All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
ž’ìtunu 35553 grain sg n def dist жито
ž’ìtutu 41513 grain sg n def med жито
ž’ìtutu 49546 grain sg n def жито
ž’ìtutu 55271 wheat sg n def жито
ž’ìtətə 45421 grain sg n def med жито
ž’ìvo 62127 alive sg n adj жив
ž’ìvu 56435 alive sg n adj жив
ž’òlvi 49451 turtle pl f желва
ž’ulezà 43516 iron pl n желязо
ž’uòt’ 65850 life sg m живот
ž’uòtni 70083 animal pl n животно
ž’ùr 67536 whirr
ž’uvèi 41442 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’uvèjə 48805 live 1sg pres I живея
ž’uv’è̝j 70128 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’uv’ɛ̀i 55307 live 3sg pres I живея
ž’uv’ɛ̀li 44861 live pl L.part I живея
ž’uwòt 58610 life sg m живот
ž’uwòtə 60241 life sg m def живот
ž’ùpki 54170 chunk pl f жупка
ž’ùvi 34206 alive pl adj жив
ž’ùwu 57191 alive sg n adj жив
ž’ỳtutu 55761 wheat sg n def жито
ž’ỳvi 34210 alive pl adj жив
ž’ỳvi 34212 alive pl adj жив
ž’ỳwy 57189 alive sg n adj жив
z’ɔ̀l 49379 take sg m L.part P взема
z’ɔ̀la 42675 take sg f L.part P взема
z’ɔ̀m 44149 take 3sg pres P взема
z’ɔ̀ma 68905 take 1sg pres P взема
z’ɔ̀me 44116 take 3sg pres P взема
z’ɔ̀mte 41609 take pl imv P взема
z’ɔ̀mə 40882 take 1sg pres P взема
z’ɔ̀məm 42694 take 1sg pres P взема
ž’ɔ̀ne 45329 reap 3sg pres I жъна
ž’ɔ̀nem 68858 reap 1pl pres I жъна
ž’ɔ̀nələ 68787 reap sg f L.part I жъна
ž’ɔ̀n’ehmɤ 64413 reap 1pl impf I жъна
ž’ə 44569 fut ще
z’əl’ènu 37313 green sg n adj зелен


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut