thread size

Breste 1

54 (a) i tàm go četème na čètenički trì čètenički trì nìški ednà čètenička
And there we count it off into units, three units. Three threads, one unit;

55 (a) trì nìški ednà čètenička i go napràim na četìrese čètenički po trì
three threads, one unit. And we make up forty units of three each.

Breste 3

51 (a) po pṛ̀stite si poznàam kà da go prèda nèko tɤ̀nko
I know by my fingers how to spin it. Some [threads] are thin, [so]

52 (a) kojò e tɤ̀nko tɤ̀nko kojò e debèlsko debèlo
what’s thin [I make] thin, what’s thick [I make] thick.

53 (a) jà si go znàm kà še go prèda mi aku si iskàraš
I know how I’ll spin it. If you manage it,

Huhla 2

104 (GK) dvè pasmà na enò vretèno
Two skeins on one spindle.

105 (a) dà ə mɤ t'ènku gà e tènenku mɤ̀ segà əku tvà ti
Yes, but little. When it's thin. But now if you, this –

Kruševo 3

56 (a) i sə nəprìdət məkərìč’ki nəprìdət se məkərìč’kit’e i š’e gi ugòneš’ li
and it spins onto spools. It spins onto spools, and you’ll twist it

57 (a) ud ədìn kàt li kàktu ku təč’èš kilìm ud ədìn kàt
as needed, as a single thread if you’re weaving a flat-weave rug,

59 (a) ku təč’èš ə š’əltè ud dvà kàtə
[or] as a double thread if you’re weaving a quilt.

Tihomir 1

212 (GK) i kakvò istègl'aš ot kòdel'k'a
And what is it you pull out from the wool on the distaff?

213 (a) kakvòto ìštež da pred'èš t'ènku ka pred'èš t'ènku deb’èlu
Whatever you want to spin – finely if you spin fine [thread], or thick [thread]

214 (GK) kàk se narìča tovà tènkoto
How do you call that fine [thread]?

215 (a) t'ènkata č'e mi pò pa màlko pò pa màlka apìn'aš kɔ̀del'k'ata
“Fine” - you pull from the wool on the distaff more and more gently.

217 (a) žìčkɤ pò pa màlkə žič apìn'aš vɔ̀lnata
[Yes,] a thread. You pull a smaller thread [from] the wool.

219 (a) žìčkᵊi gə kàžɤvame pò màlka apìn'aš pò t'ènka
We call them threads. You pull more gently [to get] a thinner [thread].

220 (a) pò agà ìšteš pò deb'èlka pò mlòčka apìn'aš vɔ̀lnata
And if you want a thicker [thread], you pull more [of the] wool.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut