Bangejci 2
61 (TD) təčète l' tùkə
Do you weave here?
62 (a) əmi təkàli sni təkàli sni əmə segà v'èki sə uništužì
Well, we used to weave. We used to weave. But now it’s already gone.
63 (a) stənuv'èti sə uništužìə i n'àmə stàn n'àmə nìštu n'àmə kvò də təčèm
The looms are [all] gone. There’s no loom, nothing. Nothing [for] us to weave.
64 (a) sìčkutu gutòvo idì fəf məgəzìnə i še si kùpiš
Everything’s ready-made. You go to the store and buy yourself [everything].
69 (TD) mə idnò vrème tɤčèxte
But in the old days you used to weave?
70 (a) əmi idnò vr'èmi si təčèxmi nìj i čèrgi
Ah, in the old days we would weave rugs
71 (a) čèrgite zə pustìləni si təčèxmi əmxəm
We would weave rugs to spread out for covers, yes.
257 (GK) za tɤkàne i takìva ràboti dalì e tɤkàla i vɤ̀lnata
[Ask her] about weaving and such things – did she weave, [about] wool –
258 (RSh) tì razbòj ìmaš le tkàla lè si
Do you have a loom? Have you done any weaving?
259 (a) ìmam è tkàla sam
Yes, I have [one]. And yes, I used to weave.
260 (RSh) ràskaži za tvà kakvì čèrg'i č'ète tùka pu bàncko
Tell [me] about that. What kinds of rugs do you weave here in Bansko?
261 (a) emì vɤ̀rime i si kùpime vɤ̀na
Well, we go [to the store] and buy some wool –
263 (a) da kàža za resnàči̥te
Shall I tell you about [weaving] tasseled blankets?
264 (GK) xè tɤ̀j
Ah, yes.
265 (a) resnàčị sam tkàla fnògu i č'èrž'i sam tkàla
I've woven a lot of tasseled blankets, and I've also woven rugs,
266 (a) i tìa dìpla šò e pòslano sìčku sam jà tkàla
and these mats that are spread out everywhere. I've woven everything.
267 (a) ә tùrime kùpime usnòva usnòva za č'èrg'ite kupùvame čelèta
So we put – we buy the warp, the warp for rugs. We buy skeins,
268 (a) cɤ̀rni čelèta o òsnuvà gu nàvià gu vdɛ̀nemè gu
black skeins. I make the warp, I wind it all around and thread it
269 (a) f nìš'tel'k'i v bɤ̀rdu òpna razbòe tùra
through the heddle onto the reed comb, stretch it out on the loom, and
270 (a) z prìvɤrzà gu lùpam lùpam i mɛ̀tam i sufàlč'ata tkàa
and tie it down tight. Then I bang, bang, throw the shuttle, and weave.
271 (a) nàtkaa mɛ̀ra kòlku ìskam da e dɤ̀lgu kòlku da e širòku
I finish weaving, I measure how long and how wide I want it to be, and
272 (a) tòlkuà gu nàsnuva i se tčè a pa resnàč'ite
I make the warp just that size. And you weave. As for the tasseled blankets,
273 (a) kùpme vɤ̀na isperèm a uvlàč'ime ja a predème
we buy the wool, we wash it, we card it – and [then] spin,
274 (a) tòpime mò mòtame ja na mutuvìlka da se ìspne
put it to soak, and wind it up on the yarn-crutch so it's stretched tight,
275 (a) tòpime mutuvìlkata da se ne nasùgruva ga svàl'ime pàsmutu
then we soak the entire winding frame so it won't tangle when we take off a tuft.
276 (a) i pòsle sùč'eme na rudàne usnuvème navìeme vdɛ̀neme
Then we twist it on the spinning wheel. We warp [it], wind [it], thread [it],
277 (a) tùrame na razbòe amà po rèsi̥te debèlutu vèč'e se fmɛ̀ta sus sufàl'č'a
and put [it] on the loom. For tassels – you weave the thicker [warp] with the shuttle,
278 (a) a pa rèsi presùkanu pò tànečku prèdenu ta e òdve
but [the wool] for the tassels is more thinly spun and twisted double,
279 (a) ta gò sme presukàle i nègu gu fmɛ̀tame takà na sufàl'kata
[that’s how] we’ve twisted it. Then we throw it with a shuttle
280 (a) na ednò lòš'č'e na ednà tɛ̀ga takà vàlesta tòledžèva mɛ̀tam
[that’s like] a little twig, a stick that's round, just like this. I throw –
281 (a) sus vàdička e tavà lòš'č'e ta mɛ̀tamè ta jà gu izvàždam
it's with a hook, that little stick So we throw it, then pull it out, then
282 (a) tùa si mɛ̀tam izvàždam mɛ̀tam mɛ̀tam mɛ̀tam du kràj
throw it again, then pull it out, then throw, throw, throw – up to the end.
283 (a) ta vèče rèka takà pa prètka ta slòža rɤ̀bna
And finally I weave it through, put it [in place], cut it [to be a tassel]
284 (a) pòveda lòš'č'etu sètne pà takà i stàne resnàč'
and pull the small twig through. And it’s become a tasseled blanket!
Breste 1
25 (a) si go təčème pòveče̥
we mostly wove things ourselves.
40 (a) làmbata tɤ̀ča i na làmbata tɤ̀ča ta gа spùštim kùpime pamùk abe
The lamp! I weave by lamplight, remove [what I’ve woven], we buy cotton, and –
57 (a) na ednà glavìčka ednà glàva mu vìkame i pòsle tavà
A skein. We call it a skein. And after that, [after we get]
58 (a) na pèd glàvi ta do dèsed glàvi da a bṛ̀doto̥ bṛ̀doto
to five skeins, to ten skeins, then [onto] the reed-comb.
59 (a) da a dèsed glàvi i si ìmaše bṛ̀do i si tɤčè:me aa
Ten skeins. And there was the reed-comb, and we would weave. Uh huh.
60 (GK) ednò bɤ̀rdo dèset glàvi
One reed-comb, ten skeins.
61 (a) ednò bṛ̀do dèset glàvi ìma bṛ̀do i četìrinaes
One reed-comb, ten skeins. But there are reed-combs with fourteen,
62 (a) ìma i petnàes ìma i osemnàese
with fifteen, with eighteen –
80 (a) vretenàrkite gi pràea i si go osnovème i si gu tɤčè
spindle-makers made them. And we warp it, and weave,
81 (a) i si gu istɤčème i si gu
and weave things up, and –
113 (GK) nabr̀delkite bìeš
You bang down the batten.
114 (a) bìem gi dà
We bang it, yes.
115 (GK) a tò ne sɤ̀ li st’àga platnòto katò
But doesn’t the fabric shrink when –
116 (a) ne sɤ̀ stèga štòto ìma i takòvana a ta sa òpnat takà
It doesn’t shrink because there’s this – it holds it firm.
117 (GK) dɤ̀rveno nèšto
Something wooden.
118 (a) kɤm nè e dṛ̀veno tò e želèzno o kà mu sa vìka zɤ̀pci
To – Not wood! It’s iron. Oh, how is it called? Cogs!
120 (a) to nazɤ̀beno nazɤ̀beno nazɤ̀beno žilèzo takòva žilèzu
It’s notched, notched, notched iron. It’s iron.
122 (a) ama ottùk ìma nazɤ̀benko nazɤ̀benko tɤkà sìtno kato nərèskənku
But there are jagged bits here, all tiny as if chiseled in.
123 (a) i ot tùka i vɤ̀tre ìma ednò takòva ednò žilèsce
Here and inside there’s this little iron thing ...
125 (a) ta sa svìva koto koto go utòriš e takà
... that turns around when you open it like this:
126 (a) sa òpne ta dṛžì stègnatko
it pulls out and holds it firm.
128 (a) i sɤ tɤčè
and you weave.
130 (a) da stàne ravnò da mòe da sa tɤ̀če
So it stays flat so that you can weave.
136 (a) əmhəm ili pa nìe si go nèšto izmìslime i sa tɤčè
Uh huh, or we invent something. And we weave it.
Breste 3
73 (a) napràvi snòfkata pa tɤčè pà
makes up the warp and weaves.
Dolno Ujno
115 (a) [laughter] a za tkan'è
[laughter] And for weaving,
117 (a) ìmaše si razbòj kòku ot tùka do toà momčè te tekà
There was a loom. As big as from here to that boy, like that.
118 (a) i u nègo krosnò ennòto navìeno je prèžda
And it had beam[s], one of them with the yarn wound on it.
119 (a) i se nìštel'ki ìma bɤ̀rdo nabɤ̀rdila i otprèt pàk krosnò
There’s the heddle, the batten, the comb-frame, and another beam in front,
120 (a) i ìma si sedàlka kədè ženàta sèdne i pòčne da tkàe
and there’s a seat where the woman sits and begins to weave.
122 (a) sovèl'k'a ìma ot tùka ə na tùka de i pàk tekà
There’s a shuttle and [it goes] from here to here, and then like this
123 (a) i tè tekà i bùf bùf [laughter]
and then like this and whoosh! whoosh! [laughter]
Gigen 1
9 (a) orà kopàče̝ žetvàre̝ tɤkàče̝ da predèš da šìe̝š tuvà a
I did plowing, [we worked as] diggers, harvesters, weavers – you spin, you sew - like that.
Golica 3
10 (a) pred'à i na stanɛ̀ təkɛ̀
I’d spin, and [work] on the loom thus.
12 (a) fùrka ìmam, i pred'ɛ̀w i pred'ɛ̀ i tečɛ̀
I have a distaff; I used to spin, and I spin and weave [now too].
Golica 4
3 (a) kɛ̀g bìlu pu zem'ɛ̀ta gòsput' hòdel
[tell] how it was [that] the Lord walked on this earth,
4 (a) nə urɑ̀či̥t'ȅ kɛ̀k kɑ̀zəl də urɛ̀t na žèn:t'ȅ kɑ̀k kɑ̀zal da təkɛ̀t
and told the ploughmen how to plow, and the women how to weave.
Gorna Krušica 1
5 (a) po ùlicìte takòva sme slagàli pešk’ìrčeta tkàeme ednò vrème
we spread out cloths along the streets, [cloths] that we wove in the old days
6 (a) ot stòkata takà ot ə vɤ̀lnička i si napràime a tòlkafki peškìrčeta
from the wool from our animals. So we made cloths of this size,
35 (a) ɤ ama ìmaše togàva si dàrove pràe:me tə i tɤčèhme
Uh huh. So there was [the custom of gifting]. We made gifts, we wove [them]
36 (a) na stanovèto ìmamè si stànove dòma i si napràime ə takòva
on looms. We have looms at home and make them this way.
58 (a) nàraka nàraka sè nàraka da go napràviš da go isprèdeš
By hand. You make everything by hand! You spin it,
59 (a) da go istɤ̀češ è tòlkafki jàˀ jà è tòlkafki krɤ̀pički pràve:me
you weave it – even this big. We made towels this big, you see?
60 (a) ə sus stòkite ə tɤč'ème predème sìčku rəbòtehme tugàvə
with [the help of] livestock. And then we did weaving and spinning. We did everything then,
87 (a) əmi təčèli sme emì ìmə i izmìež vɤlnàtə ustrižèš ufcìte
We were weaving. Yes, there is [much work]. You wash the wool – you shear the sheep,
89 (a) nətɤčèš si kəkvòtu ìskəš
you weave whatever you want.
95 (a) vèče smètəš zə štò ke jə slòžiš za kìtenìk le
you calculate how you’re going to put it [on the loom] – for a fleece rug,
96 (a) za prèstilki le zə čèrgi le kəkvòtu ti e nužnò təvà
for aprons, for rugs – whatever you need, that’s [what you make].
131 (a) dà ìməm pə snài segà pə tè gu tè tɤkɤ̀t
Yes, I have it. And my daughters-in-law now use – and they now weave.
Kozičino 1
30 (a) pòt še e nə gərbɛ̀ t pək tugàs təč’ɛ̀hme dìgəhme h pòdə
Your “pod” will be on your back. But back then we’d weave, and put [it] in the “pod”.
31 (a) vɛ̀lnə mlògu təč’èm pr’id’èm i tə kupùəhm’e pəmùk’ təč’ɛ̀hm’e si rìzɨ
Lots of wool! We weave, and spin, and we’d buy cotton and weave ourselves shirts.
32 (GK) ah pəmùčeni
Ah, of cotton.
33 (a) pamùč’eni rìzɨ səgà kupùvəme plàtnu i təč’èm ə šìjimi si rìza
Cotton shirts. Now we buy the fabric and weave – sew ourselves shirts.
34 (a) hɑjà ut kùp’eno plàtnu pək tugàs gu təč’ɛ̀hme tùj plàtno
Yes, from purchased fabric. But back then we wove the fabric.
35 (a) i si šìjm’i rìzɨ nə d’əcàtə nə məž’è nə sìnkit’ɛ̏
and we sewed shirts for the children, for the men, for everyone.
36 (a) ne sɛ̀ izrəbòt’və l’èsno
That doesn’t get done easily.
38 (a) stənɛ̀ šə təč’èš əko istəč’èš’ nà sìč’kutu tùj səgà hùstə
You weave [on] the loom, and when you weave a full piece, you see – now here’s a skirt.
39 (a) pək tugàs mu vìkahme wrahɑ̀n’
[But] back then we called it “vrahan” (red-checked woolen skirt).
40 (GK) mhm mhm
Uh huh
41 (a) ut vɛ̀lnə gu prid’èm i gu bujd’ìsvam’e i gu tač’èm
We spin [the thread] from wool, and [then] we dye it, and [then] we weave it.
Kozičino 2
10 (b) tùrim gu nə stanɛ̀ pòčwəme də təč’èm təč’èm
We put it on the loom and begin to weave. We weave,
11 (b) vɛ̀təkə i usnòvətə i redìm kitɛ̀ či̥ kət gù nəred’ìm
[alternating] warp and woof, and line up the tassels. When we’ve lined it up,
Kruševo 3
1 (RA) i tkàela li si
And did you used to weave?
2 (a) mi tkàlə səm əmi kà
Well, yes, I wove. How [could I not]?
4 (a) təč’èm pl’et’èm
We weave, we knit –
5 (RA) vse òšte li təčèš
Do you still weave?