Godeševo 4

1 (VZh)       And what else?

other sg n adj what sg n interr

2 (b) [0:01]      Well, [there’s work] at the threshing field. You get up early in the morning.

threshing.field sg m morning sg f def med arise 2sg pres I early adv

3 (b) [0:05]      You put the sheaves down on the threshing field, and spread them out nice,

arrange 2sg pres I sheaf pl m def
threshing.field sg m def
acc 3pl clt
put 2sg pres I spread 2sg pres I
acc 3pl clt
nicely adv

4 (b) [0:10]      and harness up oxen, if that’s [what you have] or it might be horses,

harness 2sg pres I ox m pl
interr clt
3sg pres cop clt
horse pl m
interr clt
3sg pres cop clt

5 (b) [0:13]      or if it’s a donkey – whatever! Whatever animal you’ve got,

donkey pl n
interr clt
3sg pres cop clt
what sg n interr
3sg pres cop clt
what sg n rel have 2sg pres I for.example adv animal sg n

6 (b) [0:18]      you harness it up and start to drive it [about] the threshing field to thresh.

acc n 3sg clt
harness 2sg pres I
begin 2sg pres I
drive 2sg pres I
threshing.field sg m
acc n 3sg clt
thresh 2sg pres I

7 (b) [0:23]      and to – And when it’s done, afterwards you put the straw

acc refl clt
when conj
acc refl clt
thresh 3sg pres P
after adv straw sg f def shove.in 2sg pres I

8 (b) [0:28]      into the hayloft, so to speak, and then you gather up the grain into a pile.

loft sg f def
acc n 3sg clt
say 1pl pres P after this sg n adj gather 2sg pres I grain sg n def
pile sg m def

9 (b) [0:34]      You winnow it and then begin – however much there is you take it

winnow 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
begin 2sg pres I already adv as.much rel
3sg pres cop clt
acc n 3sg clt
transfer 2sg pres I

10 (b) [0:38]      and put it into the barn. And that’s that. Anything else?

acc n 3sg clt
put 2sg pres I
barn sg m def
this sg n med adj
3sg pres cop clt
other sg n adj what sg n interr

11 (VZh)       [(When you say ‘you harness [it]’, do you say) fpryagash or fpryogash?]

12 (b) [0:41]      Whether you say “fpryagash” or “fpryogash” – it doesn’t matter!

acc n 3sg clt
harness 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
harness 2sg pres I all adv
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
one sg n adj

13 (a) [0:42]      [It’s’] “fpryagash”

harness 2sg pres I

14 (b) [0:43]      Some [say] this [“fpryogash”] but another will say he’ll harness it, “fpryaga”.

some pl adj thus med adv but some sg m adj
acc n 3sg clt
again adv say 3sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
harness 3sg pres I

15 (b) [0:46]      But mostly it’s – you’ll harness it, “fpryagash” - [that’s what] people say.

more adv
acc n 3sg clt
harness 2sg pres I say 3pl pres I

16 (b) [0:48]      You harness up the cattle in the threshing field, and get started.

livestock sg m def
acc m 3sg clt
harness 2sg pres I
threshing.field sg m def
begin 2sg pres I

17 (VZh)       [Do you have vineyards?]

18 (b) [0:51]      I haven’t planted vineyards. I don’t have such things,

nom 1sg
1sg pres aux clt plant sg m L.part I
vineyard sg n not.have 1sg pres I such pl med adj thing pl f

19 (b) [0:54]      I haven’t planted [any]. Look, if there are grapes to eat,

1sg pres aux clt plant sg m L.part I see sg imv P if conj pres exist grapes sg n
bite 1pl pres P

20 (b) [0:58]      or if there’s some sort of wine to drink, we’ll drink! If not, we won’t.

something sg n wine sg n
drink 1pl pres I
drink 1pl pres I if conj no not.have 1pl pres I

21 (b) [1:00]      But we don’t have vineyards here.

here adv not.have 1pl pres I vineyard sg n

         And what else?

         Well, [there’s work] at the threshing field. You get up early in the morning.

         You put the sheaves down on the threshing field, and spread them out nice,

         and harness up oxen, if that’s [what you have] or it might be horses,

         or if it’s a donkey – whatever! Whatever animal you’ve got,

         you harness it up and start to drive it [about] the threshing field to thresh.

         and to – And when it’s done, afterwards you put the straw

         into the hayloft, so to speak, and then you gather up the grain into a pile.

         You winnow it and then begin – however much there is you take it

         and put it into the barn. And that’s that. Anything else?

         [(When you say ‘you harness [it]’, do you say) fpryagash or fpryogash?]

         Whether you say “fpryagash” or “fpryogash” – it doesn’t matter!

         [It’s’] “fpryagash”

         Some [say] this [“fpryogash”] but another will say he’ll harness it, “fpryaga”.

         But mostly it’s – you’ll harness it, “fpryagash” - [that’s what] people say.

         You harness up the cattle in the threshing field, and get started.

         [Do you have vineyards?]

         I haven’t planted vineyards. I don’t have such things,

         I haven’t planted [any]. Look, if there are grapes to eat,

         or if there’s some sort of wine to drink, we’ll drink! If not, we won’t.

         But we don’t have vineyards here.

1 (VZh)       а дру̀го какво̀

2 (b) [0:01]       əми нə əрма̀н сутринтъ̀ ста̀вəш ра̀ну

3 (b) [0:05]       нəса̀ждəш сно̀пете нə əрма̀нə ги сла̀гəш рəстъ̀йлəж ги у̀бəву

4 (b) [0:10]       и фпр’а̀гəш вуло̀ве ли шѐ е ко̀н’е ли шѐ е

5 (b) [0:13]       мəга̀ретə ли ше е кəкво̀ дə ѐ кəко̀ту ѝмəш прѝмер живо̀тну

6 (b) [0:18]       гу фпр’а̀гəш и по̀чвəш дə ка̀рəш нə əрма̀н’е дə гу вəршѐш

7 (b) [0:23]       и дə сə и кəту сə свəршѐ и по̀сле сла̀мəтə фка̀рвəш

8 (b) [0:28]       фəф пл’а̀вн’əтə дə гу ка̀жем слет ту̀й сəбѝрəш жѝтуту нə ку̀пу

9 (b) [0:34]       удв’а̀вəш гу и по̀чвəш вече ко̀лкуто̀ е гу прена̀с’əш

10 (b) [0:38]       и гу сла̀гəш ф əмба̀рə и тва̀ е дру̀гу кво̀

11 (VZh)       [Впрягаш или впрьогаш?]

12 (b) [0:41]       гу фпр’а̀гəш и гу фпр’о̀гəш сѐ си е едно̀

13 (a) [0:42]       фпр’а̀гəш

14 (b) [0:43]       н’а̀ки тəка̀ əмə н’а̀куй гу пəк ка̀звə ше гу фпр’а̀гə

15 (b) [0:46]       мə пучтѝ ше гу фпр’а̀гəш ка̀звəт

16 (b) [0:48]       дубъ̀йтəка̀ гу фпр’а̀гəш ф əрма̀нə и по̀чвəш

17 (VZh)       [Имаш ли лозе?]

18 (b) [0:51]       йа̀ не съ̀м са̀дил и ло̀зе н’ѐмəм тəкѝ ра̀бути

19 (b) [0:54]       не съ̀м са̀дил въ̀йш əку ѝмə гро̀зде дə а̀пнеме

20 (b) [0:58]       или н’а̀шту въ̀йну дə пѝйме ше пѝйме əку нѐ н’ѐмəме

21 (b) [1:00]       ту̀кə н’ѐмəме ло̀з

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut