work bees


20 (a) də pòme nə pupr’èlkətə
to go off to the spinning bee.

Kozičino 2

15 (b) səs nèjə hòd’im nə huròtu hòd’im nə vəl’ɛ̀nki hòd’im nə səd’ɛ̀nki
We [wear] it [when] we go dancing, when we go to fulling bees or to work bees.


89 (a) sàmu f pràzn’ək sàmu fəf nid’èl’e sàmu f nid’èl’e že izl’èzim
Only on a holiday, only on Sundays, only on Sundays would we go out.

90 (a) tugàva v’èče žə sə zbìrəmi tàm s ergèni səs mumì
Then we’d get together, the bachelors and the young girls,

91 (a) s kəkvòtu e v d’èlnikə si rəbòtim
whoever, on workdays, and we work.

95 (a) i àj sigà stɤ̀kajmi sid’ènki də prid’èm v’èčir
So, now, we’d put together work bees to spin in the evenings.

96 (GK) kakvò e tùj sedènka
What’s this “work bee”?

97 (a) əmi zbir’èm dɤrvà stɤ̀knim èj tùkə du dumà b’èši̥ sid’ànkətə̥
Well, we gather wood for a fire, the work bee happens nearby the house,

98 (a) ə stɤ̀knim idìn gul’àm ògen i nìj prid’èm
and we make a big fire, and we spin.

99 (a) i màmini pridɤ̀t tàm bùl’ini kòtu e i duvàət’ jergènti
And all the girls and their friends come to spin, and the bachelors come

100 (a) i tàm sme sɤ zglèduvəli nə sid’ànkə̥tə̥
and that’s where we did our courting, at the work bee.

101 (GK) kvò znàči tuvà də sə zglèduvate
What does that mean, you “do your courting”?

102 (a) he əmi tàm sə ər’èsvəmi də sə žènim d’è
Well, that’s where we decided who we liked, who we’d marry!

104 (a) v’èčər v’èčər nə sid’ànkətə əmə tò kòlku idìn m’èsəc li
In the evenings, we’d sit at the work bees, how long – a month?

105 (a) dvà m’èscə li b’eši b’à sidènki̥te
Two months? How long did the work bees go on?

106 (b) kràjə na àvgus do
From the end of August up to ...

108 (b) nəčàlutu nə uktòmvri
... the beginning of October.

109 (a) àj səgà bàš àj səà b’àə
Yes, just that. That’s how they were –

110 (b) septèmvri

111 (a) sudènki̥te nàj mlògu
the work bees, mostly.

Široka Lŭka

17 (a) da sа zbìrat mòmɤte mòmɤte na pupr’èlkite junàcine pu zdɛ̀nki
so girls can gather, the girls at spinning bees and the “heroes” (= boys) at work bees.

18 (a) junàcine pu zdɛ̀nki da svìrim i da pèjem
[To be together with] the “heroes” at the work bees, to play music and sing.

Tihomir 1

25 (GM) ami kàži za medžète segà kàži kàk ste pràvili medžè
So tell us about work bees now. How did you set up work bees?

29 (a) č’e ìd’eme da nòsəme slàmɤ
We go to carry in the straw

31 (a) azàm flez’ème wònkiš’ì da id’ème klìnɤ ispeč’ɔ̀t č’orbɤ svar’ɔ̀
Then ten of us come in to eat. They bake banitsa, they cook soup –

32 (a) slàmata danes’ème tazì pràvehme medz’ɛ̀ta e tazì
and we bring in the straw. That’s what we did, that’s what a work bee is.

Vasiljovo 1

28 (a) i se zbìra:me na sed’ànka tò sa sa zbìrame na sed’ànka
and we’d get together for a work bee. We’d get together at the work bee,

29 (a) zbìrame se momčè̝ta momìčeta sedìm ə ràbotim si
boys and girls would get together, we sit and do our work.

30 (a) momìčeata momčè̝ata sedɛ̀t pàk stànat kato zasvìrat saz gàjda
The girls and the boys sit, and then they get up when the bagpipe starts playing.

31 (a) svìr’a saz gàjda stàneme igrèem i se razvalì sed’ànkata
The bagpipe plays, we get up and we dance. And then the work bee breaks up,

32 (a) i tè si stàne sèki ta si ìde u t’àx dorì i
they all get up and everyone goes home. Even if

33 (a) da sedìm sedìm pà kato ogladnè̝em taka bè ni aràktera
we sit and sit – when we get hungry, that was how we were.

34 (a) è ta mòjta màjka ta zèmem ə t’è ogladn’èli stànem
And my mother – and then we start – Everyone [at the work bee] is hungry. We get up,

35 (a) vàrim kəčəmàk tè mu vìkaa mamal’ìga germàn tavà
and make polenta. They called it “mamaliga”, the Germ-

36 (a) onè̝s mu vìkaa mamal’ìga tavà
Those guys called that “mamaliga”.

37 (VZh) [Не бяха ли Румънци?]
[Weren’t they Romanians?]

38 (a) i sìpem ml’àku s’ìrene če ìmame dobìtak daržìme gl’èdame dobìtak
We pour out milk, white cheese – we’ve got livestock, we raise livestock –

39 (a) najad’è̝m sa stànat ta si ìdat è pa koto dòdeše kòl’eda
We eat our fill, [then] they get up and go home. And when Christmas came,


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut