Bangejci 2
29 (TD) ə pək tuvà tùkə
And this thing here?
30 (a) vrit'ènu
A spindle.
Breste 1
45 (a) na vretènoto̥
Onto the spindle?
47 (a) prèda go na vretènceto̥
I spin onto the spindle.
51 (a) kɤdèl’a koto izvlàčiš vḷ̀nata kɤdèl’ata i kotò go isprèda
... what you pull the wool from. The distaff-full, when you spin it.
52 (a) i pòsle go zèmem na motovìlčeto
And after that we put it on the yarn-crutch.
Breste 3
73 (a) napràvi snòfkata pa tɤčè pà
makes up the warp and weaves.
Dolno Ujno
68 (RA) i tùka dòlu ìma
And down below there’s –
69 (a) i vretèno vretèno i
The spindle. The spindle, and –
71 (a) vretèno i se vɤrtì i se napɤ̀lni vretènoto
The spindle. And it revolves, and the spindle fills up,
72 (a) i drùgo se pa pɤ̀lni pàk se predè
and then another one fills up, and you spin.
74 (a) i pòslem prèžda stàvi se i se pletè ot nèja
And then [you’ve got] yarn. You put it [on] – and you knit [things] from it.
92 (a) i kɤlɤbèto kɤlbèto se sprègne i se prevṛ̀tka
and the ball [of yarn]. You pull [the yarn from] the ball double, and twist it
93 (a) sos vretèno i se pletè čoràpo sos ɤ pettè ìgli
with the spindle, and you knit the sock with the five needles.
Golica 3
1 (VZh) tàm do pɛ̀t'a vìždaš li
Over there by the road, do you see ...
3 (VZh) dèto predè səs xùrka tàm i vretèno
... the one who is spinning over there with distaff and spindle?
22 (VZh) kədèl'ka a tvà
[OK, that's the] wool on the distaff, and this?
23 (c) vrit'èno
[A] spindle.
Huhla 2
92 (a) hɤ̀ nìj ne znàehme tvà ò gà n vretènu
Huh?! We knew none of that. Ah. When the spindle –
93 (a) də gu nəpredène mɤ̀ninkə əku e vritènutu màlku
if we’d spun too little, if the spindle was small –
94 (a) də vìj sə kàrə tə òt mari̥ si gu ustàjlə
If mother saw it, she’d scold you: “Why did you leave off?
97 (GK) kòlko gol'àmo tr'àbvaše da bɤ̀de vretèntu
How big did the spindle need to be?
98 (a) əmi tr'abə də nəpred'èš inò vr'et'ènu
Well, you had to spin a spindle-full.
99 (GK) i kòlko na nègo da ìmə
And how much is there on [a spindle]?
100 (a) əm jà d'e də znàm kòlku kɤ̀k də ti kàžə
Well how should I know how much? How can I tell you?
101 (a) tr'àvə də imə inò pàsmu dv'è pəsmà ìh ne rəzbìrəte vìe
You had to have one skein, two skeins. You don't understand.
102 (GK) kòlko pasmà na ednò vretèno
How many skeins on one spindle?
103 (a) d'v'è
104 (GK) dvè pasmà na enò vretèno
Two skeins on one spindle.
105 (a) dà ə mɤ t'ènku gà e tènenku mɤ̀ segà əku tvà ti
Yes, but little. When it's thin. But now if you, this –
Iskrica 1
69 (a) vr’ət’ènu i zəprìdə nə dèverə zəprìdə nə bùlkətə kəd’èlkətə
and a spindle. She spins up the wool for the best man, she spins for the bride,
Kruševo 3
50 (a) nə seà pò nəpr’èš nə vərt’ènu nə kul’èntu ž’ùr
Not now, but earlier – the spindle on your knee, whirr!
51 (a) i ž’ìč’kata š’e jə nàprəjə
And I’ll make the thread [that way].
53 (a) š’e gu nàvərt’ə vert’ènutu i š’e a nàpraa
I’ll twirl the spindle, and I’ll make it [like that].
Mogilica 1
13 (a) zə d'èn trì č'ètiri p'èt vretenà še nəpred'èš
in a day you’ll spin up three, four, five spindles’ worth.
14 (RA) ɛ təvà dòlu kàk se kàzvə
And what is the thing down below called?
15 (a) vret'ènu
A spindle.
Srebŭrna 2
135 (c) às səs inì urtincà gu nəvìvəmi nə tùj kròsnu
I am here with these spindles, and we roll it up [the fabric] onto this beam,
Stalevo 1
30 (a) oh vr’etèn:tu i pr’èšleni i zə pred’è̝š
[you’ll take] the spindle and the weight on it, and you’ll spin.
31 (GK) kɤ̀k se predè səs kakvò se predè
How do you spin? What do you use to spin with?
32 (a) mi s vr’etè̝nu
Well, a spindle!
57 (a) tovà ti e žìčkə̥
[Yes,] that’s a thread.
58 (GK) i otìva na vretènoto
And it goes onto the spindle.
59 (a) əm tɨ̀ zə nəjɨ̀əš s tàə zə nəỳəš
You’ll wind it up – you’ll wind it up with this [hand]
60 (a) s tàə zə mùcəš s tàə zə naɨ̀əš
You’ll spin-twist with that [hand] and wind it up with this [one].
61 (GK) əhə̀ i pòsle ot vretènoto
Aha. And then from the spindle [it goes to] –
62 (a) ud r’ət’è̝n:tu nə mut’v’ìlkə
[You take it] from the spindle to the yarn-crutch.
Stančov Han 1
58 (a) i nә nə dɤ̀rvinu ə tәkòvә vɤ̀ržiš tùj i vrit’ènutu
On this wooden thing. You tie [it to] the spindle,
59 (a) i prid’èš vәrtìš tùkә i te tòčiš tùkә i prid’èš
and you spin. You twirl [it] here and you roll it up here, and you spin.
Šumnatica 3
233 (b) hùrkə i vərtènu pred’ème jà
We spin with a distaff and a spindle. That’s right.
235 (GK) i pòsle kato go navìeš na vretènoto kvò go pràiš
And after you wind it on the spindle, what do you do?
Sveta Petka 1
21 (b) pr’ed’èš’ nә vrәt’ènu
You spin it on the spindle.
23 (MM) čàkaj segà glèdaš na vretènoto kàg go
Wait a minute, look here. [Is this what you do] with the spindle when –
24 (d) à tәkà tәkà gu predèš’
Ah that’s it! That’s how you spin.
26 (a) mi è tәkà gu rәstàniš kato pòčne nә vәrtènotò gu vìješ’
So you stretch it out like this and when it begins to go on the spindle, you twirl it.
Tihomir 1
224 (GK) i ottàm pòsle kɤdè otìva žìčkata
And from there, where does the thread go?
225 (a) na vr'et’ènu na vret'èno navìvame
Onto the spindle. We wind it onto a spindle.
227 (a) azàm agà se napɔ̀lni vret'ènono pàk ìmame matavìlkɔ matavìlkɔ e zav'ème
Then when the spindle is full we’ve got the yarn-crutch. We call it yarn-crutch.
236 (GK) a otgòre kàk go vrɤ̀zvaš na kakvò go vrɤ̀zvaš
And how do you tie it on top? What do you tie it to?
237 (a) nə tò si ìma pùpko vret'ènana
The spindle’s got a bud on [top of it].
239 (a) zə zə spìčankɯ pùpčica ìma
It’s got a little bud [to tie] the loop of thread [onto].
241 (a) pùpčica ìma zə zə spìčenkɯ sedì žìčkata
It’s got a little bud for the loop of thread. The [main] thread sits [there],
242 (a) vɔ̀rtneš i vər vər vər vər i navìeš pàk pàk es’èj
you twist it – whirr, whirr, whirr, whirr, and [then] you wind it again. Like this.
243 (a) pàk sa rast'ɔ̀ne sletvà ž'ìčkata pàk e navìvaš
The thread stretches out again after that, and you wind it again.
244 (GK) rast'òne sa žìčkata tàm
The thread stretches out there.
245 (a) rast'ɔ̀g rastìga sa t'à te apìn'aš si at vɔ̀lnata
it stretches – stretches out, and you pull it out from the wool.
246 (a) i t'à sa napɔ̀lni ž'ìčkata ap'ɔ̀neš esèⁱj navìež ga pàk bašl'ècaš
and it fills up, you pull the thread like this, wind it, and begin again.