All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
z'èmiš 8702 take 2sg pres P взема
z'èmne 29684 take 1pl pres P взема
z'èməd 18728 take 3pl pres P вземам
z'èməm'e 19557 take 1pl pres I вземам
z'èmət 18557 take 3pl pres P взема
ž'èn'em 9299 reap 1pl pres жъна
ž'èn'tȅ 27678 woman pl f def
ž'èn'ə 16957 marry 1sg pres I женя
ž'èn:t'ȅ 26040 woman pl f def жена
ž'èncku 31041 female sg n adj женски
ž'èneh 13825 reap 1sg impf I жъна
ž'ènem 9541 reap 1pl pres I жъна
ž'èneme 18875 reap 1pl pres I жъна
ž'èneš 9555 reap 2sg pres жъна
ž'èni 16893 marry 3sg pres I женя
ž'ènim 25418 reap 1pl pres I жъна
ž'èno 28475 woman voc sg f жена
ž'ènə 17616 woman sg f жена
ž'ènət 15872 reap 3pl pres I жъна
ž'ètvə 18873 harvest sg f жътва
ž'ètvətə 9593 harvest f def sg жътва
ž'iòtni 15319 animal pl n животно
ž'ivòtni 15924 animal pl n животно
ž'ivutnuvɤ̀svutu̥ 15859 animal.husbandry sg n def животновъдство
ž'ìčkata 50798 thread sg f def med жичка
ž'ìtu 18821 grain sg n жито
ž'ìtutu 33238 grain sg n def med жито
ž'òna 50349 woman sg f жена
ž'òneš 20710 reap 2sg pres I жъна
ž'ònet 50365 marry 3pl pres I женя
ž'ònime 50662 marry 1pl pres I женя
ž'ulezà 7626 iron
z'ɔ̀ 26095 take 3sg aor P взема
z'ɔ̀hme 33334 take 1pl aor P взема
z'ɔ̀hə 33383 take 3pl aor P взема
ž'ɔ̀lto 50873 yellow sg n adj жълт
ž'ɔ̀lto 50874
z'ɔ̀lu 22138 take sg n L.part P взема
z'ɔ̀me 11015 take 3sg pres P взема
z'ɔ̀meš 30785 take 2sg pres P взема


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut