it up as we can.
crush 3pl pres P | garlic sg m | and | vinegar sg m | scoop 1pl pres I | and | acc refl clt | kill 1pl pres I |
54 (a) [2:23] And the heat is such that it shimmers when you look [out]. But we reap
and | disc | thus adv | shimmer 3sg pres I | heat sg f def | when conj | look 2sg pres I | but | nom 1pl | reap 1pl pres I |
55 (a) [2:27] and one [girl] was reaping and fell down
one sg n adj | as conj | reap 3sg aor I | thus adv | fall 3sg aor P | and |
56 (b) [unintelligible]
57 (a) [2:30] Uh huh –
disc |
58 (MM) OK. And how do you arrange yourselves to do the reaping there?
good adv | and | how interr | acc refl clt | arrange 2pl pres I | comp | reap 2pl pres I | there adv |
59 (b) [unintelligible]
60 (a) [2:33] We line up next to each other, check the reaping space from here to here –
disc | one f sg adj | to | other sg f adj | begin 1pl pres P | dat refl clt | reaping.track sg m | from | here adv | to | here adv | and |
61 (MM) Is it “chekŭm” (reaping space) that you call it?
reaping.track sg m | interr clt | dat m 3sg clt | call 2pl pres I |
62 (a) [2:37] We go along, go along the “chekŭm”, the “postat”
go.along 1pl pres I | go.along 1pl pres I | dat m 3sg clt | reaping.track sg m | reaping.track sg f |
63 (MM) [Well, is it] “postat” or “chekŭm”...
reaping.track sg f | or | reaping.track sg m |
64 (a) [2:41] Yes, it’s “postat”.
yes | reaping.track sg f |
65 (MM) ... in the local [speech]?
by | local adv |
66 (a) [2:43] In city speech it’s “postat” [but] in –
by | by | urban adv | 3sg pres cop clt | reaping.track sg m | by |
67 (MM) [in] Belica speech?
of.Belitsa adv |
68 (a) [2:42] We call it “chekŭm”.
disc | nom 1pl | to | reaping.track sg m | go.on.saying 1pl pres I |
69 (MM) Aha.
disc |
70 (a) [2:50] That’s the way it is in Belitsa speech.
of.Belitsa adv | and | thus adv |
71 (MM) And who determines how wide the reaping space will be?
and | which sg m interr | define 3sg pres I | how.much interr | comp | be 3sg pres P | wide sg m adj | reaping.track sg m def |
72 (a) [2:54] However many we are, that’s what I take on, and the one next to me takes
disc | how.many inter.rel | 1pl pres cop clt | person pl m def | so.much adv | manage 1sg pres I | nom 1sg | other sg m def adj | manage 3sg pres I | to | dat 1sg |
73 (a) [2:59] that much, and that’s how much each one takes.
so.much adv | and | thus adv | by | so.much adv | dat refl clt | begin 1pl pres P | who sg m interr |
74 (a) [3:04] Since we all get paid the same, we'll [each] take on the same amount.
because | equally adv | fut | take 1pl pres I | equally adv | fut | go.along 1pl pres I |
75 (MM) Yes.
yes |
76 (a) [3:06] And one – You don’t know her. [Do] you know
and | one f sg adj | nom 2sg | acc f 3sg clt | nom 2sg | acc f 3sg clt | neg | know 2sg pres I | know 2sg pres I |
77 (a) [3:10] the painter’s sister Gospodina? Granny Gospodina
of | painter sg m def | sister sg f | dat m 3sg clt | Gospodina sg f | grandmother f | Gospodina sg f |
78 (a) [3:14] from Parapandovtsi? Do you know her?
of | Parapandovtsi | know 2sg pres I | interr clt | acc f 3sg clt |
79 (b) [3:16] I don’t recall that I – I don’t remember. Maybe I know her,
neg | remember 1sg pres I | comp | 1sg pres aux clt | neg | remember 1sg pres I | disc | can pres imprs | comp | acc f 3sg clt | know 1sg pres I |
80 (b) [3:19] but I don’t know exactly which one she is.
but | neg | know 1sg pres I | exactly adv | which sg f adj | 3sg pres cop clt | disc | now adv |
81 (b) [3:21] Is she living or has she died?
alive sg f adj | interr clt | 3sg pres cop clt | or | die sg f L.part P |
82 (a) [3:22] Oh, she died a long time ago.
disc | nom f 3sg | die 3sg aor P | long.ago adv |
83 (b) [3:23] Ah, long ago. But was she your sister?
long.ago adv | disc | sister sg f | interr clt | dat 2sg clt | 3sg impf cop |
84 (a) [3:26] No, she’s not my sister, she was my neighbor.
nom f 3sg | dat 1sg clt | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | sister sg f | neighbor sg f | dat 1sg clt | 3sg impf cop |
85 (b) [3:28] Ah, a neighbor.
excl | neighbor sg f |
86 (a) [3:29] What I wanted to tell you is that she was
disc | want 1sg pres I | comp | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres P | that conj |
87 (a) [3:31] ten years older than me,
3sg impf cop | ten | year f pl | more | old sg f adj | from | acc 1sg |
88 (b) [3:33] Ah.
disc |
89 (a) [3:34] and we’d gone off to Tsalapishko field,
and | 1pl pres aux clt | pl f L.part P | to | Tsalapishko sg n adj | field sg n |
90 (b) [3:36] Ah.
disc |
91 (a) [3:36] because this man is asking me ...
because conj | acc 1sg clt | ask 3sg pres I | person sg m def |
92 (MM) Yes, yes, yes.
yes | yes | yes |
93 (a) [3:38] ... to talk [about it]. So we were reaping with Sŭbo Stoyanov from Durliite,
comp | dat refl clt | talk 1pl pres I | and | reap 1pl pres I | with | Sŭbo sg m name | Stoyanov sg m adj | from | Durliite |
94 (b) [3:43] Huh?
disc |
95 (a) [3:43] He lived near the doctors and dentists ([they were] hungry from – ),
nom m 3sg | sit 3sg impf I | by | doctor pl m def | by | dentist pl m def | hungry pl adj | from | by |
96 (a) [3:47] but he’s dead now. So he – he’s reaping and I’m reaping,
but | now adv | 3sg pres aux clt | die sg m L.part P | and | nom m 3sg | nom m 3sg | reap 3sg pres I | and | nom 1sg | reap 1sg pres I |
97 (a) [3:52] and this Gospodina is between us, just like this comrade.
and | this sg f adj | Gospodina sg f | 3sg pres cop clt | thus adv | like | this sg f adj | comrade sg f | between | acc 1pl |
98 (a) [3:55] She cut [one stalk] but she was drowsing, and [fell] here …
but | 3sg pres P | and | drowse 3sg pres I | and | here adv |
99 (b) [3:58] Well I [unintelligible] left …
disc | nom 1sg | go.out 1sg aor P |
100 (a) [3:59] so she couldn’t reap.
neg | can 3sg pres I | comp | reap 3sg pres I |
101 (b) [4:00] … when [I was] little [for] Sofia so I don’t know them all.
as | little f sg adj | and | around | Sofia sg f place | and | acc 3pl clt | neg | know 1sg pres I | all pl def adj |
102 (a) [4:02] And since she can’t reap, Sŭbo and I were pushing her [awake],
and | when conj | neg | can 3sg pres I | comp | reap 3sg pres I | nom 1pl | acc f 3sg clt | push 1pl impf I | with | Sŭbo sg m name |
103 (a) [4:07] he from here, I from here. And one afternoon
nom m 3sg | adv | nom 1sg | from.there adv | and | one sg n adj | midday sg n |
104 (a) [4:10] when we notched her off the amount from here to …
when conj | acc f 3sg clt | cut.notch 1pl aor P | how.much inter.rel | adv | to |
105 (b) [4:12] And you’re reading [something] now [unintelligible] ...
and | now adv | read 2sg pres I |
106 (a) [4:13] … there, all the way to the street, ...
there adv | ost | to | street sg f def |
107 (b) [4:16] ... villages [unintelligible]
village pl n def |
108 (a) [4:17] ... we left her behind, and from behind us she said –
leave 1pl pres P | acc f 3sg clt | behind | acc 1pl | nom f 3sg | call 3sg pres I |
109 (a) [4:21] they didn’t hear what she said –
nom 3pl | neg | 3pl pres aux clt | acc f 3sg clt | hear pl L.part P | this sg f adj | word sg f |
110 (MM) Yes.
yes |
111 (a) [4:23] she stands up and says “My brother Nedko” –
nom f 3sg | acc refl clt | stand.up 3sg pres P | and | call 3sg pres I | my sg m def adj | brother sg m | Nedko sg m name |
112 (a) [4:27] (he was our manager)
nom m 3sg | dat 1pl clt | 3sg impf cop | manager sg m |
113 (a) [4:29] she did like this with her hands, and said “Brother Nedko!
nom f 3sg | say 3sg aor P | thus adv | hand pl f def | and | call 3sg pres I | brother voc sg m | Nedko sg m name |
114 (a) [4:33] Have I just come here to bring water to whores
nom 1sg | comp | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | come sg f L.part P | here adv | comp | carry 1sg pres I | to | whore pl f def | water sg f |
115 (a) [4:37] and to sit and chat?” And then her brother said,
and | comp | sit 1sg pres I | by | people pl def | and | and | brother sg m | say 3sg pres P |
116 (a) [4:42] “I’ve got your number, Gospodina. Each is responsible for himself.”
nom 1sg | acc 2pl clt | neg | mix 1sg pres I | Gospodina voc sg f | each sg m adj | dat refl clt | answer 3sg pres I | for | acc m 3sg |
117 (a) [4:47] And our landowner was a really good man. He said, “Hey Dika,
and | landowner sg m def | dat 1pl clt | 3sg impf cop | very adv | nice sg m adj | call 3sg pres I | adrs | Dika voc sg f |
118 (a) [4:52] don’t get angry that they left you behind."
neg | acc refl clt | get.angry sg imv I | that conj | 3pl pres aux clt | acc 2sg clt | leave pl L.part P |
119 (b) [4:54] This thing keeps on listening, doesn’t it?!
this sg n adj | listen 3sg pres I | interr clt | listen 3sg pres I |
120 (a) [4:55] And …
and |
121 (b) [4:56] Hey, now you’re not drinking and you don’t shout so much!
disc | adrs | nom 2sg | now adv | neg | drink 2sg pres I | comp | call 2sg pres I | so.much adv |
122 (a) [4:59] … he said …
call 3sg pres I |
123 (b) [4:59] He doesn’t give you [anything] to drink!
disc | neg | give 3sg pres I | drink vbl.n I |
124 (a) [5:01] ... “Don’t get angry,” he said, "that …
neg | acc refl clt | get.angry sg imv I | call 3sg pres I | that conj |
125 (b) [5:02] … [and so] you don’t drink or shout!
fut neg | comp | drink 2sg pres I | and | comp | call 2sg pres I |
126 (a) [5:02] … they left you behind.
3pl pres aux clt | acc 2sg clt | leave pl L.part P |
127 (a) [5:04] But just look,” he said, “how many sheaves I’ve tied off for you, and then
disc | look sg imv P | call 3sg pres I | by | acc 2sg | how.many interr | sheaf pl m | 1sg pres aux clt | tie sg m L.part P | and | and |
128 (a) [5:08] look how many I tied off for them.” That’s his job.
look sg imv P | by | acc 3pl | how.many interr | 1sg pres aux clt | tie sg m L.part P | dat m 3sg | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | this sg n adj |
129 (a) [5:11] There’s nothing today [so] tomorrow he’ll tie off the bundles separately
nom m 3sg | that conj | today adv | pres neg exist | tomorrow adv | fut | dat 1pl clt | tie 3sg pres I | bundle pl f def | by | apart adv |
130 (a) [5:16] to see who reaped what, so as to know what to pay when it’s time to pay.
comp | see 3sg pres P | which sg m interr | how interr | reap 3sg pres I | when conj | take 3sg pres P | comp | pay 3sg pres I | thus adv | pay 3sg pres I |
131 (a) [5:20] At that time they were paying us sixty levs a day, but they gave her forty.
then adv | dat 1pl clt | pay 3pl impf I | per | day sg m | sixty | lev ct m | but | dat f 3sg | give 3pl aor P | forty |
132 (MM) Ahh.
bkch |
133 (a) [5:25] So everywhere I’ve gone it’s been pain and hardship.
and | everywhere adv | 1sg pres aux clt | go sg f L.part I | for | torment sg f | and | for | weight sg n |
134 (a) [5:29] I haven’t lived the nice landowner’s life.
nicely adv | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | thus adv | landowner sg m adj | life sg m | live sg f L.part I |
135 (a) [5:32] And now it’s been twenty-three years [since] my husband’s left me.
and | now adv | man sg m | acc 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | leave sg m L.part P | become 3pl aor P | twenty | and | three | year f pl |
136 (a) [5:38] I’ve been with my daughter and son-in law, and [now] it’s been four years
1sg pres cop clt | by | daughter sg f | by | sg m | sg m def | become 3sg aor P | four | year pl f |
137 (a) [5:41] [since] he died too.
and | nom m 3sg | die 3sg aor P | and | nom m 3sg |