
Bangejci 2

26 (TD) pòsl'e kət ə ispred'ète tuvà kàk sə kàzvə tuvà
And after you finish the spinning what do you call this thing

27 (TD) d'èt ə vɤ̀lnətə i nə n'ègu
that has the wool on it?

28 (a) ɸùrkə ùrkə
A distaff. Distaff.

Baskalci 1

214 (a) izmèsi se kɤdèli pràat à pòsle pràea grɤ̀dnici
they mix it, ready it for distaffs, and then later they made shawls.

Breste 1

27 (a) ùrkḁ
[With] a distaff.

29 (a) na ùrkə̥tə̥
On a distaff.

30 (GK) i ùrkata t’à kvò pretstavljàva
And this distaff: what is it like?

31 (a) e edìn tovà èto tovà krivàk li e tam [unclear]
A thing like – like that shepherd’s crook over there. [unclear]

32 (GK) dà tojàgata
Yes, a club.

33 (a) tojàškata i na nègo ìma takà koto ostàveno od dṛvòto si̥
A small club. And there’s this thing of wood placed on it ...

35 (a) kato tòmbolčeta ta da mòe sa vṛ̀zva sɤs edìn
... like small protrusions so you can tie it on with a –

36 (a) ednà takòva na ednà kṛ̀pčica jàčka takà
something like a small rag, but a strong [one].

38 (a) i hùrkata i prèda cèla zìma predème tačème na làmbata tɤčème
I [take] the distaff and spin. We spin all winter, we spin by lamp-light.

43 (GK) hm i katò ot tovà dèto go slàgaš na na na xùrkata
Hm. And this thing that you put onto – onto the distaff,

44 (GK) na ùrkata kàk se vìka tovà
onto the distaff. What’s that called?

49 (a) kɤdèl’a se kàzva
It’s called a distaff-ful, ...

Breste 3

37 (a) əm kɤdèl’kite e takà vl̀nata ùrkata i si predème za za čeràpe za
Well, the distaff-full – wool on the distaff, and we spin it for socks, for –

Dolno Ujno

52 (a) i predèm kɤdèl'ə si ìmax i si predèm prèžda
And I spin. I had a distaff, and I spin – yarn.

53 (GK) kədèl'ata u rəkà li je dɤržìš
Is it in your hand that you hold the distaff?

54 (a) tùka u pòjasu
Here, in my waistband.

55 (GK) kədèl'ata slàgaš u pòjasu
You put the distaff in your waistband.

56 (a) tùka tùka onò pòjas nèma tràklata [laughter]
Here, here in the waistband. There’s no ties [laughter].

57 (RA) a vɤ̀lnata vɤ̀lnata kədè e
And the wool? Where is the wool?

58 (a) vḷ̀nata na kədèl'ata è takà kədèl'a
The wool is on the distaff. Like this – a distaff.

60 (a) kato è tè tekà tovà dɤrvò
Like – that [piece of] wood.

62 (a) è kədèl'a è tè tùka če se vṛ̀že vḷ̀nata i tè
So, a distaff. And you’ll tie the wool on here, and then

63 (a) tùka če ja mùšnem i tè tekà i si predèm
I’ll shove it in here, and then I spin.

Golica 3

3 (VZh) dèto predè səs xùrka tàm i vretèno
... the one who is spinning over there with distaff and spindle?

4 (a) ou prid'è s hùrka
Ah, spinning with a distaff.

9 (c) ùh pàdnə mi hùrkata
Ah! I dropped my distaff!

12 (a) fùrka ìmam, i pred'ɛ̀w i pred'ɛ̀ i tečɛ̀
I have a distaff; I used to spin, and I spin and weave [now too].

18 (VZh) tvà kàk se vìka
What do you call this?

19 (c) hùrka
[A] distaff.

20 (VZh) tovà
[And] this?

21 (c) kədèl'ka
The wool on the distaff.

22 (VZh) kədèl'ka a tvà
[OK, that's the] wool on the distaff, and this?

Iskrica 1

68 (a) i kojàt bìlə mɤ̀škə bubulɤ̀čkə t’à nòsi ennà hùrkə s enà kəd’èlkə
and the one who is the groom’s “little bug” brings a distaff filled with wool

69 (a) vr’ət’ènu i zəprìdə nə dèverə zəprìdə nə bùlkətə kəd’èlkətə
and a spindle. She spins up the wool for the best man, she spins for the bride,

70 (a) tòj i gə dàvə i hùrkətə̥ i kətu dòi p’ètəkə
and he gives her the distaff. And when Friday comes,

Kruševo 3

45 (a) ìč’ nə kədilkà
Not on the distaff!

Malevo/Asg 1

99 (VZh) na xùrkata
With a distaff.

100 (a) nə fùrkənə a pək zə strìž’en’e sp’ʌ̀vət ufc’èt’e
With a distaff. As for shearing, they hobble the sheep

Mogilica 1

18 (RA) a nagòre
And up on top?

19 (a) ače fùrkə
Oh, [that’s] the distaff.

22 (VZh) i nə nèjə kakvò slàgəš
And what do you put on it?

23 (a) vɔ̀lnənə
The wool.

24 (VZh) nèjə kàk ja kàzvaš kato ja slòžiš na hùrkə
And what do you call that [stuff] you put on the distaff?

25 (VZh) kədèl'ə ne è li kədèl kədèl'ka
“Kŭdelya”? Isn’t it “kŭdel”, “kŭdelka” [or something like that]?

26 (a) če nè əm fùrkə jə kàzvəš vɔ̀lnə
Well, no. You call it the distaff. [For] wool –

Pavelsko 4

87 (b) š’e dòjdež də gi m’èniš š’e gu stòriš’
[Then] you’ll come to swingle them. You’ll put [the result]

88 (b) nə təkìvə dɤ̀lgi š’e gi pràjə š’e gu nəvìvəme nə fùrki
on these long – I’ll make – we’ll wind it on distaffs,

89 (b) š’e gu pr’ed’èm tə pràvime pròsturi gu kàzvəhme
spin it, and make [of it] what we used to call hemp rugs.

103 (b) jɛ̀ səm m’ʌ̀nələ jɛ̀ segà səm səs puv’àsmutu segà
I was swingling [just] now, and I have a whole distaff-ful of it now.

Srebŭrna 2

67 (c) na fùrkə slàgəmi tɤ̀j na fùrkətə
on a distaff. We put it like this on the distaff.

69 (c) tùkə fùrka slàgəmi
Here, [this is where] we put the distaff.

Stalevo 1

35 (GK) n’àmaxte li nèšto da slàgate vɤ̀lnata tàm da ja vrɤ̀zvate
Didn’t you have something to put the wool on, to tie it

36 (GK) nə nègo xùrka ili
onto, a distaff or -

37 (a) n’àmə t’à sə vʌ̀rzvə d’èt sa mùcə
No [not at all]. You tie it down [in the spot] where [you] spin-twist it –

42 (a) tàə d’è̝t sa mùcə t’à ə nə hùrkə vʌ̀rzənə
The part you spin-twist, that’s tied to the distaff.

43 (a) hùrkə vərzàlkə s ìmə zə jə vərzè̝š i
There’s this ribbon, and you’ll bind it to the distaff and –

Stančov Han 1

56 (a) әmi tәkà nə ə ùrkә nə nad’èniš
Well, like this. You put [it on] a distaff.

58 (a) i nә nə dɤ̀rvinu ə tәkòvә vɤ̀ržiš tùj i vrit’ènutu
On this wooden thing. You tie [it to] the spindle,

Stančov Han 2

12 (b) də tugàs ùrkətə ùrkətə i šə prid’èš i šə təčèš i
to – Back then it was the distaff. The distaff, and you’ll spin and you’ll weave and –

Šumnatica 3

230 (GK) kàk se predè kàk se predè
How do you spin? How do you spin?

231 (b) əs hùrkə bè
With a distaff, of course!

233 (b) hùrkə i vərtènu pred’ème jà
We spin with a distaff and a spindle. That’s right.

Sveta Petka 1

18 (a) nә golèmi kòtki tòlki è
into big hanks [of wool] – they’re this big.

19 (MM) axà

20 (a) i si go kàč’aš’ i si go prid’èš’
And you put that [onto the distaff] and you spin it.

Tihomir 1

201 (a) pred'ème č'e na hùrko pamùkə pred'èm mùčkame sɛ̀e hùrkᵊi
We spin on the distaff. We spin cotton, we pull it [from] these distaffs.

202 (a) esèj reč'èm'ə agà af rògə rògave ìma dvà trì
We do it this way when – on the prong. It’s got prongs, two or three [of them] –

203 (a) ròčka ìma azàm gɤ asèj zavr'èmi pred'ème sì
a little prong, then we push them through like this, and we spin.

204 (GK) kakvò istègl'aš ottàm gòre dèto go vrɤ̀zvaš kàk mu kàzvaš
What is it that you pull from [what] you’ve tied up there, how do you call that?

211 (a) kɔ̀del'ke i na hùrkɔ
The wool on the distaff, and the distaff [itself].

213 (a) kakvòto ìštež da pred'èš t'ènku ka pred'èš t'ènku deb’èlu
Whatever you want to spin – finely if you spin fine [thread], or thick [thread]

215 (a) t'ènkata č'e mi pò pa màlko pò pa màlka apìn'aš kɔ̀del'k'ata
“Fine” - you pull from the wool on the distaff more and more gently.

221 (a) i na hùrkata zakàč'ena kɔ̀del'č’ica i zav’ɔ̀žeme na kɔ̀del'k'ana
The wool is attached to the distaff, we tie it [all] onto the wool on the distaff.

Tǔrnjane 2

22 (a) na grebenèca pràvime povèsmata i sɤ jà ne sɤ̀m prèla
With the carding comb we make a distaff-ful and – I haven’t spun [it],

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut