267 (a) ә tùrime kùpime usnòva usnòva za č'èrg'ite kupùvame čelèta
So we put – we buy the warp, the warp for rugs. We buy skeins,
268 (a) cɤ̀rni čelèta o òsnuvà gu nàvià gu vdɛ̀nemè gu
black skeins. I make the warp, I wind it all around and thread it
269 (a) f nìš'tel'k'i v bɤ̀rdu òpna razbòe tùra
through the heddle onto the reed comb, stretch it out on the loom, and
270 (a) z prìvɤrzà gu lùpam lùpam i mɛ̀tam i sufàlč'ata tkàa
and tie it down tight. Then I bang, bang, throw the shuttle, and weave.
271 (a) nàtkaa mɛ̀ra kòlku ìskam da e dɤ̀lgu kòlku da e širòku
I finish weaving, I measure how long and how wide I want it to be, and
272 (a) tòlkuà gu nàsnuva i se tčè a pa resnàč'ite
I make the warp just that size. And you weave. As for the tasseled blankets,
276 (a) i pòsle sùč'eme na rudàne usnuvème navìeme vdɛ̀neme
Then we twist it on the spinning wheel. We warp [it], wind [it], thread [it],
Breste 1
68 (a) nìškite dèka gi snovème pa usnuvème pa gu snovèm na na duvàra
The threads that we warp. We warp it, and then warp onto the wall.
69 (a) lòvime tàm ustà a bè te
We make the “shed” and then –
70 (GK) kàk sa lòvi kàk kàk sa pl kàk sa snovè
How do you make [it], how – how do you warp [the loom]?
71 (a) takà mi zèmeme ednà ednò takà snovàtelka se kàzva dvè drvèta
Well, we take this – it’s called a spool-frame. [There’s] two pieces of wood
72 (a) ot tùk i f sredɤ̀ta i nadùpčeno ot tùka i ot tùka
here and in the middle, with holes here and here,
73 (a) i želèzni prɤ̀čki vɤ̀tre tùrime masùrčeta ìma:me tùrime ednò
and iron sticks inside. We put on spools [that] we used to have, we put one
74 (a) ta sa vṛtì tam e ne mòe go nàjdem da go vìdite
and it spins there. I would find one for you to see but I can’t.
75 (a) tùrime masùrčeta i nìškiti
We put in the spools and the threads.
79 (a) kùxo dà kùxo to vɤ̀tre ìma dùpkḁ nèkoi gi pràvea tovà
Hollow, yes, hollow. And there’s a hole inside. Some [people] made them,
80 (a) vretenàrkite gi pràea i si go osnovème i si gu tɤčè
spindle-makers made them. And we warp it, and weave,
82 (GK) às si spòmn’am če bàba mi ednò korìto vlàčeše po ùlicite
I remember my granny dragging a washtub down the street.
83 (a) dà dà i tovà sa navìva tɤ̀j go ponavìem tò sa
Yes, yes! They wind up [as it drags], and we wind them up, and it –
84 (a) to sa osnovè togiva go tùrnem na korìtoto tùrneme stanɤ̀
the warp gets set, and we put it on the washtub. We set up the loom,
85 (a) ta go navìeme pa mòže i na dvà kòlci
and then we wind it up. It can be on two stakes.
87 (a) ot tùk kòl’ i ot tùk kòl’i dvà kàmɤn’e
One stake here, one stake here, two stones.
Breste 3
73 (a) napràvi snòfkata pa tɤčè pà
makes up the warp and weaves.
Mogilica 1
34 (a) gà ispredèš pàk pupàriš pr'ɔ̀lutu usnuvèž gu stòriš
You spin it, and then you scald the yarn, then warp [the loom] and make
Repljana 3
1 (a) snovèmo na kòlci tòj klàšnite kòlci zabìeni
[When] we warp for homespun we [wind thread along] stakes pounded in
2 (a) natàm navàm kòlko sàkamo da bùdu
here and there [to measure] how long we want it to be,
3 (a) kòlko làkti da ni bùdu kojà naprèla pòveče
how many elbow-lengths. The one who has spun more –
4 (a) pòveče vḷ̀nu ìma napredè pòveče làkti
[the one who has] more wool will spin more elbow-lengths,
6 (a) kojà pò màlko no mètrove ga sɤ̀g zovù
and the one who has less – well, now they call it meters, but then
7 (a) ma tegàj zovèšemo làkti na làk [laughter]
but back then we used to call it elbow-lengths, [measuring] by an elbow.
9 (a) se osnovè pa se tegàj navìe na krosnò
You warp it, and then you wind it onto the beam,
Srebŭrna 2
128 (c) də ti tr’àvə t’èbe zə inɤ̀ stàjə i gu snuv’èm mu kàzvəmi
that you’d need for one room. And then we warp [the loom], as we say.
130 (c) usnuv’èm tùj n’èštu kəd gu usnuv’èm s’ètn’e gùždəmi glàvi
We warp this thing. After we warp it, then we put the skeins on.
Stalevo 1
100 (a) a s’è̝tne ìmə krusnà zànnu kròsnu d’èt zə gu snuv’èš’
Well, after that there’s the beams. The rear beam [is] where you’ll warp
101 (a) tvà snòjuvəj ni znàm kvò də ti kàžə kòlku čùdo
You warp that – [ah,] I don’t know how to tell you what a marvel [of things]
102 (a) səm prisnuvàlə də snuv’è̝š č’e zə gu nəvìeš nə kròsnu pàk
I’ve warped. So you warp, and then you’ll roll it onto the warp beam again.
103 (GK) kɤ̀k se kɤ̀k se snovè kato go zèmeš ot osnòvata
How do you warp, after you take it from warp [threads]?
104 (a) nə kəlàme e nəsùkənu
It’s wound onto spools,
106 (a) i jə nə nəftùr’enu nə təkʌ̀vutu nə snòvətə
and put onto this, onto the warp,
107 (a) i kət jə mùšnətu fs’àku kunč’ètu i sùrni sùrni i naɨ̀əš
and when each thread is pushed through, you pull, pull, and wind [it].
108 (a) kəd gu usnuv’èš z’èmeš krusnòtu
Then when you [are ready to] warp, you take the warp beam
109 (GK) tàm ednì prɤ̀čki səm čùval če slàgat nèšto
There’s these sticks, I’ve heard you put something [there]
110 (a) kəd’è prʌ̀čki
[What] sticks? Where?
111 (GK) usnòvətə kət se snovè
[On] the warp, when you warp.
112 (a) o ìmə prʌ̀čki kəlàmetu̥ nəvr’èni kəlàmet sə təkà nəv’èždət i
There’s sticks, and spools pushed [onto] the sticks, and they thread it like this
113 (a) tùkə kəlàm i uttùkə kəlàm i i nər’èd du dòlu
here a spool, there a spool, in a row all the way down,
114 (a) i zə gi nəvr’èš əf ədnʌ̀ dʌ̀skə i t’à e z dùpki
and you’ll push them into a board, it’s got holes in it,
115 (a) i s nèhi zə snuv’èš
and you warp with it.
117 (a) zə snuv’èš i zə gu usnuv’èš tvà zəh òsem
You warp, and you warp [a skein of] eight for this [kind of loom operation]
118 (a) unvà zəh dvənàes unvà p’etnàjs
[a skein of] twelve for that [kind], and of fifteen for that [other kind].
124 (GK) tɤ̀j i navìvaš na krosnòto tɤ̀j li
OK, so you wind it onto the warp beam, right?
125 (a) če s’è̝tn’e kəd gu u usnuv’è̝š dvà kòlə zəč’ùkəni i nə kòl’uvetu
Later, after you warp it, there’s two poles hammered in, and on the poles
126 (a) dvà kàmen’ə tùr’ krusnòtu i i hàjde drɤ̀škətə i
two stones, and you put the beam on these and there you go, it’s a handle:
127 (a) naỳəj zə gu nəvìjš
you wind it, wind it up.
Stančov Han 2
17 (b) nə nə kəlmukànti i šə gu usnuv’èm i às rəssùkəx gu
on the spools, and [then] we’ll warp it.” And I untwisted it [and]
18 (b) nəgləsìx nə kəlmukànt’i i dud’è si dòjdi t’à
arranged it for the spools. And by the time she came back
19 (b) às i gu usnuvàx t’à kət si dud’è mɤ̀ri bùlka
I had warped it [already]. And when she came [she said] “Ah me, bride!
Sveta Petka 1
29 (a) tùriš usnuvèšᵊ i nәr’èiš nә nèko vìkamè go e takìva dɤ̀rva dɤ̀rveni
and put it to warp it, and arrange it on these, what we call these wooden –
Tihomir 1
96 (a) č'e ɤf ɤv gr'èbene s nìtᵚi tač'ème ga snav'ème snav'è sa
Well, with the comb, the heddle, we weave, we set the warp. The warp is set.
98 (a) agà se pàk navìje na krosnò
Then you wind it up again on the beam
99 (a) agà gu pàk vd'èneš vɤf nìtᵚi i v gr'èbene
And then you thread it again, the heddle, the reed comb –
101 (a) i pòsle gu klàdeš af stanàte tač'èš
And then you put it onto the loom, and you weave.
Tǔrnjane 2
23 (a) ama bàbičkite sa prèle za osnòva pa sme si tkàle
but the grannies have spun it for the warp, and then we’ve woven.
82 (a) nalì koto go osnovèš i tùriš na krosnòto da go prevṛ̀žeš
You know, when you warp it and put it on the beam, to tie it on.