sifting flour

Babjak 1

3 (a) i se nə nə utsɛ̀jə gu tàm utsɛ̀ja gu i
then they sift it, they sift it there and [then]

Babjak 2

19 (b) tuvà žìtutu mèlehme nə mèlnici mèlehmè i sɛ̀ejə ženìte
we used to grind this grain at the mill. We would grind [it], and the women would sift [it],

Belica 2

127 (a) vɤ̀tre fkɤ̀šti sedì si f čuvàla vɤf noštuvìte si òtsea
inside the house, and it sits in the bag. Then I sift it into the kneading trough

128 (a) sɤs sìtoto mèsa si onòva si sedì dodè go ìzmesa
with a sieve, I knead [that part], and the rest sits there until I finish it all.

129 (a) kɤdè še go tùra vɤf čuvàla si sedì
Where [else] am I going to put it? It sits in its sack.

139 (a) tòo kvàs se natòpi vɤv vodà večertɤ̀ òtsea brašnòto nàprava dùpka
the leavening and dissolve it in water. In the evening I sift the flour, make a hole

Eremija 3

49 (a) brašnòto se otsèe
You sift out the flour.

50 (GK) səs kakvò
Using what?

51 (a) səs sìto ìma si speciàlno
Using a sieve. There was a particular –

52 (GK) takà si mu vìkaxte vìe
Is that how you called it?

53 (a) sìto
A sieve.

55 (a) sìto otsèe se i se naprài na sredàta dùpka tùri se sòl
A sieve. You sift it, you make a hole in the middle, and you put in salt.

56 (GK) vəf kakvò go sèexte
What did you sift it into?

62 (a) onà stàne pòveče tùri i òtsej tàm kòlko bràšno trèbe da è
It gets bigger, you put it in and then sift out as much flour as you need,

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

36 (a) noštuvì e kato tovà doodìa pa edno sìto vezdèn vìkame takà
A kneading trough, like that. And then we shake the sieve constantly, that’s how we do it.

37 (a) ta tùpame ta otsɛ̀em pà sam mesìla lɛ̀p i s kartòf
We tap on it, and sift [the flour] out. I’ve [also] made bread with potatoes.

Malevo/Hsk 1

261 (a) əgà dunesɤ̀d brəšnòt uts’è̝eš ìməš sɨ̀tu
When they bring [home] the flour, you sift [it]. You’ve got a sieve,

262 (a) ìməš nòštuve̝ zə hl’àp spec’àlnu prigòtveni zə utcè̝eš brəšnòt
you’ve got a kneading trough, made especially for bread. You sift the flour,

Tihomir 2

5 (a) naškvᵊɨ̀ g zav’eme sᵊɨ̀pem ats’ème brašnòto
we called it kneading trough. We pour – we sift the flour

6 (GK) sɤs kakvò
With what?

9 (a) sìtɔ ats’ème brašnòto vazvr’ènata vòda sᵊìpeme gà a càrevìčevo
A sieve. We sift out the flour, we pour boiled water – [when it’s for] corn [meal, that is.]

216 (a) kanà da pràim tò ne imè sakvòne sakvɔ̀n ballɔ̀kᵊi atvɛ̀ana atsɛ̀ana
What [else] could we do? There wasn’t such plenty that’s winnowed and sifted.

Vŭrbina 1

10 (a) dèsu sìp’ət bràšnu tə gu vdìgneme i vdìgnem pl’əvɤ̀nə
where you sift flour, and then we lift it up, we lift up the chaff

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut