Kozičino 1

1 (a) [0:00]      So that’s what life was like in Erkeč, and in all the villages.

thus adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg m L.part cop life sg m def
Erkech sg m place

2 (a) [0:03]      And it was like that in all the villages, in Goritsa and surroundings,

all pl def adj village pl n 3sg impf cop thus adv Goritsa sg f place here adv

3 (a) [0:06]      those villages that you know. It was like that everywhere.

acc 3pl clt
know 2pl pres I this pl adj village pl n
everywhere adv 3sg impf cop thus adv

4 (a) [0:09]      It’s possible that there wasn’t this sort of thing in the city,

can pres imprs
city sg m def
acc n 3sg clt
3sg pres aux clt
L.part neg exist this sg n adj thing sg n

5 (a) [0:11]      I don’t know about the city. But in the villages it was like that everywhere.

know 1sg pres I
city sg m def but
village pl n def
everywhere adv thus adv

6 (a) [0:15]      There are oxen in every barn. A person gets up in the morning, harnesses them,

each sg m adj barn sg m pres exist ox pl m arise 3sg pres I morning sg f def harness 3sg pres I
acc 3pl clt
person sg m def

7 (a) [0:19]      and goes out, [regardless of] whether he goes for wood or to the fields

go 3sg pres I
interr clt
go 3sg pres I
wood pl n
again adv
field sg f def

8 (a) [0:23]      You can’t get along without what we call a “chift” (pair [of oxen]), can you?

can pres imprs without pair sg m
dat m 3sg clt
say 1pl pres I interr

9 (GK)       Without a “chift”. You can’t manage without a “chift”.

pair sg m
pair sg m
become 3sg pres I

10 (a) [0:27]      You can’t manage without a “chift”.

without pair sg m
become 3sg pres I

11 (GK)       You can’t manage without a “chift”, because –

pair sg m
become 3sg pres I because

12 (a) [0:31]      You’ve got to earn your [daily] bread.

must pres I imprs
earn 3sg pres I bread sg m

13 (GK)       One’s got to earn bread.

bread sg m must pres I imprs
earn 3sg pres I

14 (a) [0:33]      You have to earn bread, you have to bring in the wood, winter’s coming ̥–

must pres I imprs
earn 3sg pres I bread sg m must pres I imprs wood pl n
bring 3sg pres P winter sg f def come 3sg pres I

15 (a) [0:40]      That’s what life was like in the old days. Now we find it – I don’t know –

thus adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop one sg n adj time sg n disc life sg m def now adv
acc m 3sg clt
find 1pl pres I
know 1sg pres I

16 (a) [0:45]      easier. Now we’re in “ready-made” [mode]. We go get bread at the bakery,

more easy sg m adj ready.made adv now adv 1pl pres cop clt bread sg def
acc m 3sg clt
seek 1pl pres I
furnace sg f def

17 (a) [0:53]      we neither reap nor dig, and yet money keeps on going out [of our pockets].

neither reap 1pl pres I neither dig 1pl pres I but
money pl.t def and go 3pl pres I go 3pl pres I

18 (GK)       Money doesn’t even cover bread.

money pl.t def
suffice 3pl pres I
bread sg m def

19 (a) [0:58]      Money doesn’t cover bread, it doesn’t cover lots of things.

money pl.t def
suffice 3pl pres I
bread sg m def
suffice 3pl pres I
many adv thing pl f

20 (a) [1:02]      and there will be [many more things] that it won’t cover.

fut grasp 3pl pres P
suffice 3pl pres

21 (GK)       Many more things [laughter].

many adv thing pl f

22 (a) [1:04]      Many more things. It won’t cover drinking, or clothes, or shoes –

many adv thing pl f
drink vbl.n I fut neg suffice 3pl pres I
clothing pl f
shoe pl f

23 (GK)       There won’t be anything to put on the “pod” (shelf area in village house)

atop shelf sg m def pres neg exist
what interr
acc refl clt
put 3sg pres P

24 (a) [1:11]      That’s right.


25 (GK)       Nothing on the “pod” [laughter].

atop shelf sg m def pres neg exist

26 (a) [1:12]      There won’t be any “pod” (shelf) – the shelf will be on your back!

shelf sg m fut neg pres exist nom m 3sg
3sg pres cop clt
back sg m def dat 2sg clt

27 (GK)       [laughter]

28 (RA)       [laughter]

29 (GK)       Your entire “pod” on your back!

shelf sg m def
back sg m def
dat 2sg clt
entire sg m def adj

30 (a) [1:17]      Your “pod” will be on your back. But back then we’d weave, and put [it] in the “pod”.

shelf sg m
3sg pres cop clt
back sg m def
dat 2sg clt
but then adv weave 1pl impf I lift 1pl impf I
shelf sg m def

31 (a) [1:22]      Lots of wool! We weave, and spin, and we’d buy cotton and weave ourselves shirts.

wool sg f much adv weave 1pl pres I spin 1pl pres I
buy 1pl impf I cotton sg m weave 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
shirt pl f

32 (GK)       Ah, of cotton.

cotton pl adj

33 (a) [1:29]      Cotton shirts. Now we buy the fabric and weave – sew ourselves shirts.

cotton pl adj shirt pl f now adv buy 1pl pres I fabric sg n
weave 1pl pres I
sew 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
shirt sg f

34 (a) [1:34]      Yes, from purchased fabric. But back then we wove the fabric.

buy sg n P.part P fabric sg n but then adv
acc n 3sg clt
weave 1pl impf I this sg n adj fabric sg n

35 (a) [1:40]      and we sewed shirts for the children, for the men, for everyone.

dat refl clt
sew 1pl pres I shirt pl f
child pl n def
man pl m
all pl def

36 (a) [1:44]      That doesn’t get done easily.

acc refl clt make 3sg pres I easily adv

37 (GK)       Uh huh


38 (a) [1:47]      You weave [on] the loom, and when you weave a full piece, you see – now here’s a skirt.

loom sg m def fut weave 2sg pres I if conj weave 2sg pres P ost everything sg n def adj this sg n adj now adv skirt sg f

39 (a) [1:52]      [But] back then we called it “vrahan” (red-checked woolen skirt).

but then adv
dat m 3sg clt
call 1pl impf I checked.skirt sg m

40 (GK)       Uh huh


41 (a) [1:55]      We spin [the thread] from wool, and [then] we dye it, and [then] we weave it.

wool sg f
acc m 3sg clt
spin 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
dye 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
weave 1pl pres I

42 (a) [1:59]      And it doesn’t get accomplished quickly. When will you [have time to] sleep?

acc refl clt make 3sg pres I soon adv where interr fut sleep 2sg pres I

43 (GK)       Huh.


44 (a) [2:03]      It was …

3sg impf cop

45 (GK)       Whoever told you [it would be done] quickly? Truly, it’s …

soon adv who sg m interr
dat 2sg clt
say 3sg aor P
directly adv disc

46 (a) [2:05]      Yes –


47 (GK)       … hard work.

hard sg f adj work sg f

48 (a) [2:06]      Hard, it was hard.

hard sg f adj 3sg impf cop hard sg f adj

49 (GK)       [cough]

50 (a) [2:09]      You’ll knead the bread, you’ll bake it, you’ll eat [it]

bread sg m def fut
acc m 3sg clt
knead 1pl pres I fut
acc m 3sg clt
bake 1pl pres I fut eat 1pl pres I

51 (a) [2:13]      But the bread we ate [tasted] sweet.

eat 1pl impf I sweet sg m adj bread sg m

52 (GK)       Uh huh


53 (a) [2:15]      We ate sweet bread. We produce our own wheat, and [can] call our food pure.

sweet sg m adj bread sg m eat 1pl impf I nom 1pl
dat refl clt
produce 1pl pres P wheat sg n def call 1pl pres I food sg f def clean sg n adj

54 (a) [2:21]      Now they take it all over the warehouses, where they mix it with – with chemicals

now adv
warehouse pl m def where interr
acc f 3sg clt
carry 3pl pres I where interr
acc f 3sg clt
mix 3pl pres I [...]
protectant pl n

55 (a) [2:26]      and they spray it so it won’t let animals (= insects) [come near] –

there adv
acc f 3sg clt
spray 3pl pres I
animal pl n
give 3sg pres P

56 (GK)       Yes.


57 (a) [2:32]      [cough] weevils or whatever, and they spray the wheat. With all this poisonous stuff.

weevil pl f
interr clt
what sg n rel
spray 3pl pres I grain pl n def all adv with
poison sg f
thus adv

58 (GK)       I don’t know what they spray it with but…

know 1sg pres I
what sg n interr
acc 3pl clt
spray 3pl pres I but

59 (a) [2:46]      Bread is no good at all now under such circumstances.

bread sg m def not.at.all adv neg
3sg pres cop clt
good sg m adj now adv
this sg n adj position sg n

60 (a) [2:49]      No good at all, [this] bread.

not.at.all adv neg
3sg pres cop clt
good sg m adj bread sg m def

61 (GK)       I don’t know what they spray it with but when I was a child, there were

know 1sg pres I
what sg n interr
acc 3pl clt
spray 3pl pres I but nom 1sg when conj 1sg impf cop child sg n impf exist

62 (GK)       these little insects that glimmer in the night. How do you call those?

this pl adj midge pl f rel during night sg f def rel shine 3pl pres I how interr
dat 3pl clt
call 2pl pres I nom 2pl

63 (a) [2:59]      Um, weevils

weevil pl f

64 (GK)       No, at night, when it gets dark.

no during night sg f def when conj become 3sg pres P dark adv

65 (a) [3:02]      Oh, fireflies!

firefly pl f

66 (b) [3:03]      Mosquitoes.

mosquito pl m

67 (GK)       Fireflies.

firefly pl f

68 (a) [3:04]      [They] are [the ones] that glimmer …

3pl pres cop clt
rel flash 3sg pres I

69 (GK)       Uh huh –


70 (a) [3:05]      … and fly away, then glimmer again.

fly 3sg pres I
flash 3sg pres I

71 (GK)       Uh huh –


72 (a) [3:07]      We called those fireflies.

acc n 3sg
dat n 3sg clt
call 1pl impf I firefly pl f

73 (GK)       Ah. And where are there fireflies now?

where interr now adv pres exist firefly pl f

74 (a) [3:10]      Well – nowhe– I haven’t seen [any].

disc neg exist
1sg pres aux clt see sg f L.part P

75 (GK)       You haven’t seen them because they spray [where they were] and they poisoned them.

2sg pres aux clt see sg f L.part P because rel spray 3pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
poison 3pl aor P

76 (a) [3:16]      Poisoned.

poison sg f P.part P

77 (GK)       Everything’s poisoned, where they spray.

poison sg n P.part P everything sg n def adj where rel spray 3pl pres

78 (a) [3:19]      Well and there’s also this thing [called] mosquitoes.

nom 1pl disc this sg n adj disc
such sg n adj mosquito pl m disc

79 (GK)       What?

what sg n interr

80 (a) [3:24]      [The ones] that bite.

disc bite 3sg pres I

81 (GK)       [Ah, the ones that] bite.

bite 3sg pres I

82 (a) [3:25]      Where they bite you it gets – you scratch it and then a lump comes. Mosquitoes.

where rel
acc 2sg clt
bite 3sg pres P [ .. ]
scratch 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
become 3sg pres P one sg f adj lump sg f emerge 3sg pres P mosquito pl m

83 (GK)       Ah yes, mosquitoes.

disc mosquito pl m this sg n adj

84 (a) [3:29]      They’re there.

pres exist
acc 3pl clt

85 (GK)       Yes, they are.

pres exist

86 (a) [3:30]      Those mosquitoes.

mosquito pl m this sg n adj

87 (GK)       They’re there.

pres exist

88 (a) [3:31]      We used to sleep in the fields. In the evening we lie down and spread out below [us]

sleep 1pl impf I
field sg f def evening adv when conj dat refl clt lie.down 1pl pres P down adv spread 1pl pres P

89 (a) [3:35]      a goat-hair rug, and above [us] a goat-hair rug. We make them, weave them from goats.

one sg m adj goat.hair.rug sg m
above adv with
goat.hair.rug sg m make 1pl pres I weave 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
goat pl f def

90 (a) [3:39]      We spin the goat-hair and weave the rug, and then to the fulling mill. We used to have

goat.hair sg f spin 1pl pres I
weave 1pl pres I goat.hair.rug sg m
fulling.mill sg f def have 1pl impf I

91 (a) [3:44]      fullers, there’s one in each village. They full the goat-hair rugs [for us].

fuller pl m
each sg n adj village sg n pres exist full 3pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
goat.hair.rug sg m

92 (a) [3:49]      And when it gets dark in the evening and we light a fire, they (= insects) start buzzing

nom 3pl when conj darken 3sg pres P evening adv
light 1pl pres P fire sg m def nom 3pl when conj buzz 3pl pres P

93 (a) [3:53]      Whole swarms, you ca- you can’t – We wave and such

entire sg m adj swarm sg m
[ … ]
can pres imprs
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
wave 1pl pres I do.thus 1pl pres I

94 (a) [3:57]      with some boughs [that] we cut off of some shrub.

some pl adj bush pl m
some pl adj split.off 1pl pres P leaf sg f

95 (GK)       Uh huh.


96 (a) [4:02]      We fall asleep after waving [branches]. We fall asleep and they make honeycombs of us,

disc fall.asleep 1pl pres P when conj dat refl clt wave 1pl pres I fall.asleep 1pl pres P
nom 3pl when conj acc 1pl clt attack 3pl pres P

97 (a) [4:06]      We get up in the morning, we don’t see anything at all, but oh, how we scratch!

morning sg f def arise 1pl pres P not.at.all adv
see 1pl pres I scratch 1pl pres I
acc refl clt

98 (a) [4:10]      We don’t see anything here. [And] here on your forehead are lumps, lumps,

here adv not.at.all adv neg see 1pl pres I
here adv
forehead sg n def
dat 2sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
here adv lump sg f lump sg f

99 (a) [4:14]      and when they fire up and start burning, we wash [them] with water,

disc when conj burn 3sg pres P sting 3sg pres I
acc refl clt
wash 1pl pres I with
water sg f

100 (a) [4:17]      We wash with water. Those mosquitoes, they eat us up when we sleep in the fields.

water sg f
acc refl clt
wash 1pl pres I
mosquito pl m def
acc 1pl clt
eat.up 3pl pres P when conj sleep 1pl pres I
field sg f def

101 (a) [4:24]      Ah – but now who sleeps in the fields?

and now adv which sg m interr sleep 3sg pres I
field sg f def

102 (GK)       Eh!


103 (a) [4:27]      Now when it gets dark in the evening, people undress naked, [just] nightclothes,

now adv darken 3sg pres P evening adv undress 3sg pres P
acc refl clt
naked pl adj
nightshirt pl f

104 (a) [4:30]      you lie down on [something] soft, and in [your] bed,

lie.down sg imv P
fluff sg m
bed sg m def

105 (GK) [4:31]      You smear on [something] so the mosquitoes won’t bite

smear sg imv P
acc refl clt
acc n 3sg clt bite 3pl pres I mosquito pl m def

106 (a) [4:34]      And what are these mosquitoes [compared] to those then? You lie on those lumps

where interr
3sg pres cop clt
nom m 3sg mosquito sg m where interr
3sg pres cop clt
then adv
lump pl f def lie sg imv I

107 (a) [4:37]      out there in the field, you lie on those lumps, like I told you,

there adv
field sg f def
lump pl f def lie sg imv I interr
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I

108 (a) [4:40]      [on] the goat-hair rug, and covered with a goat-hair rug, all to earn some bread.

goat.hair.rug sg m def
goat.hair.rug sg m def cover sg m P.part P
earn 3sg pres I bread sg m

109 (GK)       Well, yes – no other way.

disc yes pres neg exist how interr

110 (a) [4:45]      And if you don’t lie on those lumps, there’s no bread [for you]!

if conj
neg lie 3sg pres I
lump pl f def there adv bread sg m pres neg exist

111 (GK)       [No,] there isn’t [laughter]

pres neg exist

112 (RA)       [laughter]

113 (a) [4:48]      No bread.

pres neg exist bread sg m

114 (RA)       Hm.


115 (GK)       So how – these goat-rugs, you gave them to the fullers, [right]?

how interr
acc refl clt
nom 2sg mean 3sg pres I
goat.hair.rug pl m def
fuller pl m def
acc 3pl clt
give 2pl impf I

116 (a) [4:57]      Yes we- we weave them, we spin the goat hair and weave [the rug],

now adv
nom 1pl
dat refl clt
acc 3pl clt
weave 1pl pres P spin 1pl pres I goat.hair sg f def weave 1pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt

117 (a) [5:00]      and we give it to the fuller. He fulls it and it comes out nice, a nice goat-hair rug.

give 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
fuller sg m def full 3sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt
become 3sg pres I nice sg n adj nice sg n adj
goat.hair.rug sg m

118 (a) [5:07]      We sew it in four separate pieces. We weave it in pieces this wide, [and]

sew 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
four fabric ct m nom 1pl
that.big pl adj fabric pl m weave 1pl pres I

119 (GK)       Uh huh.


120 (a) [5:11]      when we join the four pieces, when you full them, it becomes normal – a goat-hair rug.

when conj
acc 3pl clt
unite 1pl pres P four fabric ct m when
acc 3pl clt
full 2sg pres I become 3sg pres P usually adv goat.hair.rug sg m

121 (a) [5:17]      [the kind] we spread [on the floor]. It turns out really nice. We spread it out, sleep on it

spread 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
nice adv nice adv become 3sg pres I spread 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
sleep 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg

122 (a) [5:24]      sit on it – there weren’t any of these plushy things back then.

sit 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg impf neg exist plush pl adj thing pl f then adv

123 (GK)       Ah, [that] plushy [stuff]!

puff pl adj

124 (a) [5:28]      back then. Where? And who – [But] those were things [of the] old days.

where interr not.at.all adv who sg m interr nom f 3sg 3sg impf cop old sg f adj thing sg f then adv

125 (a) [5:34]      When we were children, I remember [things] with my mother’s people. Old things.

nom 1pl when conj 1pl impf cop child pl n
remember 1sg pres P
mother's.cohort pl.t
old sg f adj thing sg f

126 (a) [5:39]      But later when we began [living like] this, then we too went over,

later adv
nom 1pl when rel begin 1pl aor P thus adv
nom 1pl
acc n 3sg clt
experience 1pl aor P

127 (a) [5:41]      we did it too. Now in our [advanced] years, [we see that] our children

nom 1pl
acc n 3sg clt
do 1pl impf I now adv already adv
our pl def adj year pl f our pl def adj child pl n

128 (GK)       Huh.


129 (a) [5:46]      have completely changed, [they’re completely] different.

acc refl clt
overturn 3sg aor P already adv
other sg n adj

130 (GK)       It’s all changed. It’s the same [any more].

overturn 3sg aor P
acc refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
same sg n def adj

131 (a) [5:49]      Right, it’s not the sa- It’s changed a lot. Now totally already. Totally …

3sg pres cop clt
much adv
acc refl clt
turn 3sg aor P now adv disc entirely adv already adv entirely adv

132 (GK)       Yes.


133 (a) [5:54]      … by the time it got to our granddaughters, totally. Things became altogether different.

our pl def adj granddaughter pl f when conj arrive 3pl aor P entirely adv already adv become 3sg aor P completely adv other adv

134 (GK)       Altogether indeed. It’s altogether different now.

completely adv adrs completely adv other adv
3sg pres cop clt
now adv

135 (a) [5:59]      It’s become something else altogether.

completely adv other adv become 3sg aor P

136 (a)       So about the fuller. He has some sort of machine, right?

mean 3sg pres I
fuller sg m def nom m 3sg some.kind sg f adj machine sg f have 3sg pres I

137 (a) [6:06]      We call it a “tepavtsa” (fulling mill).

fulling.mill sg f
dat n 3sg clt
say 1pl pres I

138 (GK)       What?

how interr

139 (a) [6:07]      “Tepavsta”, [that’s] what we call it. He – well, there’s – there’s water there.

fulling.mill sg f
dat n 3sg clt
say 1pl pres I nom m 3sg now adv pres exist there adv
water sg f

140 (GK)       Uh huh.


141 (a) [6:16]      There’s water, and it makes – well – I’ve [been] many – there’s two –

water sg f pres exist
drive 3sg pres I this sg n adj nom 1sg many adv as two n

142 (a) [6:23]      sort of beams. You know, right? – these large beams. And these beams –

disc beam pl n interr
one pl adj beam pl n big pl adj
this pl adj beam pl n

143 (a) [6:29]      when he puts that fabric there, the fabric that we’ll sew raincloaks for the men out of –

when conj release 3sg pres P [...]
acc m 3sg fabric sg m fabric sg m rel fut
acc m 3sg clt
sew 1pl pres I
man pl def hooded.cloak sg m

144 (GK)       Right –

thus adv

145 (a) [6:37]      fabric that we’ll sew for the men [also] trousers –

rel fut sew 1pl pres I
man pl m def fabric sg m
trousers pl.t

146 (GK)       Right –

thus adv

147 (a) [6:41]      When he puts it inside, they (= the beams) start to beat it, they –

when conj acc m 3sg clt release 3sg pres I inside adv nom 3pl begin 3pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
beat 3pl pres I nom 3pl

148 (GK)       They pound [it].

full 3pl pres I

149 (a) [6:47]      Bang, bang, bang, bang, [and] they – they pound it and break it down

thump thump thump thump
acc m 3sg clt
full 3pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
acc m 3sg clt
smash 3pl pres I

150 (a) [6:52]      and it becomes a thick fabric, and we call it – homespun.

become 3sg pres I fabric sg m thick sg m adj
sew 3sg pres I homespun sg m
dat m 3sg clt
call 1pl pres I

151 (GK)       Ha.


152 (a) [6:56]      Homespun. And we sew trousers for the men, and we sew – sew for –

homespun sg m
sew 1pl pres I
man pl m def trousers pl.t
sew 1pl pres I

153 (a) [7:00]      well, [it’s] this “aba”. “Aba, aba” a felt cloak. We call it “aba”.

disc felt.cloak sg f felt.cloak sg f felt.cloak sg f upper sg f adj clothing sg f felt.cloak sg f
dat m 3sg clt
call 1pl impf I

154 (GK)       Does it have long sleeves?

long pl adj sleeve pl m
interr clt

155 (a) [7:06]      It has long sleeves, the “aba’. It’s not like a coat. Coats became the fashion later.

long pl adj sleeve pl m felt.cloak sg f neg 3sg pres cop clt like coat sg n later adv emerge 3sg aor P fashion sg f def coat pl n

156 (a) [7:11]      But back then we se- called it, and it’s always been [for us], the “aba”.

but nom 1pl
dat m 3sg clt
call 1pl impf I then adv
always adv thus adv 3sg impf cop felt.cloak sg f

157 (GK)       Uh huh.


158 (a) [7:16]      We used to sew –

sew 1pl impf I

159 (GK)       And how long was it? How [far] down [did it go]?

below adv
how.much interr 3sg impf cop long sg n adj

160 (a) [7:19]      Like a coat, about down to here.

like coat sg n nom n 3sg
here adv thus adv

161 (GK)       To – to?


162 (a) [7:22]      To here, to here. A little here, a little below the waist.

here adv
little adv thus adv
waist sg m def little adv

163 (GK)       To the thighs [then].

thigh pl f def

164 (a) [7:25]      Well, yes, uh – ah there! Just that much. To the thighs – there.

thus adv
so.much adv
thigh pl f def thus adv

165 (GK)       Uh huh.


166 (a) [7:28]      Here, yes, here. That’s [the] “aba”.

here adv ost here adv thus adv felt.cloak sg f

         So that’s what life was like in Erkeč, and in all the villages.

         And it was like that in all the villages, in Goritsa and surroundings,

         those villages that you know. It was like that everywhere.

         It’s possible that there wasn’t this sort of thing in the city,

         I don’t know about the city. But in the villages it was like that everywhere.

         There are oxen in every barn. A person gets up in the morning, harnesses them,

         and goes out, [regardless of] whether he goes for wood or to the fields

         You can’t get along without what we call a “chift” (pair [of oxen]), can you?

         Without a “chift”. You can’t manage without a “chift”.

         You can’t manage without a “chift”.

         You can’t manage without a “chift”, because –

         You’ve got to earn your [daily] bread.

         One’s got to earn bread.

         You have to earn bread, you have to bring in the wood, winter’s coming ̥–

         That’s what life was like in the old days. Now we find it – I don’t know –

         easier. Now we’re in “ready-made” [mode]. We go get bread at the bakery,

         we neither reap nor dig, and yet money keeps on going out [of our pockets].

         Money doesn’t even cover bread.

         Money doesn’t cover bread, it doesn’t cover lots of things.

         and there will be [many more things] that it won’t cover.

         Many more things [laughter].

         Many more things. It won’t cover drinking, or clothes, or shoes –

         There won’t be anything to put on the “pod” (shelf area in village house)

         That’s right.

         Nothing on the “pod” [laughter].

         There won’t be any “pod” (shelf) – the shelf will be on your back!



         Your entire “pod” on your back!

         Your “pod” will be on your back. But back then we’d weave, and put [it] in the “pod”.

         Lots of wool! We weave, and spin, and we’d buy cotton and weave ourselves shirts.

         Ah, of cotton.

         Cotton shirts. Now we buy the fabric and weave – sew ourselves shirts.

         Yes, from purchased fabric. But back then we wove the fabric.

         and we sewed shirts for the children, for the men, for everyone.

         That doesn’t get done easily.

         Uh huh

         You weave [on] the loom, and when you weave a full piece, you see – now here’s a skirt.

         [But] back then we called it “vrahan” (red-checked woolen skirt).

         Uh huh

         We spin [the thread] from wool, and [then] we dye it, and [then] we weave it.

         And it doesn’t get accomplished quickly. When will you [have time to] sleep?


         It was …

         Whoever told you [it would be done] quickly? Truly, it’s …

         Yes –

         … hard work.

         Hard, it was hard.


         You’ll knead the bread, you’ll bake it, you’ll eat [it]

         But the bread we ate [tasted] sweet.

         Uh huh

         We ate sweet bread. We produce our own wheat, and [can] call our food pure.

         Now they take it all over the warehouses, where they mix it with – with chemicals

         and they spray it so it won’t let animals (= insects) [come near] –


         [cough] weevils or whatever, and they spray the wheat. With all this poisonous stuff.

         I don’t know what they spray it with but…

         Bread is no good at all now under such circumstances.

         No good at all, [this] bread.

         I don’t know what they spray it with but when I was a child, there were

         these little insects that glimmer in the night. How do you call those?

         Um, weevils

         No, at night, when it gets dark.

         Oh, fireflies!



         [They] are [the ones] that glimmer …

         Uh huh –

         … and fly away, then glimmer again.

         Uh huh –

         We called those fireflies.

         Ah. And where are there fireflies now?

         Well – nowhe– I haven’t seen [any].

         You haven’t seen them because they spray [where they were] and they poisoned them.


         Everything’s poisoned, where they spray.

         Well and there’s also this thing [called] mosquitoes.


         [The ones] that bite.

         [Ah, the ones that] bite.

         Where they bite you it gets – you scratch it and then a lump comes. Mosquitoes.

         Ah yes, mosquitoes.

         They’re there.

         Yes, they are.

         Those mosquitoes.

         They’re there.

         We used to sleep in the fields. In the evening we lie down and spread out below [us]

         a goat-hair rug, and above [us] a goat-hair rug. We make them, weave them from goats.

         We spin the goat-hair and weave the rug, and then to the fulling mill. We used to have

         fullers, there’s one in each village. They full the goat-hair rugs [for us].

         And when it gets dark in the evening and we light a fire, they (= insects) start buzzing

         Whole swarms, you ca- you can’t – We wave and such

         with some boughs [that] we cut off of some shrub.

         Uh huh.

         We fall asleep after waving [branches]. We fall asleep and they make honeycombs of us,

         We get up in the morning, we don’t see anything at all, but oh, how we scratch!

         We don’t see anything here. [And] here on your forehead are lumps, lumps,

         and when they fire up and start burning, we wash [them] with water,

         We wash with water. Those mosquitoes, they eat us up when we sleep in the fields.

         Ah – but now who sleeps in the fields?


         Now when it gets dark in the evening, people undress naked, [just] nightclothes,

         you lie down on [something] soft, and in [your] bed,

         You smear on [something] so the mosquitoes won’t bite

         And what are these mosquitoes [compared] to those then? You lie on those lumps

         out there in the field, you lie on those lumps, like I told you,

         [on] the goat-hair rug, and covered with a goat-hair rug, all to earn some bread.

         Well, yes – no other way.

         And if you don’t lie on those lumps, there’s no bread [for you]!

         [No,] there isn’t [laughter]


         No bread.


         So how – these goat-rugs, you gave them to the fullers, [right]?

         Yes we- we weave them, we spin the goat hair and weave [the rug],

         and we give it to the fuller. He fulls it and it comes out nice, a nice goat-hair rug.

         We sew it in four separate pieces. We weave it in pieces this wide, [and]

         Uh huh.

         when we join the four pieces, when you full them, it becomes normal – a goat-hair rug.

         [the kind] we spread [on the floor]. It turns out really nice. We spread it out, sleep on it

         sit on it – there weren’t any of these plushy things back then.

         Ah, [that] plushy [stuff]!

         back then. Where? And who – [But] those were things [of the] old days.

         When we were children, I remember [things] with my mother’s people. Old things.

         But later when we began [living like] this, then we too went over,

         we did it too. Now in our [advanced] years, [we see that] our children


         have completely changed, [they’re completely] different.

         It’s all changed. It’s the same [any more].

         Right, it’s not the sa- It’s changed a lot. Now totally already. Totally …


         … by the time it got to our granddaughters, totally. Things became altogether different.

         Altogether indeed. It’s altogether different now.

         It’s become something else altogether.

         So about the fuller. He has some sort of machine, right?

         We call it a “tepavtsa” (fulling mill).


         “Tepavsta”, [that’s] what we call it. He – well, there’s – there’s water there.

         Uh huh.

         There’s water, and it makes – well – I’ve [been] many – there’s two –

         sort of beams. You know, right? – these large beams. And these beams –

         when he puts that fabric there, the fabric that we’ll sew raincloaks for the men out of –

         Right –

         fabric that we’ll sew for the men [also] trousers –

         Right –

         When he puts it inside, they (= the beams) start to beat it, they –

         They pound [it].

         Bang, bang, bang, bang, [and] they – they pound it and break it down

         and it becomes a thick fabric, and we call it – homespun.


         Homespun. And we sew trousers for the men, and we sew – sew for –

         well, [it’s] this “aba”. “Aba, aba” a felt cloak. We call it “aba”.

         Does it have long sleeves?

         It has long sleeves, the “aba’. It’s not like a coat. Coats became the fashion later.

         But back then we se- called it, and it’s always been [for us], the “aba”.

         Uh huh.

         We used to sew –

         And how long was it? How [far] down [did it go]?

         Like a coat, about down to here.

         To – to?

         To here, to here. A little here, a little below the waist.

         To the thighs [then].

         Well, yes, uh – ah there! Just that much. To the thighs – there.

         Uh huh.

         Here, yes, here. That’s [the] “aba”.

1 (a) [0:00]       та така̊̀ е бѝл жуўо̀тә h йер’кѐч’

2 (a) [0:03]       и h сѝчкит’е̏ села̀ б’е̂̀ш’е те̂̀й гур’ѝцә ту̀кәнцəк

3 (a) [0:06]       д’ѐт ги зна̀йте т’а̀с с’ела̀ h с’а̀кәде б’е̂̀ше̭ те̂̀й

4 (a) [0:09]       мо̀жи у граде̂̀ дә гу й н’ѐмалу ту̀й н’е̂̀шту

5 (a) [0:11]       не зна̀м зә грәде̂̀ әмә пу с’ела̀та h с’а̀кәде те̂̀й

6 (a) [0:15]       h се̂̀к’и hл’а̀h ѝмә ўуло̀ўе ста̀ўә стрине̂̀тә пр’а̀гә ги чил’а̀кə

7 (a) [0:19]       уто̀д’ә ли ша hо̀ди за да̊рва̊̀ или пəк на н’ѝвәта

8 (a) [0:23]       ни мо̀ж’и б’иh чѝhт му ка̀звәме нел’ѝ

9 (GK)       без чѝфт без чѝфт не ста̀вә

10 (a) [0:27]       б’ез чѝhт не ста̀вә

11 (GK)       без чѝфт не ста̀вә што̀ту

12 (a) [0:31]       тр’а̀ва да иска̊̀рвә л’а̀п

13 (GK)       л’а̀б тр’а̀бвә дә иска̀рвә

14 (a) [0:33]       тр’а̀ва да иска̊̀рвә л’а̀п тр’а̀бә да̊рва̊̀ да̊ дока̊̀ра зѝмәтә ѝд’е

15 (a) [0:40]       тәка̊̀ е бѝлу ино̀ ўр’е̂̀ми пәк ж’уўо̀тә сәга̀ гу изнәм’а̀ргәмə ни зна̀м

16 (a) [0:45]       по̀ л’ѐсəн нагуто̀у сәга̊̀ см’ә л’а̀ба гу те̂̀рсим на hу̀рната

17 (a) [0:53]       н’ѐ ж’ѐнем н’ѐ купа̀йәм’е амә и пәр’ѝт’е̏ пәк ут’ѝвәт ут’ѝвәт

18 (GK)       пәрѝте пә не стѝгәт и за хл’а̀бә

19 (a) [0:58]       пәр’ѝт’е̏ не ст’ѝгәт зә л’а̀бә ни ст’ѝгәт зә мло̀гу ра̊̀пти

20 (a) [1:02]       ш’ hа̊̀нәт дə и ст’ѝгәт

21 (GK)       зә мно̀гу ра̀пти [смях]

22 (a) [1:04]       за мло̀гу ра̀пти зә пѝен’и н’ѐма ст’ѝгәт за дрѐhи за убу̀hк’и

23 (GK)       вəрху по̀дә н’а̀мә дa што̀ дә сә сло̀жи

24 (a) [1:11]       ами да

25 (GK)       вəрху по̀дə н’а̀ма

26 (a) [1:12]       по̀д н’ѐмә ѝмә то̀й ше е нә гәрбе̂̀ т’

27 (GK)       [смях]

28 (RA)       [смях]

29 (GK)       по̀дə на гәрбѐ ти цѐлийә

30 (a) [1:17]       по̀т ше е нә гәрбе̂̀ т пәк туга̀с тәч’е̂̀hме дѝгәhме h по̀дә

31 (a) [1:22]       ве̂̀лнә мло̀гу тәч’ѐм пр’ид’ѐм и тә купу̀әhм’е пәму̀к’ тәч’е̂̀hм’е си рѝзɨ

32 (GK)       аh пәму̀чени

33 (a) [1:29]       паму̀ч’ени рѝзɨ сәга̀ купу̀вәме пла̀тну и тәч’ѐм ə шѝйими си рѝза

34 (a) [1:34]       hа̊йа̀ ут ку̀п’ено пла̀тну пәк туга̀с гу тәч’е̂̀hме ту̀й пла̀тно

35 (a) [1:40]       и си шѝйм’и рѝзɨ нә д’әца̀тә нә мәж’ѐ нә сѝнкит’е̂̏

36 (a) [1:44]       не се̂̀ изрәбо̀т’вә л’ѐсно

37 (GK)       мhм мhм

38 (a) [1:47]       стәне̂̀ шә тәч’ѐш әко истәч’ѐш’ на̀ сѝч’куту ту̀й сəга̀ hу̀стә

39 (a) [1:52]       пәк туга̀с му вѝкаhме ўраhа̊̀н’

40 (GK)       мhм мhм

41 (a) [1:55]       ут ве̂̀лнә гу прид’ѐм и гу буйд’ѝсвам’е и гу тач’ѐм

42 (a) [1:59]       и не се̂̀ израбо̀т’вә ско̀ру кәд’а̀ ш’а спѝш

43 (GK)       хə

44 (a) [2:03]       б’е̂̀ш’е

45 (GK)       за ско̀ро ко̀й ти ка̀за а напра̀во та̀

46 (a) [2:05]       йе̂̀

47 (GK)       тру̀дна ра̀бота

48 (a) [2:06]       тру̀днә б’е̂̀ш’е тру̀днә

49 (GK)       [кашляне]

50 (a) [2:09]       л’а̀бә ш’е гу м’е̂̀сим ш’е гу пич’ѐм ш’е йед’ѐм

51 (a) [2:13]       мә ед’е̂̀hм’е сла̀дәк л’а̀п

52 (GK)       əхə

53 (a) [2:15]       сла̀дәк л’а̀п йед’е̂̀hм’е нѝй си пруизв’ед’ѐм жѝтуту вѝкәм’ә hрәне̂̀тә чѝстә

54 (a) [2:21]       сәга̀ ис скла̀дуәте̂̏ кад’е̂̀ йе̂ но̀сәт кад’е̂̀ е̂ бе̂̀ркәт преп пәпәра̀тийа

55 (a) [2:26]       та̀м йа ре̂̀с’ет от жиўо̀тни дә ни дәд’ѐ

56 (GK)       да̀

57 (a) [2:32]       [кашляне] гәгрѝци ли кәко̀ту и ре̂̀с’ет жита̀та с’ѐ със утро̀ўә и тъ̀й

58 (GK)       не зна̀м с кәко̀ ги ре̂̀с’әт әма̀

59 (a) [2:46]       л’а̀ба hѝч’ нѐ е дубе̂̀р сәга̊̀ при ту̀й пулужѐн’е

60 (a) [2:49]       hѝч’ нѐ е дубе̂̀р л’а̀бә

61 (GK)       не зна̀м с кәко̀ ги ре̂̀с’әт әма̀ а̀с кәто б’а̀х детѐ ѝмәше ә

62 (GK)       тѝе мушѝци дѐту през ноштә̀ дѐто свѐт’әт ка̀к им вѝкате вѝе

63 (a) [2:59]       ә гәгрѝци

64 (GK)       нѐ прес ноштə̀ кәт ста̀не тъ̀мно

65 (a) [3:02]       а св’ету̀л’к’и

66 (b) [3:03]       кума̀ри

67 (GK)       свету̀л’к’и

68 (a) [3:04]       сə д’ѐт св’ѐтва

69 (GK)       əхə̀

70 (a) [3:05]       и hарч’ѝ и св’ѐтвә

71 (GK)       əхə̀

72 (a) [3:07]       нѐгу му вѝкәhме св’ету̀л’к’и

73 (GK)       а̀ е кәдѐ сега̀ ѝма свету̀л’ки

74 (a) [3:10]       ам на̀ н’ѐм не се̂̀м вѝд’ела

75 (GK)       не сѝ вѝделә што̀ту дѐту ре̂̀сәт и ги истро̀в’еhә

76 (a) [3:16]       истро̀венə

77 (GK)       истро̀вено сѝчкото дѐту рѐсәт

78 (a) [3:19]       н’ѐе пәк ту̀й то̀ ə тәкўо̀с кума̊̀р’и ино̀

79 (GK)       кво̀

80 (a) [3:24]       то̀ hа̊̀п’ә

81 (GK)       hа̀п’ә

82 (a) [3:25]       д’ѐт тә у уhа̊̀п’е ста̀ ч’ѐш’иж гу ста̀ни ине̂̀ бу̀цә изл’е̂̀з’е кума̊̀р’и

83 (GK)       əхə кума̀ри това̀

84 (a) [3:29]       ѝмə ги

85 (GK)       ѝмә

86 (a) [3:30]       кума̀ри тува̀

87 (GK)       ѝмә

88 (a) [3:31]       сп’е̂̀hми нә н’ѝвәтә в’ѐч’ер кәту̭ сѝ л’ѐг’н’ем удо̀лу пуст’ѐл’ем

89 (a) [3:35]       ед’ѝн ко̀зәник и удго̀р’е сәс ко̀з’әник пра̀ўим тəч’ѐм ги ут ко̀зите̂̏

90 (a) [3:39]       ко̀зина прид’ѐм’е и тəч’ѐм ко̀зәник и тә нә тѐпәўцәтә ѝмәўме

91 (a) [3:44]       тәпәўџ’е̂̀ри нә с’а̀ко с’ѐло ѝмә ўа̊̀л’әт ги ко̀з’әник

92 (a) [3:49]       и тѝй кәту мре̂̀кне в’ѐч’ер дә зә запа̊̀лим ўо̀гән’ә тѝй кату бре̂̀ннәт

93 (a) [3:53]       ц’а̀л ро̀й ни мо ни мо̀жи м м ма̊̀hа̊м’и тәко̀әме

94 (a) [3:57]       сəс н’а̀куй hра̊̀стɨ ут н’а̀куй утч’у̀пим шу̀мкә

95 (GK)       əмхəм

96 (a) [4:02]       ами то̀ заспѝм кәт сѝ ма̊̀hа̊ме заспѝм и тѝй кәт нѝ нәп’ѝт’ет

97 (a) [4:06]       стрине̂̀та ста̀нем hѝч не вѝждəм’е ч’ѐш’им са

98 (a) [4:10]       ту̀й hѝч н’е вѝждəм’е туй ч’ѐл:ту ти ә ту̀й бу̀цә бу̀цә

99 (a) [4:14]       а чи пәк кәту пле̂̀вне па̊̀ри сә мѝйме сәс уде̂̀

100 (a) [4:17]       с уде̂̀ са мѝйме е кума̊̀р:те̏ ни из’а̀дат кәт спѝм нә н’ѝвәтә

101 (a) [4:24]       йа̀ пәк сәга̀ ко̀й спѝ нә н’ѝвәтә

102 (GK)       əh

103 (a) [4:27]       сәга̀ мре̂̀кни в’ѐч’ер сәбл’еке̂̀т сә го̀л’и пә но̀шници

104 (a) [4:30]       л’ѐгни нә пу̀ф тә h кр’еўа̊̀тә

105 (GK) [4:31]       нама̀жи се дә не го̀ hа̀пәт кома̀рите

106 (a) [4:34]       йа д’ѐ й то̀й кума̀р’ д’ѐ й туга̀с нә нә бу̀цте̏ леж’ѝ

107 (a) [4:37]       та̀м нә н’ѝвәтә нә бу̀цте̏ л’ежѝ лѝ̀ т ка̊̀звәм

108 (a) [4:40]       ко̀з’еникә и с ко̀з’әникә пукрѝт ша ўа̊̀ди л’а̀п

109 (GK)       әми да̀ н’а̀ма ка̀к

110 (a) [4:45]       ку н’и л’иж’ѝ нә бу̀цте̏ та̀м л’а̀п н’ѐма

111 (GK)       нѐмә [смях]

112 (RA)       [смях]

113 (a) [4:48]       н’ѐмә л’а̀п

114 (RA)       hм

115 (GK)       ә ка̀к се з тѝ зна̀чи ə ко̀з’иницит’ѐ нə тепәвәча̀рите ги да̀вахти̭

116 (a) [4:57]       йа̀ сә нѝй си ги истәч’ѐм пр’ид’ѐм ко̀зинта̏ истәч’ѐм гу

117 (a) [5:00]       и да̀вәме гу нә тәпәўџ’е̂̀р’ә уўа̊̀л’ә гу ста̀ўа̊ hу̀ба̊ўу hу̀ба̊ўу ә ко̀зәник

118 (a) [5:07]       сәшѝвәме гу h ч’ѐтири пла̀та нѝй а то̀л’кис пла̀тове тәч’ѐм

119 (GK)       əхə

120 (a) [5:11]       кәд гѝ сәйдин’ѝм ч’ѐтири пла̀тә кәд гѝ уўа̊̀л’әш ста̀ни убикнув’ѐнну ко̀зəник

121 (a) [5:17]       пуст’ѝләме гу hу̀ба̊ўу hу̀ба̊ўу ста̊̀ўә пустѝлəме гу спѝм нә н’ѐгу

122 (a) [5:24]       сәд’ѝм нә н’ѐгу н’ѐмәше пл’у̀ш’ени ра̀бути туга̀с

123 (GK)       а пл’у̀шени

124 (a) [5:28]       а̀ кәд’а̀ hѝч ко̀й т’а̀ б’ѐше ста̀ра ра̀бутә туга̀с

125 (a) [5:34]       нѝй кәту б’е̂̀hм’е д’әца̀ дә зәпо̀вн’ә при ма̀йкин’и дет ста̀рә ра̀ботә

126 (a) [5:39]       и с’ѐтн’е и нѝй га̀т по̀чнәhми ту̀й и нѝй гу прәка̊̀рәhми

127 (a) [5:41]       и нѝй гу ве̂̀рш’еhми сәга̀ в’ѐч’е нә на̀ште̏ гудѝн’и на̀ште̏ д’әца̀

128 (GK)       хə

129 (a) [5:46]       сә преубе̂̀рнә в’ѐч’е пу дру̀гу

130 (GK)       преобе̂̀рна се и нѐ е се̂̀штото

131 (a) [5:49]       йа̀ н’ѝ е с мло̀гу сә убе̂̀рна сига̊̀ пәк hѐпт’ен ѐч’ә hѐпт’ен’

132 (GK)       да

133 (a) [5:54]       на̀ште уну̀ки кәт стѝгнәhә ѐпт’ен ѐч’ә ста̀нә сәhсе̂̀м дру̀гу

134 (GK)       сәвс’е̂̀м бѐ сәвс’е̂̀м дру̀гу е сига̀

135 (a) [5:59]       сәhсе̂̀м дру̀гу ста̀на

136 (a)       ам зна̀чи зә тепавич’а̀рә то̀й н’а̀квә мәшѝнә ѝмә да