Vladimir Zhobov
Malevo/Hsk 1
1 (VZh) OK. And now, can you first tell us
disc | good adv | and | now adv | can 2sg pres I | interr clt | first adv | comp | dat 1pl clt | tell 2sg pres P | on | Saturday sg f |
2 (VZh) what you heard from your mother, your grandmother,
what sg n interr | 2sg pres aux clt | listen sg f L.part I | from | mother f sg | dat refl clt | from | grandmother f | dat refl clt |
3 (VZh) and from old people [here] about how the village was settled?
from | old def pl adj | people pl | for | village n def sg | how interr | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | settle pl L.part P |
4 (VZh) Do you remember [this]?
remember 3sg pres I | interr clt | acc refl clt |
5 (a) [0:11] Hm, how it was settled. Well, earlier on this was a Turkish village,
disc | how interr | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | settle sg n P.part P | nom n 3sg | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | more | early adv | Turkish n sg adj | village sg n |
6 (a) [0:16] and after that there were both Bulgarians and Turks.
and | after | this sg n adj | L.part. exist | and | Bulgarian m | and | Turk pl m |
7 (a) [0:21] In fact, from the main road over to here is called the Turkish quarter,
even adv | from | hes | highway sg n def | to | here adv | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I | Turkish sg f def | neighborhood sg f |
8 (a) [0:26] and [this area] here is the Bulgarian quarter.
and | here adv | 3sg pres cop clt | Bulgarian sg f def adj | neighborhood sg f |
9 (VZh) Yes.
yes |
10 (a) [0:28] There were more Turks here, and Male –
here adv | 3pl pres aux clt | pl L.part cop | more adv | Turk m | and | [...] |
11 (a) [0:32] and when our people, the Bulgarians, settled here, they bought land
and | when conj | acc refl clt | settle pl L.part P | here adv | our pl def adj | people pl | Bulgarian pl m def | buy pl L.part P | dat refl clt | field f |
12 (a) [0:37] from the Turks, and the Turks went back to Turkey, and our people bought the land
from | Turk m def pl | Turk pl m def | acc refl clt | come.home pl L.part P | towards | Turkey sg f place | and | our pl def adj | 3pl pres aux clt | buy pl L.part P | field pl f |
13 (a) [0:43] from them. And our great-grandfathers, no, even further back ...
from | acc 3pl | and | great.grandfather pl m def | no | disc | still | great.great.grandfather pl m |
14 (f) [0:48] And 90% of them didn’t have notarized documents …
and | ninety | percent m ct | from | acc 3pl | not.have 3pl pres I | notarial pl adj | deed pl m |
15 (a) [0:51] Uh huh.
16 (f) [0:52] … because –
because conj |
17 (a) [0:53] … had bought up everything …
everything sg n adj | 3pl pres aux clt | buy pl L.part P |
18 (VZh) Aha.
bkch |
19 (a) [0:54] … from the Turks – fields and such.
from | hes | Turk m def pl | field f def | and | thus adv |
20 (VZh) But that was after the liberation of Bulgaria.
but | this sg n adj | after | liberation n def sg | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | of | Bulgaria sg f place |
21 (f) [1:00] But that was still Turkish times [for us].
disc | still adv | by | time sg n | of | Turkish n sg adj |
22 (VZh) [Ah,] still –
still adv | [...] |
23 (a) [1:01] Still in Turkish times.
by | Turkish n adj | time sg n | still adv |
24 (VZh) Uh huh.
25 (a) [1:03] In the times of the Turks even…
during | Turkish n adj | time sg n | even adv |
26 (f) [1:04] You know, [this area] here was liberated only in [nineteen-]twelve.
disc | here adv | interr | know 2pl pres I | that conj | even adv | in | twelfth f adj | year f sg | acc refl clt | liberate 3pl pres |
27 (VZh) [Ah], here [only] since [nineteen-]twelve.
here adv | from | twelfth f adj | year f sg |
28 (RA) Uh huh, uh huh.
29 (a) [1:10] In [nineteen-]twelve, and I was born in [nineteen-]seventeen. And –
twelfth f adj | year sg f | nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | bear sg f P.part P | seventeenth f adj | year sg f | and |
30 (a) [1:16] the old ones, our forefathers, all knew Turkish because here
this pl adj | old pl def adj | our pl def adj | great.grandfather pl m | all pl def adj | know 3pl impf I | Turkish m sg adj | because conj | here adv |
31 (a) [1:23] they lived together with the Turks and they all knew Turkish.
3pl pres aux clt | live pl L.part I | with | Turk m def pl | together adv | and | know 3pl impf I | Turkish sg m adj | language m | all pl def adj |
32 (a) [1:28] So they bought up the land from the Turks and began to work [it].
and | 3pl pres aux clt | buy pl L.part P | field f | from | Turk pl m def | and | 3pl pres aux clt | begin pl L.part P | comp | work 3pl pres I |
33 (a) [1:32] And the old ones were – they were close to the Turks,
and | even adv | 3pl impf cop | hes | old def adj | 3pl impf cop | thus adv | hes | with | Turk pl m def | close pl adj |
34 (a) [1:39] and each respected the other. And after that –
respect 3pl impf I | acc refl clt | and | after | this sg n adj | hes | hes |
35 (f) [1:43] There wasn’t the kind of hostility they talk about there [in other places].
neg exist | acc f 3sg clt | this sg f adj | hostility sg f | as rel | acc f 3sg clt | tell 3pl pres I | for | there adv |
36 (a) [1:45] [No,] there wasn’t, there [certainly] wasn’t.
yes | disc | neg exist |
37 (f) [1:47] [I know] because I’m from …
nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | because | from |
38 (a) [1:48] Maybe elsewhere there was …
elsewhere adv | can pres imprs | comp | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop |
39 (f) [1:48] … the Plovdiv region, and it was much worse there.
Plovdiv m def adj | region | there adv | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | more | frightening adv |
40 (a) [1:49] … hostility but here in the village my grandfather, and
hostility sg f | but | here adv | in | village sg n | my sg m adj | my sg m def adj | grandfather sg m | and | here adv |
41 (a) [1:53] and when I came, I had – my great-grandfather liked the Turks.
when conj | come 1sg aor P | have 1sg impf I | great.grandfather sg m | and | nom m 3sg | thus adv | dat refl clt | love 3sg impf I | Turk pl m def |
42 (f) [1:59] Yes.
yes |
43 (a) [1:59] There was even a Turk who came here to say goodbye
even adv | one sg m adj | Turk sg m | come 3sg aor P | here adv | and | acc refl clt | say.goodbye 3sg aor I |
44 (a) [2:02] when he was leaving for Turkey. He came to sleep here at our house …
when rel | comp | go 3sg pres I | in | Turkey sg f place | sleep 3sg aor I | here adv | at | acc 1pl |
45 (f) [2:04] Just a minute. You’re not going to need me, are you? She’s OK here?
only adv | second sg f | nom 1sg | fut neg | comp | dat 2pl clt | be.necessary 1sg pres I | interr | nom f 3sg | disc | there adv |
46 (VZh) Yes, yes, yes.
yes | yes | yes |
47 (a) [2:09] … they took their farewells and we sent him off properly. There was no argument,
bid.farewell 3pl aor I | acc refl clt | and | dat refl clt | acc m 3sg clt | send 1pl aor P | thus adv | fortunately adv | neg exist | neither | quarrel vbl.n I |
48 (a) [2:14] no nothing. But now it’s worse than the “Turkish times”, let me tell you! [laughter]
neither | nothing sg n | now adv | more | bad adv | from | Turkish n sg adj | comp | dat 2pl clt | say 1sg pres P |
49 (VZh) [laughter]
50 (a) [2:20] Now people will destroy each other, they’re jealous, envious – it’s awful.
now adv | people pl def | fut | acc refl clt | eat 3pl pres P | envious pl adj | envy 3pl pres I | dat refl clt | terror sg m |
51 (VZh) You mentioned the Balkan war. Did your father take part in it?
nom 2sg | say 2sg aor P | for | Balkan sg f def adj | war sg f | father sg m | dat 2sg clt | partake sg m L.part I | interr clt | 3sg pres aux clt | in | acc f 3sg |
52 (a) [2:31] Yes.
yes |
53 (VZh) What did he tell you about it?
what sg n interr | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | tell sg m L.part I | for | acc f 3sg |
54 (a) [2:33] Well, my father died. He died quite young. He died …
disc | my sg m def adj | father sg m | die 3sg aor P | very | young sg m adj | die 3sg aor P |
55 (VZh) Hm.
56 (a) [2:37] … [when he was] forty-three years old. So from him –
at | forty | and | three | year pl f | and | from | acc m 3sg |
57 (a) [2:44] what could he have told me? I remember that he was a soldier, he came here
what sg n interr | comp | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | tell sg m L.part I | soldier sg m | 3sg impf cop | remember 1sg pres I | come 3sg aor P | here adv |
58 (a) [2:49] on leave, and after that, when the war was over – We were little!
on | vacation sg f | and | after | this sg n adj | when inter.rel | finish 3sg aor P | war sg f def | nom 1pl | 1pl impf cop | little pl adj |
59 (a) [2:55] Who cared about wars, and [all] that sort of thing?! [laughter]
which sg m interr | acc refl clt | take.interest sg m L.part I | from | war sg f | and | from | this sg n adj | and | that sg n adj |
60 (RA) [laughter]
61 (a) [2:59] So. I was eighteen when my father died.
disc | nom 1sg | 1sg impf cop | at | eighteen | year pl f | father sg m | dat 1sg clt | when conj | die 3sg aor P |
62 (VZh) Your grandfather was still alive, I suppose?
grandfather sg m | dat 2sg clt | still adv | 3sg pres aux clt | sg m L.part cop | alive sg m adj | surely adv |
63 (a) [3:07] Yes, my grandfather was alive.
yes | grandfather sg m | 3sg impf cop | alive sg m adj |
64 (VZh) Uh huh.
65 (a) [3:08] My grandfather was alive.
grandfather sg m | 3sg impf cop | alive sg m adj |
66 (VZh) And did your grandfather take part in [any] war?
and | and | nom m 3sg | partake sg m L.part I | interr clt | 3sg pres aux clt | grandfather sg m | dat 2sg clt | in | war sg f def |
67 (VZh) Did he go [off to war]?
go sg m L.part I | interr clt | 3sg pres aux clt |
68 (a) [3:14] I can’t say.
neg | can 1sg pres I | dat 2sg clt | say inf P |
69 (VZh) He didn’t –
neg | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt |
70 (a) [3:16] I can’t tell you.
neg | can 1sg pres I | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres I |
71 (VZh) He didn’t talk to you about –
neg | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | tell sg m L.part I | for |
72 (a) [3:17] I didn’t ask, and he didn’t say. And that’s all there is.
neg | 1sg pres aux clt | acc refl clt | take.interest sg f L.part I | and | neg | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | tell sg m L.part I | and | thus adv |
73 (VZh) Has the village Malevo always had this name, or
all adv | this sg n adj | name sg n | interr clt | have 3sg impf I | village sg n def | Malevo sg n place | or |
74 (VZh) did it used to have some other name?
more | early adv | have 3sg impf I | other sg n adj | name sg n |
75 (a) [3:26] It used to be Tekekyoy. It was called Tekekyoy, and after that Malevo.
Tekekyoy sg n place | 3sg impf cop | more | early adv | thus adv | acc refl clt | say 3sg impf I | Tekekyoy sg n place | and | after | this sg n adj | Malevo sg n place |
76 (VZh) Uh huh.
77 (a) [3:32] Its old name was Tekekyoy and then after that they changed the name to Malevo.
old sg n def adj | dat n 3sg clt | name sg n | 3sg impf cop | Tekekyoy sg n place | and | and | after | this sg n adj | Malevo sg n place | acc n 3sg clt | rename 3pl aor I |
78 (a) [3:37] but I remember it [as] Malevo back when it was Tekekyoy.
but | nom 1sg | acc n 3sg clt | remember 1sg pres I | Malevo sg n place | disc | when interr | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | Tekekyoy sg m place |
79 (a) [3:40] I know that earlier it was Tekekyoy,
more | early adv | know 1sg pres I | that conj | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | Tekekyoy sg n place |
80 (a) [3:42] but I know it as Malevo. And we even have
but | nom 1sg | acc n 3sg clt | remember 1sg aor P | Malevo sg n place | yes | and | even adv | have 1pl pres I |
81 (a) [3:46] an area around here called Malevo, it’s fields.
here adv | one sg f adj | locality sg f | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I | Malevo sg n place | field pl f |
82 (RA) Uh huh.
83 (a) [3:52] We worked these fields; they’re called Malevo, the Malevo area.
field pl f | work 1pl impf I | acc 3pl clt | acc refl clt | say 3pl pres I | Malevo sg n place | locality sg f def | Malevo sg n place |
84 (VZh) How do you remember the village [then]? Was it smaller than it is now?
nom 2sg | how interr | 2sg pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | remember sg f L.part P | village n def sg | more | little sg n adj | interr clt | 3sg impf cop | from | now adv |
85 (a) [4:02] [No,] it was even bigger.
more | big sg n adj | 3sg impf cop | even adv |
86 (RA) Bigger!
more | big sg n adj |
87 (a) [4:04] Now all the young people ran off to the city and [what’s] left of the village [is] small.
now adv | young pl def adj | escape 3pl aor P | all pl def adj | in | city sg m def | and | remain 3sg aor P | village sg n def | little sg n adj |
88 (a) [4:09] Now we have lots of Pomaks. [If you include] Pomaks, the village is big. [laughter]
now adv | Pomak m pl | have 1pl pres I | many adv | with | Pomak pl m def | 3sg pres cop clt | big sg n adj |
89 (VZh) Where did the Pomaks come from, do you know?
from.where interr | 3pl pres aux clt | come pl L.part P | know 2sg pres I | interr clt | Pomak m def pl |
90 (a) [4:15] Well, from the Balkan [mountains], from the Rhodopes.
disc | from | mountain sg m def | from | Rhodope pl f def |
91 (VZh) [Ah], from the Rhodope region.
from | Rhodope pl f def |
92 (a) [4:19] Yes.
yes |
93 (VZh) Uh huh. They bought up land, so I suppose they work it here?
disc | buy pl L.part P | 3pl pres aux clt | land sg f | surely adv | here adv | work 3pl pres I |
94 (a) [4:25] Well, when the cooperative farms came in they took our fields.
interr | when conj | become 3sg aor P | collective.farm sg n | our pl def adj | field pl f | acc 3pl clt | take 3pl aor P |
95 (a) [4:30] Our people, for example, we had [cough] lots of fields, but not enough hands to work [them].
and | our pl def adj | people pl | for.example adv | nom 1pl | have 1pl impf I | many adv | field pl f | but | not.have 1pl pres I | work sg f adj | hand sg f |
96 (a) [4:37] so it all went off to the cooperative farm. And who would work them?
and | everything sg n adj | go 3sg aor P | in | collective.farm sg n | and | which sg m interr | comp | acc 3pl clt | work 3pl pres I |
97 (a) [4:40] The Pomaks came and just took over. So we put everything –
Pomak m def | come 3pl aor P | and | on | ready sg n def adj | and | nom 1pl | import 1pl aor P | everything sg n adj |
98 (a) [4:43] our cart, our oxen, our carriage, and everything we had –
and | cart f sg | and | ox m pl | and | and | carriage sg f | and | what sg n rel | have 1pl impf I | inventory sg m |
99 (a) [4:48] we put it all into the cooperative farm. And the Pomaks came and
everything sg n adj | acc n 3sg clt | import 1pl aor P | in | collective.farm sg n | and | Pomak m def | come 3pl aor P | and |
100 (a) [4:52] and [took] everything as a whole and began to work [it]. And that was it.
and | everything sg n def adj | ready.made adv | and | begin 3pl aor P | comp | work 3pl pres I | and | thus adv |
101 (VZh) Uh – So you had [your own] fields before the cooperative farm came along.
hes | mean 3sg pres I | nom 2pl | field f pl | 2pl pres aux clt | have pl L.part I | before | comp | become 3sg pres P | collective.farm sg n def |
102 (a) [5:02] Yes, we had [our own] fields.
yes | have 1pl impf I | field pl f |
103 (VZh) Hm, well, can you tell us how one –
disc | disc | hort | comp | dat 1pl clt | tell 2sg pres P | how interr | acc refl clt | [ … ] |
104 (VZh) how you worked the fields back in those days?
how interr | 2pl pres aux clt | work pl L.part I | in | field sg f def | one sg n adj | time sg n |
105 (a) [5:08] Oof! [laughter] Heavy labor! [laughter] How could we not work? You get up in the morning [cough] –
excl | big sg m adj | labor sg m | how interr | neg | work 1pl impf I | morning sg f | arise 2sg pres P |
106 (a) [5:17] we mostly worked with outsiders because we didn’t have enough workers [here].
nom 1pl | mostly adv | with | foreign pl adj | people pl | work 1pl impf I | because conj | not.have 1pl pres I | work sg f adj | hand sg f |
107 (a) [5:21] My husband worked too, He had a sister, still a maiden,
my sg m def adj | husband sg m | hes | and | nom m 3sg | work 3sg impf I | and | have 3sg impf I | sister sg f | girl sg n | 3sg impf cop |
108 (a) [5:30] so when I married [in], there were three of us, plus my father-in-law.
and | nom 1sg | when conj | acc refl clt | marry 1sg aor P | three def an.num | 1pl impf cop | and | father.in.law sg m |
109 (a) [5:34] Also my mother-in-law here at home – someone has to be in the house, you know.
and | mother.in.law sg f | here adv | at.home adv | interr | disc | and | at.home adv | must pres imprs | person sg m | comp | pres exist |
110 (RA) Uh huh.
111 (a) [5:39] We couldn’t work fields by ourselves, [it was] always
and | neg | can 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | alone pl | comp | dat refl clt | work 1pl pres P | field pl f def | and | always adv |
112 (a) [5:43] with outsiders. We hired day-workers. The day-workers came and worked for us.
with | foreign pl adj | people pl | catch 1pl impf I | day.worker pl m | day.worker pl m | come 3pl impf I | and | dat 1pl clt | work 3pl impf I |
113 (a) [5:49] The – the day-workers come in the morning, and food [had to be] ready for them.
disc | [...] | [...] | day.worker pl m def | fut | come 3pl pres P | morning sg f | food sg n def | dat 3pl clt | ready sg n adj |
114 (VZh) What [sorts of crops] did you plant primarily?
what sg n interr | sow 2pl impf I | most | much adv |
115 (a) [5:57] We mostly planted wheat and corn.
most | much adv | sow 1pl impf I | wheat sg n | and | corn sg f |
116 (VZh) [Ah,] wheat and corn.
wheat sg n | and | corn sg f |
117 (a) [6:01] Yes.
yes |
118 (VZh) What time [of year did you plant] the wheat?
wheat sg n def | [...] | which sg n interr adj | time sg n |
119 (a) [6:03] We plant wheat in the autumn and gather it up in the summer.
wheat sg n def | in | autumn sg f def | acc n 3sg clt | sow 1pl pres I | during | summer sg n def | acc n 3sg clt | gather 1pl pres I |
120 (a) [6:07] Right, in the summer. [So] in June and July, we start to reap
thus adv | disc | during | summer sg n def | during | hes | June sg m | July sg m | and | begin 1pl pres I | comp | reap 1pl pres I |
121 (a) [6:12] [and] gather in the wheat. For corn, we plant it in the spring, and then
gather 1pl pres I | wheat sg n def | but | corn sg f def | in.spring adv | acc f 3sg clt | sow 1pl impf I | and | hes |
122 (a) [6:18] pick it in the autumn. Now, during September is [when] we’re picking the corn.
in | autumn sg f def | acc f 3sg clt | gather 1pl impf I | now adv | during | September sg m | 3sg pres cop clt | corn sg f def | gather 1pl pres I |
123 (VZh) What did you used to call it in the old days? Did you call it “tsarevitsa” (corn)?
how interr | acc f 3sg clt | say 1pl impf I | at | time sg n def | corn sg f | interr clt | dat f 3sg clt | call 1pl impf I |
124 (a) [6:25] “Rapka” (corn).
corn f sg |
125 (VZh) Aha, you called it “rapka”
corn sg f | dat f 3sg clt | call 2pl impf I | disc |
126 (a) [6:26] [laughter] “rapka”.
corn f sg |
127 (VZh) And whose job was it to plant the fields?
hes | and | whose sg f interr adj | work sg f | 3sg pres cop clt | comp | sow 3sg pres P | field sg f def |
128 (VZh) The men’s or the women’s? Who went out to do the sowing?
masculine sg f adj | interr clt | 3sg pres cop clt | feminine sg f adj | interr clt | 3sg pres cop clt | which sg m interr | go 3sg pres I | comp | sow 3sg pres I |
129 (a) [6:32] Well, let’s see. In the winter we spin. Back then everything was spun and woven.
disc | see pl imv P | now adv | during | winter sg f def | spin 1pl pres I | then adv | everything sg n def adj | 3sg impf cop | spin sg n P.part I | and | weave sg n P.part I |
130 (a) [6:40] The women spin and – and weave, and the men look after the animals.
woman pl f def | spin 3pl pres I | and | [...] | weave 3pl pres I | man pl m def | look 3pl pres I | livestock sg m def |
131 (a) [6:44] In the spring, the men start to plow, and the women weave.
in.spring adv | man pl m def | begin 3pl pres I | comp | plow 3pl pres I | woman pl f def | weave 3pl pres I |
132 (a) [6:48] All the [thread] they’ve spun now needs to be woven [into fabric],
this sg n adj | which sg n rel | 3pl pres aux clt | spin pl L.part P | must pres imprs | comp | acc n 3sg clt | weave 3pl pres P |
133 (a) [6:51] because all our clothes were home-woven, all our clothes were home-made
because conj | wear 1pl impf I | everything sg n adj | weave sg n P.part I | domestic sg n adj | all pl def adj | clothing pl f | 3pl impf cop | domestic pl adj |
134 (a) [6:55] there wasn’t anything like now, ready-made and bought [at the store].
impf neg exist | like | now adv | ready pl adj | and | store.bought sg n adj | disc |
135 (a) [6:59] Then the men start the plowing, and by the time they finish plowing
and | then adv | and | man pl m def | begin 3pl pres I | comp | plow 3pl pres I | and | until conj | comp | comp | plow 3pl pres P |
136 (a) [7:04] and get the fields ready, we have to be ready, to have finished all our weaving.
comp | prepare 3pl pres P | field pl f def | nom 1pl | must pres imprs | comp | 1pl pres cop clt | ready pl adj | comp | 1pl pres aux clt | weave pl L.part P |
137 (a) [7:08] Whatever we’ve woven or not woven, we have to start work [in the fields].
already adv | this sg n adj | what sg n rel | [...] | weave pl L.part P | neg | weave pl L.part P | begin 1pl pres I | comp | work 1pl pres I |
138 (a) [7:12] First of all we plant onions, and after onions, then beans.
most | early adv | sow 1pl pres P | onion sg m def | after | onion sg m def | beans sg m def |
139 (a) [7:16] and after the beans, then melons, and after the melons, then “tsarevitsa” (corn).
after | beans sg m def | melon.field sg m def | after | melon.field sg m def | corn sg f def |
140 (VZh) “rapka”
corn sg f def |
141 (a) [7:21] Yes, “rapka”, and then, we begin already to tamp the soil. First,
yes | corn sg f def | and | after | this sg n adj | begin 1pl pres I | already adv | comp | tamp 1pl pres I | most | first adv |
142 (a) [7:26] we tamp it around the onions. Then we hoe the beans, we hoe the corn –
onion sg m def | comp | acc refl clt | tamp 3sg pres P | beans sg m def | comp | acc refl clt | hoe 3sg pres P | corn sg f def | comp | acc refl clt | hoe 3sg pres P |
143 (a) [7:31] and – and we hoe the cotton. We also planted cotton.
and | and | cotton sg m def | comp | acc refl clt | hoe 3sg pres P | and | cotton sg m | sow 1pl impf I |
144 (VZh) Ah, you planted cotton too?
disc | and | cotton sg m | 2pl pres aux clt | sow pl L.part I |
145 (a) [7:35] Yes, we also planted cotton, and after that it’s time to hoe the corn.
yes | and | cotton sg m | sow 1pl impf I | and | after | this sg n adj | corn sg f def | already adv | comp | hoe 1pl pres I |
146 (a) [7:46] and all these things come in order: first one, then the next, first one, then the next.
and | nom 3pl | acc refl clt | work pl f def | arrange 3pl pres I | one sg f adj | after | other sg f adj | one sg f adj | after | other sg f adj |
147 (a) [7:46] You go to the field in the morning, come back in the evening, get up in the morning
morning sg f | go 2sg pres I | to | field sg m def | evening sg f | acc refl clt | return 2sg pres I | morning sg f | arise 2sg pres I |
148 (a) [7:49] go again to the field, come back in the evening – all without a break.
again adv | go 2sg pres I | to | field sg m def | evening sg f | acc refl clt | return 2sg pres I | continuously adv | mean 3sg pres I |
149 (a) [7:52] No day goes by [but you work]. Only on Sunday would we stop a bit
day sg m | neg | acc refl clt | pass 3sg pres I | only adv | on | Sunday sg m adj | day sg m | remain 1pl impf I | by | little adv |
150 (a) [7:56] to take a rest. And all that was tremendous work. Tremendous.
comp | rest 1pl pres P | and | this sg n adj | 3sg impf cop | everything sg n adj | big sg m adj | labor sg m | 3sg impf cop | big sg m adj |
151 (VZh) Did you sell the cotton, or did you [grow it] for yourselves?
cotton sg m def | sell pl L.part I | interr clt | 2pl pres aux clt | acc m 3sg clt | or | for | acc 2pl |
152 (a) [8:03] At first we planted just enough cotton for us at home,
cotton sg m def | from | beginning sg n def | sow 1pl impf I | how.much rel | for | at.home adv |
153 (VZh) Uh huh.
154 (a) [8:08] After that they ordered us to plant a lot of cotton.
after | this sg n adj | acc 1pl clt | oblige 3pl aor P | comp | sow 1pl pres I | by | much adv | cotton sg m |
155 (a) [8:15] That’s very much work. You need to tamp it down with an adze,
and | dat m 3sg | 3sg pres cop clt | work sg f def | much adv | nom m 3sg | want 3sg pres I | tamp vbl.n I | with | adze sg f def |
156 (a) [8:17] and [working] with an adze is not easy. And we even had a field here nearby,
with | adze sg f def | neg | go.smoothly 3sg pres I | and | even adv | have 1pl impf I | one sg f adj | field sg f | here adv | in | locality sg f def |
157 (a) [8:23] it was called Hrukli. There, they ordered us to plant 12 decares in cotton.
Hrukli sg m place | acc refl clt | say 3sg impf I | twelve | decare ct m | oblige 3pl aor P | acc 1pl clt | comp | acc f 3sg clt | sow 1pl pres I | cotton sg m |
158 (a) [8:28] Fine, but we didn’t have the work force, we had to hire day-workers
well adv | but | nom 1pl | not.have 1pl pres I | work sg f adj | hand sg f | must pres imprs | comp | catch 1pl pres I | day.worker pl m |
159 (a) [8:32] to work the cotton fields, and then my father-in-law gave [out the word]:
comp | comp | work 1pl pres P | this sg m adj | cotton sg m | then adv | father.in.law sg m def | give 3sg aor P |
160 (a) [8:37] Whoever had hands to work but no fields should come plant [the fields], and –
who sg m rel | have 3sg pres I | work sg f adj | hand sg f | but | not.have 3pl pres I | field pl f | comp | acc m 3sg | sow 3pl pres P | and |
161 (a) [8:41] and use them. So then they’d gather up the cotton for the farmer’s union,
and | comp | acc m 3sg clt | use 3pl pres I | and | and | then adv | hes | gather 3pl impf I | cotton sg m def | in | cooperative.farm sg f def |
162 (a) [8:52] and we’d take it [there]. When we gather it up to dry it, and to take it
carry 1pl impf I | cotton sg m def | when inter.rel | acc m 3sg clt | gather 1pl pres I | comp | acc m 3sg clt | dry 1pl pres P | and | comp | acc m 3sg clt | bring 1pl pres P |
163 (a) [8:52] to the union, they’d give us money. They’d pay us for it,
in | cooperative.farm sg f def | and | dat 1pl clt | give 3pl impf I | on | money pl.t | pay 3pl impf I | acc m 3sg clt | disc |
164 (a) [8:57] and would even give us yarn or cloth for it, whatever you asked for.
and | even adv | and | give 3pl impf I | yarn sg f | fabric pl m | give 3pl impf I | in.exchange | which sg m interr | what sg n rel | want 3sg impf I |
165 (a) [9:01] Yarn if you want, cloth if you want, or just if you want them to pay you money.
if conj | want 2sg pres I | yarn sg f | if conj | want 2sg pres I | fabric pl m | if conj | want 2sg pres I | money pl.t | comp | dat 2sg clt | give 3pl pres P |
166 (VZh) Hm.
167 (a) [9:07] That’s how it was. That was before we joining the cooperative farm.
thus adv | 3sg impf cop | this sg n adj | before | comp | enter 3sg pres P | in | collective.farm sg n |
168 (a) [9:13] But then the cooperative farm came and took the fields [laughter]
and | after | this sg n adj | but | cooperative.farm sg n def | come 3sg aor P | take 3pl aor P | field pl f def |
169 (a) [9:18] And whoever wanted to go to work there, to do [it that way] – they did.
and | who sg m rel | want 3sg pres I | comp | go 3sg pres P | comp | work 3sg pres I | what sg m rel | want 3sg pres I | comp | do 3sg pres I | thus adv |
170 (VZh) So you did spinning and weaving until spring, and after spring,
disc | to | spring sg f def | weave vbl.n I |