
Bela 1

55 (a) no sìčko svèkɤr mi ne dàva i dùma da ne stàva
[a bit of] everything. My father-in-law wouldn’t allow it. “No way!

56 (a) vìe nèma da zìmate a sme dàle unèle u tèkezesèto
You’re not going to get [them]. We gave it all over to the collective farm,

57 (a) i kràva i junìca i nè i dùma da ne stàva ne dàva
both the cow and the heifer – No! No way.” He wouldn’t allow it.

58 (a) ako sàkate da me umòrite tovà ne mòže da bɤ̀de tekà
“If you want to kill me, it can’t be this way.”

59 (a) òn ne vèrvaše če se razvàli tèkezesèto i če stàne
He didn’t believe that the collective farms would fail, and that things would be

Belica 2

18 (a) emi čorbadžìata mɤžɤ̀ mi svekɤr mì i mɤžète vṛ̀zvat
Well, the landowner, my husband, my father-in-law – the men tie them off.

Bosnek 1

44 (a) kato si ojdòx čèsna i svekorò togàva pa nèmaše so štò
And when I was married “honorably”, my father-in-law – back then there wasn’t

48 (a) ama mène me pò me obìčaše svekorò s səs svekɤ̀rvata
but my father-in-law liked me more. As to my mother-in-law –

49 (a) se ne uvažàvax ama so svekorò če ìde če zème sìren’e
I didn’t get along with her. But my father-in-law would go and take cheese,

75 (a) i svekorò fàne s a snaàta i ja vɤrtì nèkolko pɤ̀ti okol nègo
And the father-in-law takes the daughter in law and spins her several times around him

76 (a) ta da ne bèga snaàta da sedì dòma da go slùša
so the daughter-in-law won’t run off, so she’ll stay at home and obey him.

Dolna Sekirna 2

9 (a) aha kulàci gi kàžu ama òn i mòjɤt svèkɤr
Yes, they called them “kulaks”. But my father-in-law also

10 (a) se nejtè pìše vednɤ̀ga [laughter] dèda na milènu
didn’t want to sign on right off. Milen’s grandfather.

Gorna Krušica 1

84 (GK) a svekɤ̀rvata i cvèkɤra nèšto pràvexa li
And the mother-in-law and father-in-law – did they do something?

85 (a) a svèkaro svèkara kato svàli a ot kòn’o pa togàva na kòn’o
The father-in-law. When he takes her off of the horse – back then it was on a horse

86 (a) be se kačùvame jàs na kòn me bèa kačìli mène
that we rode. I – it was on a horse that they put me [as a bride],

87 (a) i me svàl’a svèkara e me vrɤtì okol ə tovà
and my father-in-law took me off and took me around it –

88 (a) okol kòno me vrɤtì trì pati trèbe me zavrɤtì
three times around the horse. Three times he had to take me around it

89 (a) takà bèše sìčkite dè nè sàmo mène ìskam da vi kàža
that’s how it was. For everyone, mind. Not only me, that’s what I wanted to tell you

91 (a) jà sam takà ahà izvrɤtì okol kòno i svàli vèče
I was [welcomed] that way. He took [me] around the horse, and then let go.

Kovačevo 1

53 (b) kət k’i pùsnət pu inà àrkumə vìnu svikɤr mì pusrèt dvòrə
They put a cauldron of wine, my [future] father-in-law in the middle of his yard,

78 (b) šišèto a fəf pàzuvàtə nə svikərɤ̀
… a bottle that the father-in-law carries tucked into his shirt …

110 (b) gu kàzvaà upəšàlkə tugàs svikɤ̀rə kətu nərdì kurdòne
they called it the “upashalka” (ritual decoration). Then the father-in-law prepares cords.

111 (b) əku ìmə žəltìci k’e tùri žəltìcə nə kurdòne drùgi
If he has gold coins he’ll put gold coins on the cord, or other [things]

Malevo/Hsk 1

108 (a) i jà kət se už’ènɨh trɨ̀mətə b’è̝hme i sv’è̝kər
so when I married [in], there were three of us, plus my father-in-law.

159 (a) də də izràptim tòu pəmùk tugàvə sv’èkərə dàde
to work the cotton fields, and then my father-in-law gave [out the word]:


11 (a) ej nət səjvànə i s’ètn’e nìj tòj sv’èkərə gu ubìli fəf vujnɤ̀tɤ̥
up there above the porch, and then we – My father-in-law was killed in the war.

17 (a) tòj sv’èkərə kəzàl ə n’àmə də sə vɤ̀rnə
He, my father-in-law, had said, “I won’t be coming back.”

192 (a) ə màjkətə i bəštàtə mɤl’čɤ̀t i unìjə sv’èkərə i svikɤ̀rvə
The mother and father stay quiet, and those others, the father-in-law and mother-in-law,

193 (a) unìjə i t’è mɤl’čɤ̀t tìe že pəzər’ɤ̀t
those ones stay quiet too, while they (= the matchmakers) bargain.

Nasalevci 2

136 (a) i kòlko dùši su tè nasèdaju takà stàrci svèkɤr svekɤ̀rva
however many people there are sit there - elders, father-in-law, mother-in-law,


44 (a) nɨ̀e si ustànɤjme u stàrijə dù:r səs svekərɤ̀t
[but] we stayed in the old homestead with my father-in-law.

Srebŭrna 1

68 (a) sàmu bùlkata dàvə nə sv’èkaru nə sikùrvata
[But] only the bride gives gifts to her father-in-law and mother-in-law

74 (a) pɤk ə bùlkata dàwa vèči dərì krɤ̀snik krɤ̀snica sv’èkɤr
So the bride gives – she’s already gifted her godfather, godmother, father-in-law,

75 (a) sikɤ̀rva tàm nə zèt’u bəštàtə màjkata ša darìš
mother-in-law – And then you’ll give gifts to the groom’s father and mother,

Srebŭrna 2

179 (c) tòj mòju sv’èkər sè kàzvəšə̥ a vìj s’à ni ər’èsvəti
My father-in-law always said, “You don’t like [anything] now.”

Stančov Han 1

108 (a) vìkә èj t’ès cigulàr:ti kuìt sә tùj zә sv’èkәrә
and says – it’s one of these fiddlers that are there – “Here’s for the father-in-law!

Sŭrnica 1

112 (a) mòjə sv’èkɤr təkà pràvil səs
My father-in-law did it with …

115 (a) nə mùtetu
… with Muteto.

122 (a) i mòjə svèkər təkà ə nəpràvil səs edìn tùkənə
My father-in-law did it that way with someone here …

126 (a) svekərɤ̀ mi tò təkà kàzvəš’e səs edìn ɤ̀ tùk
My father-in-law told me [that he’d done] that with someone here,

127 (a) nə mùt’etu tràmpuski z bubàjku mu
with the dad of Muteto Trampuski …

129 (a) i na mal’èn e tòs z bùbəl’a mu i nàš’ijə svèkər
… the grandfather of Malyen. And our father-in-law

130 (a) sɤ̀deš’e vìnəgi vìkə vàšte decà rəstɤ̀t
always laid down the law. He said: “Your children are growing up,

131 (a) i nə nə nə ònijə mòə vìkə pubràtim rəstɤ̀t d’əcà
and those –", he said, "My blood-brother’s children are growing up too.

132 (a) də ni sɤ̀ sə z’ɤ̀li vìkə
But they mustn’t marry,” he said.

140 (a) kət puč’ìnə svekɤrɤ̀ mi ìdvəhà də gu vìd’et
and when my father-in-law died they came to see him,

Trŭnčovica 1

2 (a) kogà pràim svàdbə [cough] pɤ̀rvu hòdim vè̟čer krɤ̀snikə sv’è̟kərə
When we put on a wedding [cough] in the evening we first go – godfather, father-in-law,

11 (a) utɨ̀vət pàk sv’è̟kərə svekɤ̀rvətə ruduv’ète pɤ̀rvite rudovè̟
again the mother-in-law, father-in-law and closest relatives go [to the bride’s house].

28 (a) mlədužèn’əkə snè̟və gi i sə nərèždət pret.kɤ̀šti
the bridegroom. She helps them out, and everyone lines up in front of the house –

29 (a) krɤ̀snikə svè̟kərə svikɤ̀rvətə krɤ̀snicətə dè̟ver
godfather, father-in-law, mother-in-law, godmother, brother-in-law,

35 (a) svekɤ̀rvətə svè̟kərə nərèždət jə dàvə
the mother-in-law and father-in-law instruct her. [As the former] gives [her things]

52 (a) krɤ̀snikə krɤ̀snicətə svè̟kərə drùgi pò svòi
The godfather, godmother, father-in-law, others close to the family, all go

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut