All Tokens

Token IDsort descending Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
stràšnə 4872 frightful страшен
strəntŭ̀ 4880 side def
stuì 4893 stand 3sg pres I стоя
stàn' 4900 become 3sg pres стана
stàni 4910 stand 3sg pres
stàrite 4924 old def pl adj стар
stàviš 4937 put 2sg pres
stàvə 4938 happen 3sg pres I ставам
stòl 4963 chair
stərnì 4969 side pl
sve 5010 can-
svìnsku 5058 pig adj
svìri 5060 play 3sg pres I свиря
svŭ̀rši 5068 end 3sg aor свърша
s 5092 refl с
s 5094 with с
sèjmi 5143 sow 1pl pres
sèjm 5144 sow 1pl pres
sèlo 5149 village sg n село
sètni 5168 after
sè 5171 all adv все
sìgurno 5174 surely adv сигурен
sŭ̀rpuviti 5252 sickle def pl
sŭ̀rpuvi 5253 sickle def pl
sǔz 5266 with с
səbòrə 5270 gathering def
səštìnsko 5284 real
sỳtu 5341 sieve n сито
sỳčku 5343 everything всичко
t'às 5355 this pl adj този
t'à 5361 this
t'èkezes'è 5366 n ТКЗС
t'èpə 5369 stamp 3sg pres
takàa 5378 such
takòva 5385 thus такъв
takòvaš 5386 thus
takòvə 5388 thus
takŭvu 5390 such
takŭ̀u 5391 thus
takŭ̀vi 5392 such pl


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut