All Tokens

Token IDsort descending Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
takŭ̀vi 5393 thus pl
takŭ̀vo 5395
takŭ̀vo 5396 thus
takŭ̀vu 5397 such
takəvò 5398 such
ta 5406 and та
težì 5448 weigh 3sg pres I тежа
tie 5449 these
tistòto 5451 dough def
tistòtu 5452 dough def
ti 5456 nom 2sg ти
tovà 5473 disc този
to 5475 disc то
tr'àbvə 5483 need 3sg pres
trivŭ̀tə 5498 grass def
trivŭ̀ 5499 grass
tri 5500 three три
trèti 5514 third sg m adj трети
trŭ̀gnət 5536 set.out 3pl pres
trỳ 5544 three три
tugàva 5550 then adv тогава
turbìčka 5564 little.bag
turšijki 5569 pickle туршийка
tuva 5571 this
tvòjta 5581 your sg f def adj твой
tàjə 5597 this sg f adj този
tà 5607 then
tèj 5626 nom 3pl те
tèj 5628 thus тъй
tè 5646 disc те
tèšku* heavy 5649 heavy
tìe 5655 nom 3pl този
tìi 5657 nom 3pl този
tìj 5662 nom 3pl те
tìjə 5666 nom 3pl те
tì 5676 dat 2sg clt ти
tòj 5691 nom m 3sg той
tòj 5692 disc то
tòjə 5703 this
tòl'kuva 5706 so.much


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut