Golica 6
6 (d) f sɛ̀butə gi ber’àhme ama kət ìməše bɑ̀bə i s’ɛ̀ehme mamùli
We picked it on Saturday. Well, when granny was alive we also planted corn.
7 (d) sigà nè məmùli s’ɛ̀ja nè lòze kupàja səmìčək nìčtu nèmə
Now I neither plant corn, nor dig the vineyard. I’m alone. There’s nothing.
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
8 (b) kvò ìmam s skòpam ja nàsada pipèra a polìvam gu
What [work] do I have? I dig [in it], plant the peppers, water them,
Iskrica 2
13 (b) əmi inò vrèmi nìj t’ut’ùn’a ud màrtə òšti pòčvəmi
For tobacco, in the old days, we’d begin already in March
14 (b) də si pràim lixìti əmə n’àməše tugàə utròvi də gu prɤ̀skɤmi
to prepare the beds, but there wasn’t any insecticide then to spray on them.
15 (b) nəpràeni sə lixìti ni i səs kurìšnici̥ gu prɤ̀ska:mi ə
Once our beds were prepared, we spread bird droppings on them.
16 (b) i nə rəkà gu səd’àhme səs kòlčetə ə n’àməše məšìni n’àməše nìšto
We did the planting by hand, with stakes. There weren’t machines, there wasn’t anything.
21 (b) pà si nəsəd’à enà sərìčkə pà si gu zalèjə
I plant another row, and water it too.
26 (b) zè:me nə kàci də slàgəme̝ vudɤ̀ta i təkà si gu zìma:me
we took barrels to gather the water, and that’s how we brought it
27 (b) si gu səd’àhme i kətu stàne zə bràne̝ kupàl si gu
and planted [the tobacco]. And when it came time for harvest, it was hoed
31 (b) dvà trì d’ekərə t’ùn se e səd’àlu ə pə kuìt
we had planted two or three decares of tobacco, but those
32 (b) sə mnògu xòrə tèə səd’ɤ̀t pò mnògu t’ut’ùn pək nìi
who have more people to work plant much more tobacco. But we
33 (b) pò màlku t’ut’ùn màlku hòrə smi pò màlku t’ut’ùn
were less people, so planted less tobacco.
Kralevo 1
8 (a) s’èət mə tütünə təkà sə rəsàdə
they’d plant the tobacco, and then [we’d] transplant the seedlings.
82 (a) e sigɛ̀ a sigɛ̀ nìe sà gu nəs’èeme tytỳnə əs məgàrencetu čèdo
But now, now, we have to plant tobacco using a little donkey, my son!
84 (a) s məgàre kukò də pus’è̝iš trɨ̀ dèkərč’etə
With a donkey! How can you plant three decares …
27 (a) e pa kvò sme rabotìli orèš kòpaš ə kvò si sàdiž
What did we do? You plow, you dig, you plant the way [you do]
233 (a) ìma dvòr a bè turì pèt rèda kòmpir što mu dùmamo
With a yard, you can plant five rows of “krompir” (potatoes), as we say –
242 (a) ò i lùk sìčko sme si sadìli sìčko trèa da posàdiš ìnače nèma
We planted everything! You have to plant everything, no other way.
Široka Lŭka
13 (a) kratòha gà da izvàdame i nèga izvàdamɤ sàdɤmè gu pròlete
When we take potatoes out – we take them out and plant them in the spring,
14 (a) prašìm gu vəzrìvamè gu izvàdamè gu kàrame vəf čuvàli
hoe them, dig them up, take them out [of the ground], stuff them in bags,
15 (a) i tùrim gu pàk vəf ròpata zìmnu vrɛ̀m’a
and put them back in the hole. During the winter
Stakevci 4
80 (VZh) a ka u koè vrème se sàdi tòj ə gṛ̀sti̥te̥
How – What time of year do you plant this hemp?
81 (f) pròletno vrème se posèje i te kɤ̀mjesen se obère
You sow it in the spring, and you harvest it when it gets towards autumn,
84 (f) u cṛ̀nk’ete ìma sème za ta da se sèje za na gòdinu
The black hemp has seeds that [we keep] so as to sow for the next year.
Sŭrnica 2
6 (b) ž’enìte zəles’àvəhə
The women planted saplings.
7 (a) pək ž’enìte zəles’ɛ̀vəhme
And we women planted saplings.
8 (a) i jɛ̀s pu zəles’àvəne sə òd’elə nɤ̀j mnògutu pu zəles’àvəne òdeh
I’ve [often] gone out doing such planting. I would go out for planting most of all.
26 (MM) a segà vèče slàgate li nè
Do you still plant it? Or not?
27 (b) əˀə
Sŭrnica 3
50 (c) rɤ̀š si sejàhə
They used to plant rye …
51 (b) rɤ̀š i uvès sejàhə zə stòkətə
[People] used to plant rye and oats, for the livestock …
52 (c) i uvès sejàhə i ič’umèn’ nɛ̀štu gu ìməš’e̥
… and they used to plant oats, and there was a bit of barley as well …
53 (c) ičumèn màlku təkà slàgəhə
… and they put a little barley in [too].
63 (MM) aa a tovà misìr dèto mu vìkat vìe tùka
So, this thing they call corn, do you here –
65 (MM) sèexte li
did you plant that here?
67 (b) tùkə ne stànvə
It doesn’t grow here.
73 (c) nìj d’èt sme gu klàli
Where we planted it …
74 (b) ni š’t’è də stànvə
It doesn’t want to grow.
Vladimirovo 3
91 (a) òn òn uzrìe od edìn pɤ̀t sìčkia ako ɤ lozàr
They – they all ripen at the same time. If it’s vine beans,
92 (a) òn sə dèka o tùraš u ə po càrevica tovà
they – you plant them [together] with corn, and that’s
Vŭrbina 3
11 (a) enèj se s’èjət kərtòfine pu pu trì kumpɨ̀r’ə
Potatoes are sown in groups of three seed potatoes.
12 (a) səs vòl’ven’e gu stòr’ət brəlà i nìj min’ème pòslet
With the oxen, the others make ditches, and then we go by afterwards
13 (a) tə gu nə esòlku nədəl’è̝č’e nə nəpùskəme
and drop [the seed potatoes into the ditches] at this much of a distance [from one another].
14 (a) i zàruvì gu i hi i mìni gu wòprəš’i i nòlku ti e
You tamp [the earth] down good, then come by again to hoe it, and that’s enough.
37 (a) i ž’è̝ncki i mɤ̀ski i də ur’è̝mə i də sədɨ̀me
[doing] men’s and women’s [work]. We [would] do the plowing and planting,
65 (a) užɛ̀ci gu sèeme l’ɛ̀hi l’ɛ̀hine v grədɨ̀nənə hi nəsèeme
We make “hearths” (holes in the soil) and sow them in beds in the garden.
Vŭrbina 4
8 (d) ə càrevicətə ə s’èeme prul’ètešnu vrème kugàtu jə ur’ème s vulòvete
We sow corn in the spring, when we plow with the oxen,
9 (d) i jə s’ɛ̀eme pu nèjə sɛ̀eme i kučɛ̀ni kərtòfi fəsùl’
and we sow it [then]. Next to it we sow beets, potatoes, beans,
10 (d) kəkvòtu ubrəzùvəme s’èlsku stupànstvu rəštɤ̀ gu sèeme nə pòdziməšnu vr’ème
[according to] the way we organize our village economy. We sow rye in the autumn:
20 (d) urème səs vulòvete zə càrevicətə pràim jə nə brəzdɤ̀
We plow with oxen. For corn, we make a furrow
21 (d) i gu sìpvəme s zərnàtə i klàvəme pur’èdnu i pu n’èjə
and fill it up. We put the grains into it in order, [first the corn] and after that
22 (d) klàvəme i i zə tìkvi i sìpvəme udgòr’e tòr
we put [seeds] for the pumpkins. Then we put fertilizer down
23 (d) i gu zəràv’əme i pòsle tvà kətu gu zəròvime iznìkne
and tamp it down good. And after we tamp it down it sprouts.
27 (d) žɨtutu gu pòčvəm təkà pus’èeme gu izlezè tə gu tə ftàsə
The grain starts out like this: we sow it, it comes up, it ripens,
52 (d) l’èštətə s’èjət nə pàk sɤ̀štu kàktu kàəh nə pròl’etnu vrème
They sow lentils like I told you, in the spring.
53 (d) i je sèjət kàktu i rəštɤ̀ i sə kupàe i sə sèe
They sow them at the same time as rye: you dig, then you sow.
Žitnica 2
4 (b) də šɤ̀təm i sɤ̀štutu s’èejme tɨ̀kvɨ pu pulè̟tu
to do the housework. And we also sowed pumpkins in the field.
10 (b) ə tɨ̀kvɨ sme s’èjəlɨ ə pəmùk sme s’èjəlɨ vasùl
We planted pumpkins, we planted cotton, and beans.