Arčar 2
12 (a) i znàeš li kvò ot tàm sa donèle bòlestite pṛ̀vo francùzite
And you know what? That’s where the first infestations came from! The French!
14 (a) osòbeno lozjàtḁ
Especially in the vineyards.
18 (a) tùka nè e imàlo manà nè e imàlo nìšto
There was no sort of blight here [before], nothing at all.
20 (a) maanà takòvo nè e imàlo onì sa go donèle nìe ne smè
There was no such blight here. They brought it. Not us.
21 (a) tùka e bilò čìsto be čovèk
It was all clean here, my man ...
Bela 1
18 (a) mә dà è pa to dòle ràvno ìnače tùka plàmen nasàdi
Well yes. It’s flat down there, as opposed to here [where] Plamen planted
19 (a) do kràja lòze u brèga dòle ràvno ta nasàdim domàti
vineyards along the hillside. It’s flat below, so [that’s where] I grow tomatoes,
Eremija 5
35 (c) ofčàr kopàr gradìna sàdim kòpaj lòze što tì dòe
a shepherd! A hoer! I plant the garden, dig the vineyard, whatever comes up –
Godeševo 4
17 (VZh) [Имаш ли лозе?]
[Do you have vineyards?]
18 (b) jà ne sɤ̀m sàdil i lòze n'èməm təkì ràbuti
I haven’t planted vineyards. I don’t have such things,
19 (b) ne sɤ̀m sàdil vɤ̀jš əku ìmə gròzde də àpneme
I haven’t planted [any]. Look, if there are grapes to eat,
20 (b) ili n'àštu vɤ̀jnu də pìjme še pìjme əku nè n'èməme
or if there’s some sort of wine to drink, we’ll drink! If not, we won’t.
21 (b) tùkə n'èməme lòz
But we don’t have vineyards here.
Golica 6
7 (d) sigà nè məmùli s’ɛ̀ja nè lòze kupàja səmìčək nìčtu nèmə
Now I neither plant corn, nor dig the vineyard. I’m alone. There’s nothing.
Gorno Vŭršilo 1
6 (a) ami kvò sam rabotìla mi lòzje ìma:me kòpa:me žàne:me
Ah, what did I do! Well, we had a vineyard, we would dig and harvest [it].
7 (a) dvamìnata dvàese dèkara lòzje dvamìnata gi iskòpva:me i ožànva:me
The two of us did all the digging and harvesting in a vineyard [covering] twenty decares.
12 (a) a nìe kakvò sme viždàle dvàese dèkara lòzje dvamìna gi iskòpvame
But what we went through! Two of us dug out a whole fifth of a hectare of vineyard
13 (a) pròlet gi sorèm lɛ̀te trì pati gi pràšim a sɤ̀ga
We plow it in the spring, we hoe it three times in the summer, and now
Huhla 4
30 (a) grozd'ètu i tàm ìməne lòz'e gròzd'e gròzd'e v'èke sv'àt hùbəu
at the grapes. Over there we’ve a vineyard with grapes [and] the grapes are fine.
Srebŭrna 1
33 (a) às mi às òd’uw u luz’àtə i kət sə vrɤ̀štəm kòj ja utrèpɤl
I went off into the vineyard [and it was there] when I got back; [I wondered] who had killed it.
Vladimirovo 1
47 (VZh) ìma li loz’à da slàgat ə ə xòrata lòzeta ìmat li tùka
Do people plant grapevines here? Do they have vineyards here?
50 (a) lozjà ìmaše mnògò
There used to be a lot of vineyards!
52 (a) mnògo ìmaše sèki si ìmaše lozjà i pres predì da pòčnət
A lot of them. Everyone had a vineyard here before they began
53 (a) tovà pò ə ə golèmite ə ro dèkare zemjà
[to put together] those big chunks of land (= collective farms).
54 (a) ìmaa si po mà pò màlko dè ama si ìmaa òrata
People had them. On less space, but people had [their own],
55 (a) pu mà i pòslem stanàa mnògo lozjà ama seà dalì ìma lozjà
albeit less. Then came the big vineyards. But whether there are vineyards now
56 (a) vèče ne znàm sìčko sə istrèbi
I no longer know. Everything has gone to pot.
65 (a) prɤ̀skaš vrɤ̀zvəš
You spray it, you tie it [to supports] –
66 (VZh) koè e nàj trùdno ot sìčko
Which is most difficult of all [these tasks]?
67 (a) abe trùdno šò trèva mnògo kòpan’e i vrɤ̀zvan’e i ə ə filìzene
Well, what’s hard is that it requires a lot of hoeing and tying, and pruning –
68 (VZh) filìzite kvò gi pràite
And what do you do with the shoots [you’ve] pruned?
69 (a) ami tìja li filìzite pròlet prə kə frɤ̀ frɤ̀gɤme nìe
Well, these shoots – in the springtime, we – we toss them out.
71 (a) sàmo tovà si ostàime na kolcìte si tùrame kòlci še òdim vṛ̀žeme
We only leave a few, and we’ll go and tie those onto stakes we’ve put up.
72 (a) m tovà lozàta i onà si gròzg’e i tè tekà
That’s the grapevine, and it [yields] grapes and there you are:
73 (a) bèreme pòslem edème pìeme vìno i tè tekà
We pick them, then we eat [them], drink wine, and that’s it.
Vŭrbovo 2
1 (a) ìmašemo lòzje tùj gòre pa ga oràmo sɤz dèdo vàn’o
We had a vineyard up the hill here, and we plowed it with Grandpa Vanyo