

261 (a) emì vɤ̀rime i si kùpime vɤ̀na
Well, we go [to the store] and buy some wool –

273 (a) kùpme vɤ̀na isperèm a uvlàč'ime ja a predème
we buy the wool, we wash it, we card it – and [then] spin,

Baskalci 1

194 (GK) әhә e kàk se kәžùvә tàә vɤ̀lnә dètu ә strižèš ud ednà ufcà
Uh huh. Now how do you call the wool that you’ve shorn from a single sheep?

195 (a) ustrìženәtә vɤ̀nә
Shorn wool.

197 (a) emì mì ustrìženә vɤ̀lnә znàči vɤ̀lnә ustrìgvә tòlku vɤ̀lnɤ znàči
Well, the shorn wool, that is, wool that’s been shorn, just wool.

198 (GK) ud ednà ufcà kòlku ustrìgvәt
How much do they shear from a single sheep?

199 (a) o ot ednà ufcà zavìsi ufcìte kәkvì sә
From one sheep, well it depends what kind of sheep they are.

201 (a) àku àku ti sә glèdә әku ti si i gledàl ùbәu
If– if you’ve taken good care of them,

202 (a) ud ufcà mòžeš dә nәstrìžeš dә kàžem trì kìlә dvè kìlә
you can get two or three kilos of wool from shearing a sheep

203 (a) nò obiknovènno šìleta tovà ti onovà ti po kilò i polovìna vɤ̀lna i
but from yearlings, this and that, it’s usually a kilo and a half of wool.

204 (GK) sìčkәtә vɤ̀lnә ednàkvә li e dèto jә ustrìgvәš
Is all wool the same, from everywhere that you shear it?

205 (a) tìjә nàš nàšte òfci tugàj i sɤgà sә me̝ronòsəni saà ìma
Our sheep then (and now) are the Merino sort. Now we have

206 (a) znàči krәstòsәni se ә tugàj bèa na nàšte čèrnә vɤ̀lnә i bèlә vɤ̀lnә
crossbreeds. But then ours had both black and white wool.

207 (GK) kàk sә vìkә tàә čèrnәtә
How do you call the black kind?

208 (a) mi čèrnә vɤ̀lna tàa e
Well, it’s black wool.

209 (GK) samočèrkә

210 (a) à à à čèrnә si vɤ̀lnә znàči čèrnәtә vɤ̀lnә ә tùrәš uddòlu vәf tuvà
Well, black wool is – you put the black wool below in this [place],

211 (a) bèlәtә uddèlnu kәtu a nòsiš nә vlәčàrkә ženìte predàt
and [you put] the white separately, take it to the carder, women spin,

212 (a) tàm čèpkɤt nòsi se nә vlәčàrkә izvlàči se
they comb it, take it to the carder and it gets carded.

214 (a) izmèsi se kɤdèli pràat à pòsle pràea grɤ̀dnici
they mix it, ready it for distaffs, and then later they made shawls.

215 (a) kòj kәkvò ìskә tәkò si pràeše znàči od nìx
Each one made whatever they wanted from it.

220 (b) emi se sèrava sèrava vɤ̀lnә
It’s greasy wool.

221 (a) emi tò à emi tò e nà e sìčkәtә sèrava kugà a strižème
Well, well, - Ah, right! All of it is greasy when we shear it.

224 (a) sèrava e vɤ̀lnata nè e pèrena
It’s greasy wool, it’s not washed.

226 (a) prudàvәš a nәprìmer na nèkuj ìska da mi a kùpi
You sell it, for instance, to someone [who] wants to buy it from me,

227 (a) ke te pìta kәkvà ti e vɤ̀lnata pèrena ili nèpèrena
he’ll ask you what kind your wool is, washed or unwashed.

228 (a) à sèrava si e vɤ̀lnata nàči punèže nè e
Ah, it’s greasy wool, you see, because it’s not –

229 (a) nè e ispèreno ot sèrata ot a tovà sɤdɤ̀rža tàmoka nèšto takà
it hasn’t been cleansed of grease, it [still] contains this –

230 (a) kato lèpi se znàči zә vɤ̀lnata ako ne jà ispèreš
this sticky [stuff]. That’s [how] wool [is] if you don’t wash it.

232 (a) ә kәtu če ispèreš tì pòsle čìsta stàva
Then after you wash it, it becomes clean.

233 (GK) әmi ə tùka ut korèmo dèto tovà
But down by stomach, the part …

235 (GK) okolo pokraj ìmeto pokraj glavàta kàk se
… around the udder, around the head, how ..

237 (GK) kàk se kažùva tàa vɤ̀lna
how do you call that wool?

238 (a) nè pòtstrik se kažùva tovà znàči ako a si takòva
… those – that’s called skirting. That is, if it’s –

239 (a) dokato nè e tàa okàpva ako ako nì e u ustrìžeš
if you don’t – it falls off if you don’t shear it in time.

240 (a) nә vrème po korèmo ke okàpe tàa vɤ̀lna ponèže kato òdɤt
in time the wool will fall off of the stomach, because when they move around,

241 (a) à tùka is trɤ̀nite is pàproteka kàk òdɤt tò okàpva
when they move around hereabouts among thorns and ferns, it falls off.

242 (a) a pa kòj e tirikàt pәk pò ràno dә si jә isčìni
But someone who’s a clever one will dye it earlier,

243 (a) vìka se tàa vɤ̀lna pòtstrik
[and get] this wool [that] is called

248 (GK) ami ot ot šìleta ot jàgneta kàk se kәžùva tàa vɤ̀lna
And how do you call the wool you get from lambs and yearlings

249 (GK) dèto gi strìžat
when you shear them?

250 (a) jàrina
“Yarina” (lambswool).

251 (GK) jàrina se kažùva tàa
So that’s called “yarina”.

Breste 1

51 (a) kɤdèl’a koto izvlàčiš vḷ̀nata kɤdèl’ata i kotò go isprèda
... what you pull the wool from. The distaff-full, when you spin it.

52 (a) i pòsle go zèmem na motovìlčeto
And after that we put it on the yarn-crutch.

54 (a) i tàm go četème na čètenički trì čètenički trì nìški ednà čètenička
And there we count it off into units, three units. Three threads, one unit;

55 (a) trì nìški ednà čètenička i go napràim na četìrese čètenički po trì
three threads, one unit. And we make up forty units of three each.

Breste 3

37 (a) əm kɤdèl’kite e takà vl̀nata ùrkata i si predème za za čeràpe za
Well, the distaff-full – wool on the distaff, and we spin it for socks, for –

Dolno Ujno

42 (RA) kàk se tì kàk od vɤ̀lnata ot ofcàta kə
How does it [go] from the wool, [that is] from the sheep, from –

43 (a) od vḷ̀nata ofcàta kat sə ostrižè
From the wool – when you shear the sheep,

45 (a) opère se vɤ̀lnata i se òd tə jə iščèša
You wash the wool and you go to comb it.

57 (RA) a vɤ̀lnata vɤ̀lnata kədè e
And the wool? Where is the wool?

58 (a) vḷ̀nata na kədèl'ata è takà kədèl'a
The wool is on the distaff. Like this – a distaff.

62 (a) è kədèl'a è tè tùka če se vṛ̀že vḷ̀nata i tè
So, a distaff. And you’ll tie the wool on here, and then

63 (a) tùka če ja mùšnem i tè tekà i si predèm
I’ll shove it in here, and then I spin.

Gela 2

16 (a) səs vɤ̀l'nena plɛ̀na gulɛ̀ma pa to gulɛ̀ma plɛ̀na i ə
[We used] a big woolen swaddling cloth, a big “diaper”

17 (a) ut vɤ̀lna istəkàta vɔ̀lnena ta če ušìta ta səs sèka
woven from wool – [It was] woolen, and each one sewn up

18 (a) səz gəjtàn i dɛ̀kenu gà gu puvìeš s pòvoi vɔ̀lneni
with cords, and when you wrap the child up in this woolen swaddling,

Glavanovci 3

26 (a) onò tò kət od ofcète vùnata bèa prodavàli me
and when [I did that] they sold the wool from the sheep

Golica 3

20 (VZh) tovà
[And] this?

21 (c) kədèl'ka
The wool on the distaff.

22 (VZh) kədèl'ka a tvà
[OK, that's the] wool on the distaff, and this?

Gorna Krušica 2

35 (c) pri baštà mi sè kozàrka i ofčàrka
I was always [working] for my father as a goatherdess and shepherdess.

37 (c) ta sètne dèca li k’e ràždam mnògo
and then after that I was [expected] to have lots of kids?

Gorna Krušica 3

30 (c) jà ama ne stignà vɤ̀lnata ne možè a stìgne
Ah, but there wasn’t enough wool. I couldn’t finish it,

32 (c) elì pa zìmašèa togàva pa narjàt mnògo vɤ̀lna
because they (the state) were taking for their quota a lot of wool.

33 (c) tàa mòjta màjka ošlà zainèla od ednì xòra
So my mother went off to some people to borrow

35 (c) vɤ̀lna sčepkàxme a nəprəìhme a rodìteli da vìdiš spokòjni
the wool. We carded it and made it up. Ah, such mellow parents.


77 (a) də si kùpiš i vɤ̀lnitè mu i pəmùcitè mu i sìčkutu
to buy: woolen things, and cotton things, and everything.

82 (MM) dobrè a vìe ne pràvex pràvexte li si vɤ̀lnata tùka vìe
OK. But then you didn’t – Did you all used to make your own wool here?

83 (a) mi nìe sì sme jə pravìli nìe sme si čeìs sləgàli
Well [yes] we made our own, we put together our dowries.

87 (a) əmi təčèli sme emì ìmə i izmìež vɤlnàtə ustrižèš ufcìte
We were weaving. Yes, there is [much work]. You wash the wool – you shear the sheep,

88 (a) izmìež vɤlnàtə ìdiš uvlàčiš jə upredèš jə vàpcəš jə
you wash the wool, you go and card it, you spin it, you dye it,

97 (MM) dà e dobrè a s'àka vɤ̀lna li s ednàkvə li sa vɤ̀lnite
Yes. OK then. Are all [kinds of] wool the same?

98 (MM) ili ìmaše ràzlika ot vɤ̀lna do vɤ̀lna
Or were there differences from wool to wool [between one kind and another]?

99 (a) mi vɤ̀lnə ìməše i mirinòsnə ìməše i krəstòskə ìməše
Well, there was Merino wool, there was crossbreed wool,

100 (a) pə i ud dɤ̀lgə si vɤ̀lnə
and [we made things] also from wool of long[-haired sheep],

102 (a) utᵊ bəlkànskite nàšte òfci
from our Balkan sheep [here].

Iskrica 3

115 (c) m’èsnə puròdə ufcè tugàva si b’àa bəlkànski ufcè nàši si̥
There was [just] the local type of sheep then, our Balkan sheep.

116 (c) b’àə sè təkìvə dɤ̀lga vɤ̀lna òstrə vɤ̀lnə i t’à
They were all with long, sharp wool. That’s their wool.

Kozičino 1

31 (a) vɛ̀lnə mlògu təč’èm pr’id’èm i tə kupùəhm’e pəmùk’ təč’ɛ̀hm’e si rìzɨ
Lots of wool! We weave, and spin, and we’d buy cotton and weave ourselves shirts.

41 (a) ut vɛ̀lnə gu prid’èm i gu bujd’ìsvam’e i gu tač’èm
We spin [the thread] from wool, and [then] we dye it, and [then] we weave it.

Kozičino 2

1 (b) əm kət ustrižèm ufcèt’ȅ z’èmem ə upɑ̀rim vɛ̀lnətə isč’èpkəme jə
After we shear the sheep, we take and scald the wool. We card it,

Kruševo 3

39 (RA) [laughter] a vɤ̀lnata
[laughter]. And the wool?

40 (a) seà ja č’èpkəme
We’re carding it now.

42 (a) pràfme ja pròlet i
We washed it in the spring, and –

153 (a) s’ètne isper’èm vɤ̀lnətə
and then we wash the wool

159 (a) i sìčku nəkàč’ihme vəlnɤ̀tə s č’uvàlč’etàtə tə tàm
we loaded up everything, the wool in bags, and then

181 (a) i stàvə [laughter] vɤ̀lnič’kətə
And it comes out [laughter] – the wool.

Mogilica 1

10 (a) à nəvlàč'iš vɔ̀lnənə vəf tò segà ìmə tàm
Well, you card the wool in – they’ve got this [thing]

11 (a) f ùstoo tə jə vlàč'ət vɔ̀lnənə i z'ɔ̀meš
in Ustovo, and they card the wool [with it]. So you take it

12 (a) rəskɤ̀cəž gi təkà kɤ̀del'k'ite t'ènički i pr'əd'èš pred'èš
and tear it up [into] distaff-size pieces, thin. And you spin, spin –

22 (VZh) i nə nèjə kakvò slàgəš
And what do you put on it?

23 (a) vɔ̀lnənə
The wool.

26 (a) če nè əm fùrkə jə kàzvəš vɔ̀lnə
Well, no. You call it the distaff. [For] wool –

29 (VZh) a vɤ̀lnata kakvò tr'àbvə da ja napràiš predi tovà kət
And for the wool, what do you have to do before that, when –

30 (VZh) ošte ut kàktu ostrižèš ofcàta
already from the time you finish shearing the sheep.

31 (a) isperèš' jə rəš'č'èš'eš' jə i jə nəvlàč'iš' nə fàbrikənə vlàč'ət
You wash it, comb it out, you card it – they card it at the factory –

Nasalevci 1

198 (GK) litàkɤt tòj samìjɤ ot kakvò se prài
And what was the “litak” itself made from?

199 (a) ot ə vḷ̀na
From wool.


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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut