interaction with interviewers

Bosnek 2

34 (a) à

35 (NL) lokùma e vàžen takà li
Turkish delight is important, right?

36 (a) dà takà e bilò na vrème
Yes. That’s how it was back then.

Bosnek 3

17 (a) nalì znàeš što è pačà
You know what “trotters” is, don’t you?

18 (IL) mmm nè
Well, no.

40 (a) tì klan’àla li si se ne sì nè ne me lɤ̀ži ne sì
Did you bow then? No, you didn’t. Don’t lie now, you didn’t!

49 (a) i nalì sɤz bèli kɤ̀rpi nalì znàeš kakvò se klàn’axa
with white towels, you know how they would bow, don’t you?

Breste 3

1 (GK) tì se umòri sìgurno umòrihme te səs prìkaski
You’re probably tired; we wore you out with chatting.

2 (b) à

3 (a) à

4 (GK) a hm
Well –

5 (a) nèma da ste me izmòrili ne sɤ̀m sa izmòrila
You haven’t worn me out, I’m not tired.

39 (b) na svetùčkata vìkaše
[but] by “svetuchka”, as she said.

43 (GK) tàja dùma ne jà razbràx
I hadn’t understood that word.

44 (b) è dà
Well, yes.


10 (a) kàktu vi ub'əsn'àvəm tò e ud'èlnu konkrètno ìdət sigà
… as I was explaining to you, that’s separate. In actuality now they go –

Dolna Sekirna 1

60 (b) [laughter] kažì za pòpa i za kumɤ̀ [laughter]
Tell about the priest and the godfather.

61 (VZh) a dà tovà e tovà e interèsno dovɤršì za pòpa
Yes, that’s interesting. Finish up [the story] about the priest.

Dolno Ujno

3 (a) drùgo nèma kakvò da vi kàžem [laughter]
I don’t have anything else to tell you. [laughter]

15 (a) i drùgo nèma kakvò [laughter] da vi kazùjem
Other [things]? I haven’t anything [laughter] else to tell you.

21 (a) ne mòga da [laughter] ti kàža tìja [laughter] ràboti
I can’t [laughter] tell you those [laughter] things.

23 (a) tìja màni gi nè [laughter]
Get rid of them, no! [laughter]

24 (b) è dobrè bè nèma [laughter]
Well, look, there’s nothing … [laughter]

25 (a) màni gi [laughter]
Get rid of them [laughter].

26 (b) həm

27 (a) i tè tekvò pòveče àjde dòbər vi pɤ̀t [laughter]
That’s all, [no] more. So – safe travels to you [laughter].

30 (RA) čèkaj čèkaj čèkaj de
Wait, wait, wait a minute!

31 (a) a nè
Ah, no.

32 (b) nèma nèma kàži im na xòrata znàči
… there’s nothing, nothing [to worry about]. Tell the people –

33 (b) tè ne sɤ̀ ni idvàli tùka
They haven’t come to us here …

34 (a) ama ne znàm kakvò
But I don’t know what …

35 (b) vəf kɤ̀štətə
… [to come] into the house.

36 (a) da im kàžem po dùmi
… to tell them, [what] words –

37 (b) za nèšto če te popìtat
They’ll ask you about things.

105 (a) [laughter] ìma sà kakvò da vi [laughter] kàžem dèca
[laughter] What is there now to [laughter] tell you kids

107 (a) [laughter] abe tì tì utkədè [laughter] me najdòxte tùa [laughter]
[laughter]. But you – you – how [laughter] did you find me here? [laughter]

109 (GK) [laughter] po pɤ̀t'ə minàxme ottùkə
[laughter] We were passing along the road here.

112 (b) nèma tì mnògo interèsni ràboti nèma kòj tùka
… no [worry]! You [know] many interesting things. There's nobody here –

114 (b) takà čovèk kòjto da ni gi raskàže tìja neštà
no [other] such person who can tell them these things for us.

133 (a) e àjde segà
OK, that’s [enough] now.

134 (RA) a a drùgi pèsni pèjat ə li se na xorò
And do they sing other songs, during the dance,

135 (a) glèdaj segà
Look now,

136 (RA) na na
when – when –

137 (a) pròsto
[I] just –

138 (RA) a tì nè da nè pèeš a pròsto
Ah no, not for you to sing, but just

139 (RA) da mi kàžeš kogà pèjat
to tell me when [others] sing.

188 (a) ne mòga [laughter] da vi kàžem tìa ràboti [laughter] è àjde
I can’t tell you these things. [laughter] Come on, [that’s enough].

194 (RA) è emi za tovà te pìtame za ednò vrème
Well, that’s why we’re asking you about the old days …

195 (a) è jà vi kazàx
And I told you –

196 (RA) zə tovà
… about this –

197 (a) àjde jà vi kazàx
Come on now, I told you [all this].

292 (RA) nèma li celùfki ili
Isn’t there kissing (ritual kissing of elder’s hands by the bride), or –

293 (a) e pa ìma razbìra se
Well of course there is!

294 (RA) e kàk se prài tovà
And how do they do that?

296 (RA) ami čùx sàmo čùx no
Well, I have heard [of the custom] but only heard of it.

297 (RA) tr'àbva mi nèšto da mi kàže
[Someone] needs to tell me something [about it].

298 (a) [laughter] a ama kək jà lì ti kazvà vèče ne znàm
[laughter] But how can I? Haven’t I told you already? I don’t know

299 (a) štò da vi kàzvam [laughter]
what to tell you. [laughter]

301 (a) àjde àjde stìga vi
Come on, come on, you’ve had enough.

307 (a) da si opràvl'at àjde stìga vi
… to get things ready. OK, enough for you now.

310 (a) stìga vi vèče [laughter] tì tì me iz izləgà
This is really enough already. [laughter] You – you, friend, misled me!

311 (b) [laughter] mòl'a ti se
[laughter] Don’t take it so seriously!

312 (a) àjde àjde prijàtno pətùvane
All right, all right now. Pleasant journey!

313 (b) àjde
All right.

314 (RA) àjde
All right.

Drabišna 1

51 (a) lež'àhne vɤ̀nkə bùbički̥ tvà trì kutìi bùbički hràneh
we slept outdoors. Silkworms [everywhere]! I fed three boxes of silkworms.

52 (GK) mnògo li e tovà
Is that a lot?

53 (a) à

54 (GK) mnògo li e kòlko e nìe ne smè vìždali
Is that a lot? How many is that? We’ve [never] seen [any].

55 (a) əm mnògu sə màlku li sə
Well, that’s a lot! [You think] it’s a little?

56 (GK) ne znàm ne smè vìždali
I don’t know! We’ve [never] seen [any].

57 (a) nə st'è gl'èdəli bùbič'ki
You’ve [never] looked after silkworms?

58 (GK) nè

Drabišna 2

6 (a) jà si isš'uš'ìh əmə n'àməm pr'àsni krùš'i mnòu hùbəvi krùši ìməše
I dried [some] but I don’t have any fresh pears. There were some very nice pears

7 (a) e nòu dèn də b'àhte dušlìli seà n'àmə najete ìč' krùši hìč
the other day. If you’d come then – Now you won’t find any. No pears at all!

52 (VZh) a prìkaski znàeš li
And do you know [fairy] tales?

53 (a) à

54 (VZh) prìkaski prìkaski znàeš li
Tales! Do you know [fairy] tales?

55 (a) prìkəski

56 (GK) hɤ̀
Hah, [yes]!

57 (a) ò prìkəski t'e mlògu
Oh, [fairy] tales! Lots of those.

58 (GK) jà ràskaži ràskaži
So tell [us one]! Tell [a tale]!

59 (RA) ràskaži
Tell [a tale]!

60 (GK) ràskaži
Tell [a tale]!

129 (a) tàə rìpkə tàə rìpkə d'èt stànələ nə guspòicə d'è
this fish, this fish that had turned into a young lady

130 (GK) gospòžicata dèt stànala rìpka
[You mean] the young lady who had turned into a fish.

131 (a) a

132 (GK) gospòžicata dèt stànala rìpka
The young lady who had turned into a fish!

133 (a) əjə
Uh huh.

134 (GK) dà
Yes, [and –]?

145 (GK) i tòj s'àknal li ja
And did he cut it down?

146 (a) č'àkəj d'è č'àəj ti kàžə i t'à fl'àlə izm'èlə fs'akəd'e
Wait a bit! Wait till I tell you. And she came in and swept everywhere.

Eremija 1

26 (a) èla de èla èla èla èla
Come on over! Come here, come here, come here, come here.

27 (b) ne mòga da
I can’t –

28 (a) èla èla
Come here! Come ...

30 (a) zàpoznaj se tùka sos tìja xòra
… and meet these people here.

31 (b) tìja po štò òdat
What have they come here [to do]?

32 (a) è de onì če ti kàžat
Well, they’ll tell you.

33 (b) à da ne doòždat kaj nàs
Well, they shouldn’t come here among us …

34 (a) òti


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut