
Godeševo 4

19 (b) ne sɤ̀m sàdil vɤ̀jš əku ìmə gròzde də àpneme
I haven’t planted [any]. Look, if there are grapes to eat,

20 (b) ili n'àštu vɤ̀jnu də pìjme še pìjme əku nè n'èməme
or if there’s some sort of wine to drink, we’ll drink! If not, we won’t.

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

2 (a) səm vədìla gròzde səm bràla čerɛ̀ši səm bràla sɛ̀no səm zbiràla
I dug out [onions]. I picked grapes, I picked cherries, I gathered in the hay

17 (a) sedàt vaf trevàta ìskame gròzde dokàraa dvɛ̀ čuvàlčeta gròzde tò i
They sit in the grass, we ask for grapes, they brought in two little bags of grapes. But that’s

18 (a) nì e gròzde taratòr da ìma česnòf.lùk da pràvim taratòr [laughter]
not grapes, it’s tarator (yogurt-cucumber soup)! With garlic, we’d make tarator! [laughter]

Gorno Vŭršilo 2

11 (b) i tovà càlo lɛ̀to ni e tovà ràbota s ofcìte ìdem
and that’s it. All summer long, that’s our work. We go out with the sheep,

Huhla 1

42 (a) bir'àše təkà təkɤ̀vu gròzd'e əmə gurìdə i pràeše uc'èt
would pick these grapes, but unripe, and would make vinegar

43 (a) v'èke grebène jedène t'àə šurìpki
and [we’d] scoop it up and eat – the skins too.

44 (GK) ot gurìdata
Of the unripe grapes?

45 (a) ɤ̀ ud gurìdətə gribène uc'èt pək šurùpkite
Uh huh, of the unripe grapes. We’d take this vinegar, and the peels

Huhla 4

22 (a) gròzd'e ə bustàn n'àməlu hìč pək nìj sne blagudàrni
[near] there are no grapes and melons at all. So we’re grateful.

23 (a) i gròzd'e imə i bustàn' ìməme èm ìč nè e l'ètnəlu
We’ve got both grapes and melons, even though it hasn’t rained at all.

30 (a) grozd'ètu i tàm ìməne lòz'e gròzd'e gròzd'e v'èke sv'àt hùbəu
at the grapes. Over there we’ve a vineyard with grapes [and] the grapes are fine.

Rajanovci 2

82 (a) znàm če màma vàreše ot od gròjzeto kato obèremo lòzjeto
I know that Mom cooked it from grapes when we picked the vines.

83 (a) tàtko ga smàčka i òn otòči sòka i od n’èga svàri slàtko
Dad crushed [the grapes], tapped off the juice and she made preserves from it.

Vladimirovo 1

72 (a) m tovà lozàta i onà si gròzg’e i tè tekà
That’s the grapevine, and it [yields] grapes and there you are:

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut