
Eremija 5

103 (c) kàčat nagòre ednìte xàjde baìra gòre planinàta snegò dèka tṛl'àsva
some were climbing: “Let’s go [to] the hills, the mountains, piles of snow.”

107 (c) tàm planinà pa mažò mi narèdi tovà vojnìcite d ìdat
It’s the mountains up there, and my husband ordered the soldiers to go

Gela 1

10 (a) ut kòlku gòdɤn pu kàrlak pud vɤ̀rhə
How many years [have you been going] about Karlak right up to the summit?

13 (PSh) tì si se kalìl gòre po goràta po planinàta
You’ve been getting your exercise up there in the forests and the mountains.

14 (a) ò tò dvàes pèd gudᶤìni sàmu po vɔ̀rhə tùka bìl
Oh, for twenty-five years now, he’s been only up here on the summit

Huhla 4

10 (VZh) takà mi izglèždə tuka tu katu planinà vi
It seemed to me like it was mountainous here.

11 (a) ə mòže də ə pləninɤ̀ əmə nè e təkà visòkə i tàm
Maybe it’s a mountain, but it’s not so high as [it is] there

Pavelsko 4

4 (b) s ugləftʌ̀ gi vìkəm də mi wòd’ət i jà wòrəm pòs’l’e
I tell them lead [the animal] by the bridle. And then I plow after that,

5 (b) è is pləninàtə əgà zèt s nàč’u də ti rəspràvəm nàč’u
up in the mountains. When my son-in-law Nacho – let me tell you, when Nacho and I

Rajanovci 1

55 (a) i tekà sɤm pàsla jàgɤnci pòsle sɤm pàsla govèdata
And so I pastured lambs. After that I pastured livestock,

56 (a) pàk u balkàna i tè tekà
again in the mountains. And that’s how it was.

Vŭrbina 3

99 (a) ud dəl’èč’e ut plənnɤ̀tə kòjtu si im’ɛ̀ dukàrvəš’e
Whoever had [anything] would bring it from afar, from the mountains.

Vŭrbina 4

44 (d) ottùkə sə xòdili zə g’um’uržìne i sə kàrəli dɤ̀ski ut plənnɤ̀tə
They would go from here to Komotini, they would take boards from the mountains

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut