Dolna Sekirna 3
49 (a) gradìne se kòpuju càrevice se dvà puti kòpaju
Gardens must be hoed, corn must be hoed twice,
Eremija 5
35 (c) ofčàr kopàr gradìna sàdim kòpaj lòze što tì dòe
a shepherd! A hoer! I plant the garden, dig the vineyard, whatever comes up –
Golica 3
170 (a) s'à tàm nəlì grə̀n'nətə ti še ukwɑ̀si
[they] sowed over there. And your garden will get some moisture, won’t it?
Gorno Vŭršilo 1
1 (VZh) [Каква работа имаше в градината?]
[What work did you do in the garden?]
2 (a) səm vədìla gròzde səm bràla čerɛ̀ši səm bràla sɛ̀no səm zbiràla
I dug out [onions]. I picked grapes, I picked cherries, I gathered in the hay
3 (a) ə kakvò e imàlo f tèkezèto sìčko sam rabotìlḁ
Whatever there was [to] do in the cooperative farm, I did it all
Huhla 1
79 (a) təkà jà i ukul gərdìnətə ìməm si gul'àm dwòr če i nègə
And there it is. Around the garden I’ve got a big yard, and it’s [something]
80 (a) z gu pràəm [unintelligible] nəpr'èš də ìd
I’ll work in it [unintelligible]. But to go out like before, to go out
Kolju Marinovo 5
41 (a) vèči j dir’è i inɤ̀ grədìnə səd’è i dir’ètu
is the riverbed. There’s only one garden [between us] and the riverbed.
27 (a) t’à mnògu ni e gul’àmə grədìntə è tàə kɤ̀štə gə nəpràvihmi
it’s got a really big garden. So we built this house,
Mogilica 3
21 (a) pò slàbite mestà tərlì hùbəite mestà grədìni
Fields were the less good places, and the nice ones were gardens.
81 (a) ustànəhme nèj ku ràbutiš' š'e ti dədɔ̀t grədìnə ku nè
We were left like this. If you work [for them] they'll give you a garden and if not
91 (a) pə grədìnite mi nàmi flɛ̀ze regulàcijə tè gu zemàhə sìč'ku
[But] our gardens – this regulation came [into force] and they took it all,
97 (a) grədìni nèməme livàdi mlògu ìmə əmə grədìni nèməme
We don't have [our] gardens. There's a lot of meadow but we don't have gardens.
27 (a) e pa kvò sme rabotìli orèš kòpaš ə kvò si sàdiž
What did we do? You plow, you dig, you plant the way [you do]
28 (a) gradìnu sɤ̀ga tì a i takà ìde se u pol’èto
[in] your garden now. You go out in the field,
80 (a) glèdam si gradìnku i tegàj ìdemo od tàm do podi selò
I look after my garden. Back then we’d go outside the village
81 (a) da si porabòtimo nèšto onò nalì znàeš i togàva si imàlo zàvis
to work a bit. Back then, you know, there was envy –
231 (a) da si nasàdiš ponè gradìnku no vèrno če e trùdno
[a place] to plant a garden at least. True, it’s difficult.
289 (a) raspràvljam se po gradìnutu
We’re chatting here in the garden.
Stakevci 2
16 (a) stovà tò u gradìnutu i stovà stovà stovà
… and I stood there in the garden. And I stood [there], and stood, and stood.
Stančov Han 3
4 (c) tùkə imòt tùkə uvòšneni drəfčètə nə vrèmitu
In the old days you had here estates, with fruit trees [or]
6 (c) ud ùbəvi pò ùbəvi bəščìnki s’èki si b’èši ubzəv’èl nəgləsìl
with little gardens each nicer than the other. Everyone had equipped his, set it up –
Sŭrnica 3
111 (c) è stud’ènu š’ pòč’n’e studɤ̀ è kəkvò š’ə č’ùvəš tì grədìnə
Ah, cold! The cold [weather] will begin, and what’s the point of keeping a garden?
Vŭrbina 3
51 (a) enugà z’ɤ̀meme tə ìdeme tə gu nəmɤ̀kneme əšləmɤ̀ ejtùkə
Back then we’d get out and go pluck the tobacco seedlings here
52 (a) v grədɨ̀nətə i ut tùkə du i tùkə im’èš’e
in the garden. There were [tobacco plants all the way] from here to here.
65 (a) užɛ̀ci gu sèeme l’ɛ̀hi l’ɛ̀hine v grədɨ̀nənə hi nəsèeme
We make “hearths” (holes in the soil) and sow them in beds in the garden.