All Tokens

Token IDsort descending Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
ergèni 1054 bachelor m pl ерген
e 1066 disc е
e 1067 and и
fkùsnə 1079 tasty
fpr'ègnət 1086 harness 3pl pres
fs'e 1090
ftàsuva 1094 leaven 3sg pres
ftòri 1097 second sg m adj втори
f 1105 in в
f 1106 to в
fàni 1110 grasp 3sg pres
fànət 1112 grasp 3pl pres
fàtət 1113 catch 3pl pres
fàštali 1114 catch pl L.part.
fàštəli 1115 catch pl L.part.
fàštəš 1116 grasp 2sg pres
fèršil 1117 paramedic
fùrka 1119 distaff f хурка
fŭ̀rl'ət 1127 throw 3pl pres
fŭ̀rl'ə 1128 toss 3sg pres
fəf 1130 in в
ga 1141 acc m 3sg clt той
gi 1152 acc 3pl clt те
gl’èdət 1154 look 3pl pres I гледам
glèdəli 1172 look pl L.part I гледам
glèdəmi 1173 look 1pl impf
glìnə 1176 clay
godìna 1183 year f sg година
gol'àmi 1188 big pl
gorɤ̀tə 1203 high.forest def
gotòf 1206 ready sg m adj готов
govedàrka 1207 female.cowherd sg f говедарка
govèda 1208 cattle pl n говедо
grad'ŭ̀t 1213 build 3pl pres
grŭ̀b 1232 back
grŭ̀p 1233 back
grədì 1234 build 3sg pres
gudỳny 1258 year f pl година
gul’àm 1264 big m adj голям
gutòf 1281 ready sg m adj готов


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut