
Bela 1

48 (a) i kupìl čètiri prasèta [laughter] ne ednò ne čètiri onì mɤ̀nenki
and bought four piglets [laughter]. Not one, not – but four! And tiny.

49 (a) onì dvè umrèe dvè ustànae i otogàva vèče ne kupùva òn prasè
Two of them died, two remained. And after that he never bought pigs again.

50 (a) jà òdim tì idì i kupì prasè e kvò da pràim vìka
I go. “You go and buy a pig!” “Well, what am I going to do?” he said –

Belica 3

31 (a) i gu pòsle vèče cvikɤ̀ na prasèto
And [what remains] after that is [white] whey – for the pigs.

122 (a) jà š si òtida če ìmam svìne pa kṛ̀ta
I'll go [anyway] because I’ve got the pigs, and the moles –

Brŭšljan 1

44 (a) kòne ìməš'e svìni ìməš'e pàk təkà pu surìjki surìjki d'ètu ìməš'e
There were horses, there were pigs in small herds, these small herds –

45 (a) č'àsni surìjki ìməš'e mu vìkəme nìe ìməš'e dubìtək
private herds as we call them, there were livestock.

51 (a) svìni da i ìməš'e živòtni mnògu ubàč'e sl'et tvàskə
Pigs, yes. And there were a lot of animals. However after that

Eremija 1

85 (GK) àjde àjde bègaj ednò vrème ednò vrème stòkata samì si ja čùvaxte
Go off then. (So –] in the old days, did you care for the livestock alone?

86 (a) samì
[All] alone.

87 (GK) kakvà stòka
What kind of livestock?

88 (a) òfci kòzi svìn'e govèda kòn'e sìčko u ednà kɤ̀šta bèxme
Sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, horses – everything. We were all in one house –

91 (a) tì səs kozìte tì səs svin'ètu tì səs volòvetu
“You [go] with the goats, you [go] with the pigs, you [go] with the oxen,

148 (a) ìč nèma ni za svinčè nì za za nìkakva stòka nèma
Nothing! Not for a pig nor for any livestock. Nothing!

Eremija 3

31 (a) čùvame i òfci i kòzi i kukòški i prasè i sìčko nalì
We raise sheep, and goats, and chickens, and pigs – everything, you know?

Eremija 4

1 (GK) če prasètata mesò jadàt li
And do pigs [really] eat meat?

2 (a) òx jadàt ta sàmo da ìma
Ohh! They eat [it]! They just [have] to have it!

4 (a) jadàt
They eat [it].

6 (a) jadàt e tùka komšìkata ònja dèn puštìla golèmoto svinčè
They eat it. The other day a neighbor let out a big pig,

7 (a) ta kato pognà kokòškite [sound gesture] onà òka onà òka
and it took off after the hens – (sound gesture = "look out!") – she's shouting, shouting!

8 (a) i a grabnà a za nogàta ne možè če a z izedèše
It grabbed the leg of a hen that couldn’t escape, and was about to eat it up!

9 (GK) ama ne ì li strošì nogàta
But didn’t it break its leg?

10 (a) ne možè da ja stròši onà m otṛčà bṛ̀že
It wasn’t able to break it. It (the hen) ran quickly away from it (the pig)

11 (a) ta a udarì ta a puštì
then it (the hen) struck it (the pig), and then it let it go.

13 (a) ne možè da a stròši a če ja izedèše
It wasn’t able to break it. But it would have eaten it up [if it had].

Glavanovci 3

44 (b) prasèto da kvičì
The piglet squeals.

45 (a) svìn’e su stiskàli da da pištù da ne
They shut up the pigs so they won’t shriek, [and prevent it]

46 (a) da sɤ̀pre olomanìjata ama onò si e i stràšno nèkoj pɤt
from stopping the storm. But it’s frightening sometimes.

Golica 3

157 (a) tùj kakò i tɛ̀z godìna kat sɛ̀ vəzgɛ̀naha kòjto mòže
What was it about that year when things went bad? Anyone who could,

158 (c) swìn'e s'èdem wòsem hìl'adi s'èdem wòsemstòt'in
[would sell] pigs [for] seven or eight thousand, for seven or eight hundred,

159 (a) s'èdem wòsemstòtin po p'ètstòtin prudɑ̀wat žìtu kupùwat
seven or eight hundred, or five hundred each – they’d sell [them] and buy grain.

Golica 6

37 (e) i səs svìni sə vɛ̀dehə
They were breeding pigs.

38 (d) səs svìn’i mɑ̀lku mɑ̀lku svini vɛ̀dehme səs t’ɑ̀h sə zənimɑ̀vəše tòj
[Yes,] with the pigs a bit. We were breeding pigs a bit, and that was his job.

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

20 (a) mi òfci magàreta svìne kukòški ofčàrka bex dodè zaprèx
Sheep, donkeys, pigs, chickens. I was a shepherdess until I quit [work].

Gorno Vŭršilo 2

66 (b) ami f čàsnoto sme gledàle volòve òfci kòzi svìne
Well, in the private [era] we looked after oxen, sheep, goats, pigs –

Malevo/Asg 3

34 (c) b’àgəš’ də dujìš’ kràvənə sə vɤ̀rniš’ pàk nə svìnenu
You run off to milk the cow, you come back [to tend] the pigs,

Malevo/Hsk 2

102 (b) tu prəs’ètə ni dukàrət tu kràvɨ tu kukò l’ nè̝
They bring us pigs, and cows, and what all [to look after].


215 (a) prasèta vìnagi no nè vìnagi dè kòj imàl nalì pòveče n’ìve
pigs, you’ve always got – well, not always. But whoever has fields

Skrŭt 3

37 (f) što sè e štò ostàne na prasèto li e
Any leftovers went to the animals, either the pig

Stančov Han 3

11 (c) prudàvə tòj m’ène trìjsi čitìris l’èvə furàš i də ràn’ə às prəs’è
This guy sells me fodder for thirty or forty levs and I feed the pig

12 (c) i kukòščici i tùj unùj t’à zəgùbenə ràbutə
and chickens and this and that [with it]. It’s a hopeless case.

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut