All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
začìtam 91677 respect 1sg pres I
zacṛ̀pe 14490 scoop.up 3sg pres P зачерпя
zadàl 53640 assign sg m L.part P задам
zadel’ɤ̀t 35959 allocate 3pl pres P заделя
zadenàl 51941 shoulder sg m L.part P задяна
zadenàl 51943 shoulder sg m L.part P задяна
zàdenì 66500 shoulder sg imv P задяна
zadènehme 50203 shoulder.burden 1pl impf P задена
zadgròbno 17378 behind.grave adv задгробен
zadòjva 35791 suckle 3sg pres I задойвам
zadṛ̀ža 90008 keep 3sg pres I задържам
zadùš'enu 29379 stew sg n P.part P задуша
zadùši̥ 32946 stew 3sg pres P задуша
zadùšnicḁ 93746 All.Souls.Day sg f задушница
zadɛ̀vež 21319 shoulder 2sg pres I задявам
zàedno 59440 together adv заедно
zafàneme 28099 grasp 1pl pres P захвана
zafànato 48999 connect sg n P.part P захвана
zafàšta 49034 fasten 3sg pres I захващам
zag 92854 [...] .
zagàlihmɨ̀ 64596 fall in love 1pl aor P загаля
zagìna 61198 perish 3sg aor P загина
zagìnem 10573 perish 1sg pres P загина
zaglàdile 51162 smooth pl L.part P загладя
zaglàime 51081 wedge 1pl pres P загладя
zagovèez 54774 fast 2sg pres P заговея
zagov’è̝em 61708 fast 1pl pres P заговея
zagòn 91772 sg m загон
zagràdeno 37112 fence sg n P.part P заградя
zagradìme 93753 fence 1pl aor P заградя
zagradìme̥ 93756 fence 1pl pres I заградя
zagràdeno 86513
zagṛ̀nu 43394 envelop 3pl pres P загърна
zag’òbriš 71874 fertilize 2sg pres P загюбря
zahl’ùpvaxte 74305 cover 2pl impf I захлупвам
zaidè 90430 disappear 3sg pres P зайда
zainèla 43004 borrow sg f L.part P заема
zakač'ènə 50479 hook pl P.part P закача
zakač'ùli 50386 put.on 3sg pres P закачуля
zakačèno 50477 hook sg n P.part P закача


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut