All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
vɛ̀rno 27480 true sg n adj
vɛ̀rno 57329 right adv верен
vɛ̀rnu 13293 truly adv верен
vɛ̀rš’ehmi 62867 do 1pl impf I върша
vɛ̀rvə 11025 believe 3sg pres I вярвам
vɛ̀rvəm 11036 believe 1sg pres I вярвам
vɛ̀rvət 11020 believe 3pl pres I вярвам
vɛ̀snici 40031 newspaper pl m вестник
vɛ̀ter 33269 wind sg m вятър
vɛ̀terə 49545 wind sg m def вятър
vɛ̀terɤ 13486 wind sg m def вятър
vɛ̀tre 61575 inside adv вътре
vɛ̀truvetu 16109 wind pl m def вятър
vɛ̀təkə 62335 woof sg m def вътък
44166 dat 2pl clt вие
31647 acc 2pl clt вие
vɨl’àci 71616 roller pl m валяк
vɨsòku̥tu 66065 high sg n def adj висок
vɨ̀ 64212 dat 2pl clt вие
vɨ̀di 65538 see 3sg pres P видя
vɨ̀diš 73101 see 2sg pres P видя
vɨ̀də 73507 see 1sg pres P видя
vɨ̀dət 71447 see 3pl pres P видя
vɨ̀dɨ 73113 see 3sg pres P видя
vɨ̀dɨme 74224 see 1pl pres P видя
vɨ̀e 31559 nom 2pl вие
vɨ̀kə 64516 call 3sg pres I викам
vɨ̀kə 31555 say 3sg pres I викам
vɨ̀kəhə 73904 call 3pl impf I викам
vɨ̀kəm 64510 call 1sg pres I викам
vɨ̀kəme 31580 say 1pl pres I викам
vɨ̀kəme 45779 call 1pl pres I викам
vɨ̀kət 65199 call 3pl pres I викам
vɨ̀nce 66672 wine sg n винце
vɨ̀nu 71432 wine sg n вино
vɨ̀nutu 66659 wine sg n def вино
vɨ̀nəgi 18176 always adv винаги
vɨ̀š 70968 see 2sg pres P видя
vɨ̀š 65640 see sg imv P видя
vɨ̀šte 70680 see pl imv P видя


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut