All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
ž’è̝nem 70922 reap 1pl pres I жъна
ž’è̝niž 73548 reap 2sg pres I жъна
ž’è̝n’iš’ 73559 reap 2sg pres I жъна
ž’è̝n’ət 68681 marry 3pl pres I женя
ž’ìč’kata 67539 thread sg f def жичка
z’il’ènə 56904
z’il’ènə 56905 green sg f adj зелен
ž’il’ɛ̀zən 43260 iron sg m def железен
z’iməm 38564 take 1sg pres I взимам
z’im’àtḁ 55394 earth sg f def земя
ž’inà 58457 woman sg f жена
ž’ità 67384 grain pl n жито
ž’itàruvu 35071 Zhitarovo sg n place Житарово
ž’itòtu 41767 grain sg n def жито
ž’itòtu 46175 grain sg n def med жито
ž’ivèe 66181 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’ivèeš’e 66169 live 3sg impf I живея
ž’ivèi 42819 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’ivi 35030 alive pl adj жив
ž’ivòt’ 67875 life sg m живот
ž’ivòt’a 67962 life sg m def живот
ž’ivòt’ə 67866 life sg m def живот
ž’ivòtnite 15178 animal pl n def животно
ž’ivòt’ 68812 life sg m живот
ž’ivɛ̀e 38821 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’iv’èjəd 59073 live 3pl pres I живея
ž’iv’èli 70284 live pl L.part I живея
ž’ìv’ə 67191 live 1sg pres I живея
ž’ì 55769 [...]
ž’ìli 41444 live pl L.part I живея
ž’ìlis’è 38500 tendon pl f def prox жила
ž’ìlə 41445 live sg f L.part I живея
z’ìmə 56109 take 3sg pres I вземам
z’ìmə 17483 take 3sg pres I вземам
ž’ìtata 45392 grain sg n def med жито
ž’ìto 45305 grain sg n жито
ž’ìtoto 45272 grain sg n def med жито
ž’ìttu 55938 wheat sg n def жито
ž’ìtu 40119 grain sg n жито
ž’ìtu 55770 wheat sg n жито


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut