Georgi Kolev
Huhla 2
1 (a) [0:03] I’ll tell you: I remember that my mother scraped, scraped, scraped
yes | that conj | when inter.rel | dat 2pl clt | say 1sg pres I | rememeber 1sg pres I | that conj | mother sg f | scrape 3sg pres I | scrape 3sg pres I | scrape 3sg pres I |
2 (a) [0:07] that broom [to get seeds] and when they dried, they gathered them into a bag
this sg f med adj | broom sg f | dry 3pl aor P | acc f 3sg clt | gather 3pl aor P | one sg f adj | little.bag sg f |
3 (a) [0:12] and went off and ground them, and mother made bread for us to eat.
and | go 3pl aor P | grind 3pl aor P | and | knead 3sg aor P | mother sg f | bread sg m | comp | eat 1pl pres I |
4 (a) [0:16] Well, you’ll eat it [if] there’s no other food. [What counts] is to have
disc | fut | eat 2sg pres I | pres neg exist | other sg n adj | dish sg f | fut neg | this sg n med adj | comp | pres exist |
5 (a) [0:20] bread to eat. And now when they say, “Ooh that’s not nice,
bread sg m | comp | eat 2sg pres P | disc | now adv | when inter.rel | say 3pl pres P |
nom m 3sg | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | nice sg m |
6 (a) [0:23] Ooh, that won’t do!” the heck with you, I say. Why are you afraid?
nom m 3sg | fut neg | excl | hort | be.damned 2pl pres P | why interr | acc refl clt | frighten 2pl pres I |
7 (a) [0:27] What experience have you had? [You say] it’s expensive. Well if it’s expensive,
what sg n interr | 2pl pres aux clt | see pl L.part P | but | that conj | sg m L.part cop | expensive sg m adj | disc | when inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | expensive sg m adj |
8 (a) [0:29 ] let it be expensive, dear! If it’s expensive then you’ll eat less.
hort | 3sg pres cop clt | expensive sg m adj | adrs | when inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | expensive sg m adj | more | little adv | fut | eat 2pl pres I |
9 (a) [0:32] You won’t have so much to eat! [laughter] That’s how it is, Anything could happen.
fut neg | so.much med adv | comp | eat 2pl pres I | disc | thus med adv | adrs | disc | all.kind sg n adj | fut | come 3sg pres P |
10 (a) [0:37] But what about now? These others all snipe at each other,
disc | now adv | what sg n interr | one pl adj | other pl adj | acc refl clt | eat 3pl pres I |
11 (a) [0:40] who brought that about, I ask you? Did you bring it about?
which sg m interr | acc n 3sg clt | bring 3sg aor P | this sg n med adj | adrs | nom 2sg | interr clt | acc n 3sg clt | bring 2sg aor P |
12 (a) [0:42] Did I? Did somebody else? [No, it’s] the state.
nom 1sg | interr clt | acc n 3sg clt | bring 1sg aor P | other sg m adj | interr clt | acc n 3sg clt | bring 3sg aor P | state sg f def |
13 (a) [0:44] [And] that’s what’ll happen. But in the old days who slaughtered our father[s]?
disc | disc | thus med adv | fut | become 3sg pres P | one sg n adj | time sg n | our sg m adj | father sg m | which sg m interr | slaughter 3pl aor P |
14 (a) [0:48] He wasn’t allowed on horseback. And one time
disc | nom m 3sg | on | horse sg m | neg | can 3sg pres I | comp | sit 3sg pres I | and | one sg m adj | time m |
15 (a) [0:51] they had already – when voting came back again – they had taken that –
interr | already adv | 3pl impf aux | when inter.rel | vote 3pl aor I | again adv | and | 3pl impf aux | take pl L.part P | such sg n med adj |
16 (a) [0:56] You [two], what year were you born? You’re big fellows, aren’t you?
nom 2pl | from | which sg f interr adj | year sg f | 2pl pres cop clt | bear pl P.part I | big pl adj | boy pl n | interr clt | 2pl pres cop clt |
17 (GK) Well –
disc |
18 (VZh) Both of us were born in [nineteen] fifty-eight.
fifty | and | eighth sg f adj | year sg f | 1pl pres cop clt | bear pl P.part P | and | two def an.num |
19 (a) [1:02] So you’re younger than mine. The older one is –
nom 2pl | 2pl pres cop clt | from | my pl def adj | more | small pl adj | my sg n adj | that sg n dist adj | big sg n def | 3sg pres cop clt |
20 (a) [1:05] the [birth] group of ‘44 [no, that’s] the youngest one, the older one is ‘35.
forty | fourth sg m adj | sg m | most | little sg n def | that sg n dist adj | big sg n def | thirty | and | fifth sg m adj |
21 (GK) We’re little.
little pl adj | 1pl pres cop clt | nom 1pl |
22 (a) [1:12] Mhm.
23 (GK) My dad is from the group of ‘30.
father sg m | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt | thirtieth sg m adj | recruitment sg m |
24 (a) [1:14] Really?! Oho!
thus med adv | interr clt | excl |
25 (GK) My mother [from] ‘35.
mother f sg | dat 1sg clt | thirty | fifth sg m adj |
26 (a) [1:19] You’re little boys. Hm, well.
nom 2pl | 2pl pres cop clt | small pl adj | boy pl n |
disc | such sg f med adj |
27 (a) [1:27] So now don’t say things are not OK, so they don’t mobilize you
now adv | pl neg hort | call inf I | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | nice sg n adj | comp | neg | acc 2pl clt | raise 3pl pres P |
28 (a) [1:29] so they to make some war. [Let] everyone stay where he is,
comp | make 3pl pres P | some sg f adj | war sg f | who sg m interr | where rel | comp | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | in | place sg n def |
29 (a) [1:33] whether he’s in an apartment or in a house.
who sg m interr | fut | 3sg pres cop clt | in | apartment sg m | interr clt | who sg m interr | 3sg pres cop clt | in | house sg f |
30 (a) [1:36] If he doesn’t like [living] in an apartment, let him go [live] in a house.
if conj | neg | dat m 3sg clt | suit 3sg pres P | apartment sg n def | comp | dat refl clt | go 3sg pres P | in | house sg f |
31 (a) [1:38] And work. Just so people can be alive and healthy.
comp | work 3sg pres I | comp | pres exist | only adv | life sg m | and | health sg n | comp | pres exist |
32 (a) [1:42] [There’s] nothing [to expect] from work. I worked and worked. Five children
from | work sg f | nothing sg n | neg |
1sg pres aux clt | work sg f L.part I | work sg f L.part I | five | child pl n |
33 (a) [1:46] to look after, a sick grandfather, a sick grandmother; I had two aunts.
comp | raise 1sg pres P | grandfather sg m | ill sg m adj | grandmother sg f | ill sg f adj | two f | aunt pl f | have 1sg impf I |
34 (a) [1:49] And to [this] day, thanks to the Lord, I’m grateful.
and | and | to | today adv | thank sg m | to | Lord sg m | 1sg pres cop clt | grateful sg f adj |
35 (a) [1:54] You won't get anything from work. Don't think that when you work it’ll be
from | work sg f def | nothing sg n | pres neg exist | no | think 2sg pres I | that conj | when inter.rel | work 2sg pres I | that conj | 3sg pres cop clt |
36 (a) [1:58] [any] better. As for me now, why [should] I go there? I’ll go there
more | nice sg n adj | disc | nom 1sg | disc | nom 1sg | now | why interr | go 1sg pres I | there adv | fut | go 1sg pres P |
37 (a) [2:02] to string tobacco, if there's nothing there then I'll go over there,
comp | string 1sg pres I | tobacco sg m | there adv | if conj | pres neg exist | there adv | fut | go 1sg pres P | there adv |
38 (a) [2:04] if there's nothing there I'll go until it gets dark.
if conj | pres neg exist | there adv | fut | go 1sg pres P | comp | comp | acc refl clt | get.dark pres P imprs |
39 (a) [2:06] [Just] so I can work [with] my hands, [unintelligible] if it doesn't [get dark].
comp | can 1sg pres I | comp | touch 1sg pres I | hand sg f def | neg | acc refl clt | interr clt | acc refl clt |
40 (GK) To help.
comp | 2sg pres I |
41 (a) [2:09] Yes, if there are people [around], to chat. When there's no people I'll go
comp | if conj | pres exist | people pl | comp | comp | talk 1sg pres I | when inter.rel | pres neg exist | people pl | fut | go 1sg pres P |
42 (a) [2:14] where people are. What can I do? I do the housework at home,
to | people pl def | but | what sg n interr | comp | do 1sg pres I | at.home adv | dat refl clt | do.housework 1sg pres I |
43 (a) [2:17] there's a lot [to do], I keep house, and I don't have [other] work.
much adv | still adv | adrs | and | do.housework 1sg pres I | dat refl clt | and | not.have 1sg pres I | work sg f |
44 (GK) You manage on your own.
alone sg f adj | acc refl clt | manage 2sg pres I disc | disc |
45 (a) [2:21] Well, I manage.
disc | manage 1sg pres I |
46 (GK) [cough]
47 (a) [2:22] I manage to do everything by myself, so far.
manage 1sg pres I | acc refl clt | manage 1sg pres I | everything sg n adj | dat refl clt | make 1sg pres I | alone sg f adj | still adv |
48 (GK) Is there anyone older than you in the village?
pres exist | interr clt | more | old pl adj | from | acc 2sg | in | village sg n def |
49 (a) [2:27] There's a, up here, there's a Grandpa Dimitŭr here.
pres exist | one sg m adj | ost | here adv | one sg m adj | grandfather sg m | Dimitŭr sg m name | pres exist | ost | here adv | disc |
50 (a) [2:32] He's older than me. He's five years
nom m 3sg | 3sg pres cop clt | more | big m adj | from | acc 1sg | nom m 3sg | 3sg pres cop clt | five | year pl f |
51 (a) [2:34] older than me. There's nobody else. And I –
from | acc 1sg | more | big m adj | and | more | other sg m adj | pres neg exist | and | nom 1sg | and |
52 (a) [2:37] Oh there's also one [other] man and one woman, we're [all] the same age group,
still adv | pres exist | disc | one sg m adj | one sg n adj | one sg n adj | and | one sg f adj | woman sg f | nom 1pl | 1pl pres cop clt | pl m |
53 (GK) Uh huh.
54 (a) [2:42] ... same age group. sg m |
55 (GK) [Nineteen] twelve.
twelfth f adj | year f sg |
56 (a) [2:43] [Nineteen] twelve, right.
twelfth f adj | year sg f | disc | and |
57 (GK) And all the others are younger than you?
and | other def pl adj | all pl def adj | 3pl pres cop clt | more | little pl adj | from | acc 2pl |
58 (a) [2:48] Younger, younger. In the old days the Turks did this thing.
more | small pl adj | more | small pl adj |
one sg n adj | time n | Turk pl m def | such sg f med adj | thing sg f | do 3pl aor P |
59 (a) [2:56] They left me like this, naked and barefoot. Everything had been burnt down.
leave 3pl aor P | acc 1sg clt | thus med adv | like | this sg f med adj | naked pl adj | barefoot pl adj | everything sg n def adj |
60 (a) [3:01] You [had to go] barefoot to school, to trudge through the snow to here
barefoot pl adj | to | school sg n | to | ost | here adv | comp | mix 2sg pres I | snow sg m |
61 (a) [3:04] to get to school. No, no. These [stories] of ours can't be expressed.
comp | go 2sg pres P | to | school sg n | no | no | nom f 3sg | our sg f def | neg | acc refl clt | express 3sg pres I |
62 (GK) But did they allow you to go to school?
disc | to | school sg n | allow 3pl impf I | interr clt | acc 2pl clt | comp | go 2pl pres I |
63 (a) [3:11] Well they didn't come – they started – when we grew [old enough] (because
disc | neg | 3pl impf aux | come pl L.part P | 3pl impf aux | begin pl L.part P | when inter.rel | grow 1pl aor P | comp | acc 1pl clt | because |
64 (a) [3:15] our mothers didn't let us go), but our fathers knew [they'd hear] “We'll fine you”.
mother pl f def | neg | acc 1pl | allow 3pl impf I | but | father pl m | disc | fut | acc 2pl clt | fine 1pl pres P |
65 (a) [3:19] So they gave the mothers an order: “You don't have let them go. But
thus med adv | and | such pl med adj | order 3pl impf I | mother pl f def | fut neg | acc 3pl clt | allow 2pl pres P | but |
66 (a) [3:21] we'll charge you a fine.” And [so] we went there. And we went
fut | acc 2pl clt | fine 1pl pres P | fine sg f | and | go 1pl impf I | there adv | disc | go 1pl impf I |
67 (a) [3:27] up to the fourth grade. I can read and write, more or less.
to | fourth sg n adj | grade sg n | more.or.less adv | write 1sg pres I | dat refl clt | read 1sg pres I | dat refl clt |
68 (GK) You were in school through the fourth grade.
nom 2sg | to | fourth sg n adj | grade sg n | 2sg pres aux clt | learn sg f L.part I |
69 (a) [3:31] Yes, to the fourth.
yes | to | fourth sg n adj |
70 (GK) Was there a school here in Huhla?
here adv | impf exist | interr clt | school sg n | in | Huhla sg f place |
71 (a) [3:34] Yes, there was, there was one, [but]
yes | impf exist | impf exist | nom sg n | hes |
72 (GK) This one is new.
this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | new sg n adj |
73 (a) [3:35] The Turkish mosque – [that] was …
Turkish sg f def adj | mosque sg f | 3sg impf cop |
74 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
75 (a) [3:37] … the school. Over there. And later they built this one. They built this one [just] recently.
school n def | 3sg pres cop clt | there adv | and | later adv | make 3pl aor P | this sg n med adj | now | make 3pl aor P | this sg n med adj |
76 (GK) This [one] is new, this is from 1960.
this sg n adj | new sg n adj | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | from | sixtieth sg f adj | year f sg |
77 (a) [3:43] This is new. That Turkish mosque, the mosque, it's in it
this sg n med adj | this sg n med adj | 3sg pres cop clt | new sg n adj | this sg f med adj | Turkish f def adj | mosque sg f | mosque sg f | disc | in | acc f 3sg |
78 (a) [3:47] that we had school. We went there, studied there, and teachers would come.
learn 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | there adv | go 1pl impf I | and | learn 1pl impf I | there adv | come 3pl impf I | thus med adv | teacher pl m |
79 (GK) Was there a teacher here, a local person, or –
exist impf | interr clt | dat refl clt | here adv | teacher sg m | local sg m adj | or |
80 (a) [3:53] No, no, they came from somewhere else. There was hanky-panky here.
no | no | from | elsewhere adv | come 3pl impf I | chase 3pl impf I | acc refl clt | here adv |
81 (a) [3:56] One had come, and he [had] a girlfriend. So we went
one sg m adj | 3sg impf aux | come sg m L.part P | and | with | one sg f adj | and | friend sg f | and | nom 1pl | go 1pl pres I |
82 (a) [4:02] in to learn, and he was inside with his girlfriend. [So] we went to tell
comp | acc refl clt | learn 1pl pres I | nom 3pl | with | friend sg f def | inside adv | nom 1pl | go 1pl pres I | say 1pl pres I |
83 (a) [4:05] the mayor, and the mayor came and went for them. “Nikolay!” [unclear] “Nikolay!” [unclear]
to | mayor sg m def | come 3sg aor P | mayor sg m def | chase 3sg aor P | acc 3pl clt | Nikolay sg m name | Nikolay sg m name |
84 (a) [4:09] And they ran off, back [to where they'd come from]. [laughter]. Oh, such a mess.
run 3pl pres I | here adv | further adv | disc | thus med adv | one f sg adj | confuse sg f P.part P | disc |
85 (GK) And when they didn't let you go to school what did you do?
and | when conj | neg | acc 2pl clt | allow 3pl impf I | in | school sg n | what sg n interr | do 2pl impf I |
86 (a) [4:20] Well what would we do?! We'd spin, we'd card wool, we'd spin,
disc | why interr | what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I | fut | spin 1pl pres I | adrs | 1pl pres I | wool sg f | fut | spin 1pl pres I |
87 (a) [4:24] we'd produce the cotton. Our mothers would make us sew,
fut | produce 1pl pres P | cotton sg m | mother pl f def | fut | acc 1pl clt | compel 3pl pres P | comp | sew 1pl pres I |
88 (a) [4:28] sew clothes. “What do you do?” he says. It's not like now
clothes pl f | comp | sew 1pl pres I | what sg n interr | do 2pl pres I | call 3sg pres I | disc | neg | like | now |
89 (a) [4:31] where people go off to drink coffee, ad [sit] all night
comp | go 3pl pres P | there adv | comp | drink 3pl pres I | coffee sg n | and | entire sg f adj | night sg f | there adv |
90 (a) [4:34] in bars pawing each other
in | bar pl m def | comp | acc refl clt | touch 3pl pres I |
91 (GK) [laughter]
92 (a) [4:36] Huh?! We knew none of that. Ah. When the spindle –
disc | nom 1pl | neg | know 1pl impf I | this sg n med adj | excl | when inter.rel | […] | spindle sg n |
93 (a) [4:39] if we’d spun too little, if the spindle was small –
comp | acc n 3sg clt | spin 1pl pres P | little adv | if conj | 3sg pres cop clt | spindle sg n def | small sg n adj |
94 (a) [4:42] If mother saw it, she’d scold you: “Why did you leave off?
mother sg f | comp | see 3sg pres P | acc refl clt | scold 3sg pres I | disc | why interr | adrs | 2sg pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | leave sg f L.part P |
95 (a) [4:44] What have you been doing all night if you didn’t finish the spinning?”
entire sg f adj | night sg f | what sg n interr | 2sg pres aux clt | do sg f L.part I | when conj | neg | acc n 3sg clt | 2sg pres aux clt | spin sg f L.part P |
96 (a) [4:49] and so –
and | acc n 3sg clt |
97 (GK) How big did the spindle need to be?
how.much interr | big sg n adj | must impf imprs | comp | be 3sg pres P | spindle sg n def |
98 (a) [4:51] Well, you had to spin a spindle-full.
disc | must pres imprs | comp | spin 2sg pres P | one sg n adj | spindle sg n |
99 (GK) And how much is there on [a spindle]?
and | how.much interr | on | acc n 3sg | comp | pres exist |
100 (a) [4:55] Well how should I know how much? How can I tell you?
disc | disc | adrs | comp | know 1sg pres I | how.much interr | how interr | comp | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres P |
101 (a) [4:57] You had to have one skein, two skeins. You don't understand.
need pres I imprs | comp | pres exist | one sg n adj | skein sg n | two n | skein pl n | excl | neg | understand 2pl pres I | nom 2pl |
102 (GK) How many skeins on one spindle?
how.many interr | skein pl n | on | one sg n adj | spindle sg n |
103 (a) [5:02] Two.
two n |
104 (GK) Two skeins on one spindle.
two n | skein pl n | on | one sg n adj | spindle sg n |
105 (a) [5:04] Yes, but little. When it's thin. But now if you, this –
yes | hes | but | thin sg n adj | when inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | thin sg n adj | but | now adv | if conj | this sg n med adj | dat 2sg clt |
106 (a) [5:08] Now, go buy everything! Look at it, what's wrong with it?
hes | now adv | everything sg n adj | buy sg imv P | disc | disc | acc n 3sg clt | what sg n interr | fut | dat n 3sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
107 (a) [5:12] But back then, no such thing. Five kids, right? I never slept at night
disc | then adv | exist impf neg | nom 1sg | five | child pl n | disc | whole sg f adj | night sg f | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | lie sg f L.part I |
108 (a) [5:17] in order to keep them clothed, and I took such good care [of them] that
comp | acc 3pl clt | dress 1sg pres P | and | disc | such sg f med adj | 1sg impf cop | caring sg f adj | disc |
109 (a) [5:20] the teachers still can't recall anyone like my children.
teacher pl m def | still adv | neg | can 3pl pres I | comp | remember 3pl pres P | such pl med adj | from | my pl def adj | child pl n |
110 (a) [5:24] Ah, brother Tanyo’s kids, when they came to school – there were never any like them.
disc | sg m | pl def adj | child pl n | when inter.rel | come 3pl aor P | school sg n | like | acc 3pl | exist impf neg |
111 (a) [5:27] but [for that to happen], I never got a wink of sleep.
but | whole sg f adj | night sg f | neg | lie 1sg impf I |