Huhla 4

1 (VZh)       Where were there fields around here? Everywhere I look are mountains.

where interr have 2pl impf I field f pl here adv everywhere adv look 1sg pres I mountain sg f

2 (a) [0:04]      Hah?


3 (VZh)       Where were your fields?

where interr
dat 2pl clt
3pl impf cop field pl f def

4 (a) [0:06]      Where were the fields? There’s fields everywhere! “We don’t have fields”!

where interr 3pl impf cop field pl f def disc everywhere adv pres exist field f pl
not.have 1pl pres I field pl f

5 (a) [0:09]      What [do you mean]?! See, over there, there’s a level area, Tsimbel,

what sg n interr adj ost there adv pres exist one sg n adj level sg n adj place sg n Tsimbel sg m place

6 (a) [0:12]      we’ve got a field this big on the other side there. We’ve got a whole field like this

that.big sg f med adj field sg f have 1pl pres I there adv beyond adv have 1pl pres I whole f adj such sg f med adj field sg f

7 (a) [0:16]      here abo- below we have a section of field; here outside the village

here adv [...]
below have 1pl pres I one sg m adj block sg m field sg f here adv
village sg n def

8 (a) [0:19]      we have a section of field. Where are there “no fields”? For our village

have 1pl pres I block sg m field sg f where interr pres neg exist
nom 1pl
our sg n def adj village sg n

9 (a) [0:21]      we have lots of fields, so there. Who says we don’t have fields?

have 1pl pres I field f pl many adv why interr which sg m interr say 3sg pres I
that conj
nom 1pl not.have 1pl pres I field f pl

10 (VZh)       It seemed to me like it was mountainous here.

thus adv
dat 1sg clt
seem 3sg pres I here adv
like mountain sg f

11 (a) [0:27]      Maybe it’s a mountain, but it’s not so high as [it is] there

can pres imprs
3sg pres cop clt
mountain sg f but neg
3sg pres cop clt
thus med adv high sg f adj
there adv

12 (a) [0:29]      near Smolyan where our daughter lives, where there’s nothing [like fields].

towards Smolyan sg m place where rel
3sg pres cop clt
our sg n def adj daughter sg f
pres neg exist nothing sg n

13 (a) [0:31]      Here there’s land. Oh, we’ve got land.

here adv pres exist earth sg f how interr nom 1pl have 1pl pres I earth sg f

14 (a) [0:35]      There’s the mayor, [ask him] to tell you that we don’t have land.

ost ost
acc m 3sg clt
mayor sg m def
say 3sg pres P interr not.have 1pl pres I earth sg f nom 1pl

15 (a) [0:38]      We have land! How [can anyone say] we don’t?

nom 1pl have 1pl pres I earth sg f why interr not.have 1pl pres I

16 (VZh)       And what did you plant in the old days?

what sg n interr
acc f 3sg clt
sow 2pl impf I one sg n adj time sg n

17 (a) [0:44]      What did we plant in the old days? If it wasn’t edible, we didn’t [plant it].

what sg n interr sow 1pl impf I one sg n adj time sg n what sg n rel
acc refl clt eat 3sg impf I

18 (a) [0:47]      Beans, chickpeas, wheat – we also planted corn, and cotton, and sunflowers –

bean sg m
chickpea sg m
wheat sg f
corn sg f sow 1pl impf I
cotton sg m
sunflower sg m

19 (a) [0:53]      and sesame. Everything! We planted everything, it all came up fine. It still does,

seasame sg m everything sg n adj everything sg n adj sow 1pl impf I everything sg n adj become 3sg impf I
again adv become 3sg pres I

20 (a) [1:02]      but this year – such a drought. Up there they say – some of our folks from there

this sg f med adj year sg f such sg f med adj drought sg f up adv say 3pl pres I this pl med adj our pl def adj from.above adv

21 (a) [1:05]      just now came here to a wedding, and they say [that up] by Malko Gradište

3pl impf aux come pl L.part P now adv here adv
wedding sg f say 3pl pres I towards Malo.Gradishte sg n name

22 (a) [1:09]      [near] there are no grapes and melons at all. So we’re grateful.

grape sg n
melon.field sg m L.part neg exist at.all adv disc nom 1pl
1pl pres cop clt
grateful pl adj

23 (a) [1:13]      We’ve got both grapes and melons, even though it hasn’t rained at all.

grape sg n pres exist
melon.field sg m have 1pl pres I but at.all neg
3sg pres aux clt
precipitate sg n L.part P

24 (a) [1:16]      [Here] in our area in the summer, we [just] get rain two or three times

our sg n def adj earth sg f during summer sg n def thus med adv three time ct m
begin 3sg pres P rain m

25 (a) [1:20]      and that’s enough. It doesn’t require more. But this region didn’t –

dat f 3sg clt
suffice 3sg pres I more adv
want 3sg pres I
this sg f med adj earth sg f [ … ]

26 (a) [1:24]      There was nothing this summer, you see?

this sg f med adj summer sg n exist impf neg

27 (RA)       Mm.


28 (a) [1:24]      This summer there was no rain. This summer – [only a little] in May. But now –

this sg n med adj summer sg n exist impf neg rain m this sg n med adj summer sg n May sg m when conj precipitate 3sg impf I

29 (a) [1:30]      [In] earlier [years] there’d been a lot of rain [by now]. Still, look there –

more before adv 3sg impf aux begin sg n L.part P much adv rain m
again adv

30 (a) [1:33]      at the grapes. Over there we’ve a vineyard with grapes [and] the grapes are fine.

grape sg n def
3sg pres cop clt
there adv have 1pl pres I vineyard sg n grape sg n grape sg n already adv shine 3sg pres I nice sg n adj

31 (VZh)       And what animals did you raise mostly?

animal pl n what.kind pl adj breed 2pl impf I most much adv

32 (a) [1:44]      Mostly we raised sheep and goats, and I had horses.

most much adv sheep pl f goat pl f breed 1pl pres I
horse pl m have 1sg impf I

33 (a) [1:49]      But we had nothing to eat and nothing to buy, child. What to raise?

exist impf neg
eat vbl.n I exist impf neg
buy vbl.n I child sg n what sg n interr
breed 1pl pres I

34 (a) [1:52]      We had a cow. What [can you do?] We milked goats – we had twelve goats

nom 1pl cow sg f have 1pl impf I but where interr goat pl f milk 1pl impf I because twelve goat pl f

35 (a) [1:58]      and sheep. And we had donkeys, and we had two mules.

sheep pl f have 1pl impf I donkey pl n have 1pl impf I nom 1pl have 1pl impf I
two n mule pl n

36 (a) [2:00]      They took them off to the front, and didn't bring them back. They stayed there.

take.away 3pl aor P
acc 3pl clt
front sg m def already adv
acc 3pl clt
drive.back 3pl aor P remain 3pl aor P
dat refl clt
there adv

         Where were there fields around here? Everywhere I look are mountains.


         Where were your fields?

         Where were the fields? There’s fields everywhere! “We don’t have fields”!

         What [do you mean]?! See, over there, there’s a level area, Tsimbel,

         we’ve got a field this big on the other side there. We’ve got a whole field like this

         here abo- below we have a section of field; here outside the village

         we have a section of field. Where are there “no fields”? For our village

         we have lots of fields, so there. Who says we don’t have fields?

         It seemed to me like it was mountainous here.

         Maybe it’s a mountain, but it’s not so high as [it is] there

         near Smolyan where our daughter lives, where there’s nothing [like fields].

         Here there’s land. Oh, we’ve got land.

         There’s the mayor, [ask him] to tell you that we don’t have land.

         We have land! How [can anyone say] we don’t?

         And what did you plant in the old days?

         What did we plant in the old days? If it wasn’t edible, we didn’t [plant it].

         Beans, chickpeas, wheat – we also planted corn, and cotton, and sunflowers –

         and sesame. Everything! We planted everything, it all came up fine. It still does,

         but this year – such a drought. Up there they say – some of our folks from there

         just now came here to a wedding, and they say [that up] by Malko Gradište

         [near] there are no grapes and melons at all. So we’re grateful.

         We’ve got both grapes and melons, even though it hasn’t rained at all.

         [Here] in our area in the summer, we [just] get rain two or three times

         and that’s enough. It doesn’t require more. But this region didn’t –

         There was nothing this summer, you see?


         This summer there was no rain. This summer – [only a little] in May. But now –

         [In] earlier [years] there’d been a lot of rain [by now]. Still, look there –

         at the grapes. Over there we’ve a vineyard with grapes [and] the grapes are fine.

         And what animals did you raise mostly?

         Mostly we raised sheep and goats, and I had horses.

         But we had nothing to eat and nothing to buy, child. What to raise?

         We had a cow. What [can you do?] We milked goats – we had twelve goats

         and sheep. And we had donkeys, and we had two mules.

         They took them off to the front, and didn't bring them back. They stayed there.

1 (VZh)       кəдѐ ѝмахте нѝви ту̀кə насѐкəде глѐдəм планина̀

2 (a) [0:04]       ъ̀

3 (VZh)       кəдѐ ви б’а̀хə нѝвите

4 (a) [0:06]       кəдѐ б’а̀hə нѝвите əми нəс’а̀кəд’е ѝмə нѝви бə н’а̀мəни нѝи

5 (a) [0:09]       кəко̀ ѐй та̀м ѝмə ино̀ ра̀мну м’а̀сту цѝмбел

6 (a) [0:12]       то̀лкуə нѝвə ѝмəне та̀м удвъ̀д’е ѝмəне ц’а̀лə тəкъ̀вə нѝвə

7 (a) [0:16]       ту̀к удго̀ уддо̀лу ѝмəне идѝн бло̀к нѝвə ту̀кə пут с’ѐлту

8 (a) [0:19]       ѝмəне бло̀к нѝвə кəд’ѐ н’а̀мə ни зə на̀шту сѐлу

9 (a) [0:21]       ѝмəне нѝви мно̀гу о̀т’ ко̀й ка̀звə че нѝе н’а̀мəне нѝви

10 (VZh)       така̀ ми изглѐждə ту̀ка ту кату планина̀ ви

11 (a) [0:27]       ə мо̀же да̀ ə плəнинъ̀ əмə нѐ е тəка̀ висо̀кə и та̀м

12 (a) [0:29]       кəт смо̀л’əн д’ѐту е на̀штə дəштеръ̀ да н’а̀мə ништу

13 (a) [0:31]       ту̀кə ѝмə зѐм’ə къ̀к нѝе ѝмəме зѐм’ə

14 (a) [0:35]       о̀ на̀ йе̂̀ гу км’ѐтə дə ка̀же дəлѝ н’а̀мəне зѐм’ə нѝе

15 (a) [0:38]       ə че нѝе ѝмəме зѐм’ə о̀т’ н’а̀мəне

16 (VZh)       əмəм а какво̀ йа сѐехте едно̀ врѐме

17 (a) [0:44]       кəко̀ с’а̀ене едно̀ вр’ѐме кəко̀т не съ̀ йəд’а̀ше

18 (a) [0:47]       и вəсу̀л и лəhу̀т’ и пчинѝцə и ца̀ривицə с’а̀иhни и пəму̀к и слəнчугл’ѐт

19 (a) [0:53]       и суса̀н сѝчку сѝчку с’а̀еhне сѝчку ста̀нвəше и па̀к ста̀нвə

20 (a) [1:02]       ѐ та̀ə гудѝнə тəкъ̀вə су̀шə нəго̀ре ка̀звəт тѝйə на̀шие удго̀ри

21 (a) [1:05]       б’а̀hə душлъ̀ли̭ сига̀ ту̀кə нə сва̀дбə ка̀звəт кəдə ма̀лку.грəдѝште

22 (a) [1:09]       гро̀зд’е ə буста̀н н’а̀мəлу hѝч пəк нѝй сне благуда̀рни

23 (a) [1:13]       и гро̀зд’е имə и буста̀н’ ѝмəме ѐм ѝч нѐ е л’ѐтнəлу

24 (a) [1:16]       на̀штə зѐм’ə през л’а̀ту̭ту тəка̀ два̀ трѝ пъ̀т’ə дə фа̀ти дъ̀ш

25 (a) [1:20]       то̀ hи стѝгə по̀вече не штѐ мə та̀ə зѐм’ə н’а̀

26 (a) [1:24]       та̀ə л’а̀т н’а̀мəше д’ѐ

27 (RA)       мм

28 (a) [1:24]       тва̀ л’ат н’а̀мəше дъ̀ш тва̀ л’ату ма̀й кəту вəл’а̀ши и сиге̂̀

29 (a) [1:30]       по̀ нəпр’а̀ш бѐше фа̀нəлу тə мно̀гу дъ̀ш и па̀к е на̀ е

30 (a) [1:33]       грозд’ѐту и та̀м ѝмəне ло̀з’е гро̀зд’е гро̀зд’е в’ѐке св’а̀т’ hу̀бəу

31 (VZh)       и за живо̀тни каквѝ глѐдахте на̀й мно̀го

32 (a) [1:44]       нъ̀й мно̀гу əм уфц’е̇̀ куз’е̇̀ гл’ѐдəйне əм кун’е̇̀ ѝмəh

33 (a) [1:49]       əм н’а̀мəше зə йа̀дени н’а̀мəше зə купу̀вəне чѐдо кəко̀ дə гл’ѐдəне

34 (a) [1:52]       нѝе кра̀вə ѝмəйне əмə кəд’ѐ кузѝ дув’а̀hне пунѐже двəна̀есе кузѝ

35 (a) [1:58]       и офцѝ ѝмəйне мəга̀ретə ѝмейне нѝе ѝмəhне и дв’а̀ му̀л’етə

36 (a) [2:00]       зəка̀рəhə и нə фро̀нтə в’ѐке н гѝ дука̀рəhə уста̀нəhə си та̀м

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut