Bela 1
48 (a) i kupìl čètiri prasèta [laughter] ne ednò ne čètiri onì mɤ̀nenki
and bought four piglets [laughter]. Not one, not – but four! And tiny.
49 (a) onì dvè umrèe dvè ustànae i otogàva vèče ne kupùva òn prasè
Two of them died, two remained. And after that he never bought pigs again.
50 (a) jà òdim tì idì i kupì prasè e kvò da pràim vìka
I go. “You go and buy a pig!” “Well, what am I going to do?” he said –
Belica 3
31 (a) i gu pòsle vèče cvikɤ̀ na prasèto
And [what remains] after that is [white] whey – for the pigs.
122 (a) jà š si òtida če ìmam svìne pa kṛ̀ta
I'll go [anyway] because I’ve got the pigs, and the moles –
Brŭšljan 1
44 (a) kòne ìməš'e svìni ìməš'e pàk təkà pu surìjki surìjki d'ètu ìməš'e
There were horses, there were pigs in small herds, these small herds –
45 (a) č'àsni surìjki ìməš'e mu vìkəme nìe ìməš'e dubìtək
private herds as we call them, there were livestock.
51 (a) svìni da i ìməš'e živòtni mnògu ubàč'e sl'et tvàskə
Pigs, yes. And there were a lot of animals. However after that
Eremija 1
85 (GK) àjde àjde bègaj ednò vrème ednò vrème stòkata samì si ja čùvaxte
Go off then. (So –] in the old days, did you care for the livestock alone?
86 (a) samì
[All] alone.
87 (GK) kakvà stòka
What kind of livestock?
88 (a) òfci kòzi svìn'e govèda kòn'e sìčko u ednà kɤ̀šta bèxme
Sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, horses – everything. We were all in one house –
91 (a) tì səs kozìte tì səs svin'ètu tì səs volòvetu
“You [go] with the goats, you [go] with the pigs, you [go] with the oxen,
148 (a) ìč nèma ni za svinčè nì za za nìkakva stòka nèma
Nothing! Not for a pig nor for any livestock. Nothing!
Eremija 3
31 (a) čùvame i òfci i kòzi i kukòški i prasè i sìčko nalì
We raise sheep, and goats, and chickens, and pigs – everything, you know?
Eremija 4
1 (GK) če prasètata mesò jadàt li
And do pigs [really] eat meat?
2 (a) òx jadàt ta sàmo da ìma
Ohh! They eat [it]! They just [have] to have it!
4 (a) jadàt
They eat [it].
6 (a) jadàt e tùka komšìkata ònja dèn puštìla golèmoto svinčè
They eat it. The other day a neighbor let out a big pig,
7 (a) ta kato pognà kokòškite [sound gesture] onà òka onà òka
and it took off after the hens – (sound gesture = "look out!") – she's shouting, shouting!
8 (a) i a grabnà a za nogàta ne možè če a z izedèše
It grabbed the leg of a hen that couldn’t escape, and was about to eat it up!
9 (GK) ama ne ì li strošì nogàta
But didn’t it break its leg?
10 (a) ne možè da ja stròši onà m otṛčà bṛ̀že
It wasn’t able to break it. It (the hen) ran quickly away from it (the pig)
11 (a) ta a udarì ta a puštì
then it (the hen) struck it (the pig), and then it let it go.
13 (a) ne možè da a stròši a če ja izedèše
It wasn’t able to break it. But it would have eaten it up [if it had].
Glavanovci 3
44 (b) prasèto da kvičì
The piglet squeals.
45 (a) svìn’e su stiskàli da da pištù da ne
They shut up the pigs so they won’t shriek, [and prevent it]
46 (a) da sɤ̀pre olomanìjata ama onò si e i stràšno nèkoj pɤt
from stopping the storm. But it’s frightening sometimes.
Golica 3
157 (a) tùj kakò i tɛ̀z godìna kat sɛ̀ vəzgɛ̀naha kòjto mòže
What was it about that year when things went bad? Anyone who could,
158 (c) swìn'e s'èdem wòsem hìl'adi s'èdem wòsemstòt'in
[would sell] pigs [for] seven or eight thousand, for seven or eight hundred,
159 (a) s'èdem wòsemstòtin po p'ètstòtin prudɑ̀wat žìtu kupùwat
seven or eight hundred, or five hundred each – they’d sell [them] and buy grain.
Golica 6
37 (e) i səs svìni sə vɛ̀dehə
They were breeding pigs.
38 (d) səs svìn’i mɑ̀lku mɑ̀lku svini vɛ̀dehme səs t’ɑ̀h sə zənimɑ̀vəše tòj
[Yes,] with the pigs a bit. We were breeding pigs a bit, and that was his job.
Gorno Vŭršilo 1
20 (a) mi òfci magàreta svìne kukòški ofčàrka bex dodè zaprèx
Sheep, donkeys, pigs, chickens. I was a shepherdess until I quit [work].
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
66 (b) ami f čàsnoto sme gledàle volòve òfci kòzi svìne
Well, in the private [era] we looked after oxen, sheep, goats, pigs –
Malevo/Asg 3
34 (c) b’àgəš’ də dujìš’ kràvənə sə vɤ̀rniš’ pàk nə svìnenu
You run off to milk the cow, you come back [to tend] the pigs,
Malevo/Hsk 2
102 (b) tu prəs’ètə ni dukàrət tu kràvɨ tu kukò l’ nè̝
They bring us pigs, and cows, and what all [to look after].
215 (a) prasèta vìnagi no nè vìnagi dè kòj imàl nalì pòveče n’ìve
pigs, you’ve always got – well, not always. But whoever has fields
Skrŭt 3
37 (f) što sè e štò ostàne na prasèto li e
Any leftovers went to the animals, either the pig
Stančov Han 3
11 (c) prudàvə tòj m’ène trìjsi čitìris l’èvə furàš i də ràn’ə às prəs’è
This guy sells me fodder for thirty or forty levs and I feed the pig
12 (c) i kukòščici i tùj unùj t’à zəgùbenə ràbutə
and chickens and this and that [with it]. It’s a hopeless case.