Babjak 2
5 (b) ečemìk uvès rɤ̀š vrɤšème gu sɤs kòne rəsfrɤ̀l'əme snòpite
barley, oats, and rye – we thresh it with horses. We spread the sheaves
6 (b) pu zeml'àtə vrɤzème dvà kun'à əlì trì əlì čètiri
around on the ground, we rope up two horses – or three or four,
22 (b) kugàtu wòrətə tùka vm'ɛstu də ìma kòne də se vəršè
When people here didn't have horses for threshing – [of course,]
23 (b) s kunè punèže kunète tìčət i gu tròšət pò l'èsnu e
with horses, it's easier because horses run and break things up –
Belica 2
35 (a) emi kàrame volòvete ako ne sɤ̀ volòvete konète
Well, we drive the oxen, if not oxen [then] horses.
40 (a) emi vɤfᵊ dvòra e konète se vṛ̀zani
In the yard – [yes, of course] the horses are tied
41 (a) za strožer mu se kàzva nasrèt dvòra
to what we call the threshing pole, in the middle of the yard.
Bosnek 1
22 (a) i nèmaše kon’è nèmaše tàja ə tìja takòva fàbriki da se rabòta
there weren’t horses, there weren’t any of these factories to process things.
Brŭšljan 1
40 (a) predì də sə ubrəzùvə t'èkezes'ètu dukətu bene č'àsni
Before the collective farm was formed, when we were private [landowners],
41 (a) biul'à ìməš'e kunè ìməš'e kràvi ìməš'e təkìvə
there were water buffaloes, horses, cows, there were these –
42 (a) tugàvə ìməš'e bìuli mnògu kràvi ìmaše
at that time there were many water buffaloes. There were cows –
43 (b) kòne ìmaš'e
There were horses.
44 (a) kòne ìməš'e svìni ìməš'e pàk təkà pu surìjki surìjki d'ètu ìməš'e
There were horses, there were pigs in small herds, these small herds –
Brŭšljan 3
17 (VZh) [А какви животни гледахте?]
[Which animals did you raise?]
18 (c) pu dv'ɛ̀ trì kràvi št'à: ìmə bìvulicə št'à də ìmə kòne
Two or three horses each; there’d be a female water buffalo, there’d be horses.
19 (c) ə ìməne si g'unl'učìi xòrə tə pə edni pəs'àə
And we’d have people as day-workers. Some pastured
20 (c) kràvite drùgi pəs'àə kònetu drùgi pəs'àə biul'àtə
cows, others pastured horses, and others pastured water buffaloes.
11 (a) osòbenus nàšte dɤržàxə tùkə z'èmət pod nàem kunè
and our people were especially insistent on this – they rent horses.
13 (a) kun'ète gi kàg də ti kàžə səs ednɤ̀ dùmə pisk'ùli
And the horses – how shall I say it in a word? They’re tasseled.
Eremija 1
85 (GK) àjde àjde bègaj ednò vrème ednò vrème stòkata samì si ja čùvaxte
Go off then. (So –] in the old days, did you care for the livestock alone?
86 (a) samì
[All] alone.
87 (GK) kakvà stòka
What kind of livestock?
88 (a) òfci kòzi svìn'e govèda kòn'e sìčko u ednà kɤ̀šta bèxme
Sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, horses – everything. We were all in one house –
92 (a) tì səs kon'ètu i tovà e
you [go] with the horses” – and that’s it.
Eremija 5
98 (c) jà sam se kačuvàla na kòn kòlko kɤ̀štata visòk
I climbed up on a horse as tall as this house!
99 (GK) brè
100 (c) kòku kɤ̀štata
As [tall] as this house.
101 (GK) takìva kòne ìmaše li
Did there [even] used to be such horses?
110 (c) jà da dṛ̀ven matriàl i jà sos nìx me kàčuvə kamandìro
Yes, lumber. And I [to go] with them. The commander hoisted me up:
111 (c) dàjte dàjte tàa žèna da a kàčime na kòn'o vìkam lèle
“Hey, let’s put this woman up on a horse!” I said “Oh my,
112 (c) ne smèja òn vìka če go pùsneš sàmo po nàši̥te karùci
I don’t dare!” He said, “Just let it [go] after our carriages.
113 (c) tòo kòn je je ùčen ta takà i jà i po sos nìx
This horse is trained.” And so – I went out after them!
Eremija 6
24 (c) i stàneme ràno nasàdime i si gònime dodèka sàmne
We get up early, lay it all down, and we chase [the horses] until it gets light,
34 (c) sè na rèt na rèt narèdim takà edìn do edìn
Everything in rows, in rows. We line them up one next to another
35 (c) i pùštime kon'ètu àjdè po n'ìm ta ìma po dvà kòn'a
and release the horses, and off after them! There’s two horses each [for]
36 (c) n'ekòj vršì nèkoj trì nèko kòj kòku si ìska
[for] some, [for] some three, [for] some – Each as many as he wants.
38 (c) kòj kòku si ìma kon'è
Each according to how many horses he has.
39 (GK) a konète vɤ̀rzani li sa nèjde
And are the horses tied [to something] somewhere?
40 (c) takà sa vɤ̀rzani na vəžè
They’re tied to a rope.
41 (d) tè sə vɤ̀rzani səs alkà
They’re tied with a ring.
46 (c) i kato rèče òbərni i òn'a se obɤ̀rne kòn'o obṛ̀nat se
And when he said “Turn!” the horse turns. They turn back [the other way].
58 (c) kon'èto si go kakò vṛvàt i òno se navìva
As the horses go along, that’s how it winds up –
60 (c) važèto do kràj i tə òbṛni go i onì se obṛ̀štat
– the rope, up to the end. And then turn it back, and they turn around.
61 (GK) samì
By themselves.
62 (c) samì nè gònime si gi
By themselves. [Well] no! We chase them!
64 (c) nìe si gi gònime nèkoj ne mòže onì samì
We chase them – someone [has to]. No other way. [If] they’re [left] alone
65 (c) če si zòbat tàm vṛò ìnače nèma da
they will otherwise munch from the pile of sheaves. They won’t –
66 (GK) nèma da rabòtat
They won’t work!
67 (d) nèma da rabòtat [laughter]
They won’t work! [laughter]
68 (c) nèma da rabòtat a nìe àjde brè àjde brè ùbre àjde
They won’t work, but we – come on, you! Come on you! Hey you! Come on!
Glavanovci 1
87 (VZh) vɤršìdba s kvò səs kòn’i sɤs dòma sɤs volòve i
What did you thresh with? Horses, oxen? At home?
96 (a) a kòj ìma kon’ì sɤs kon’ì se vṛšè stòdžer vṛ̀že se ə južè
Whoever had horses would thresh with horses. There’s a pole, you tie a rope
97 (a) i se sɤs kon’ì vṛšè a nìe sɤs volòve i sɤs lesè
and thresh with horses. We, with the oxen and the wattle harrow.
Godeševo 4
4 (b) i fpr'àgəš vulòve li šè e kòn'e li šè e
and harness up oxen, if that’s [what you have] or it might be horses,
Gorna Krušica 1
85 (a) a svèkaro svèkara kato svàli a ot kòn’o pa togàva na kòn’o
The father-in-law. When he takes her off of the horse – back then it was on a horse
86 (a) be se kačùvame jàs na kòn me bèa kačìli mène
that we rode. I – it was on a horse that they put me [as a bride],
87 (a) i me svàl’a svèkara e me vrɤtì okol ə tovà
and my father-in-law took me off and took me around it –
88 (a) okol kòno me vrɤtì trì pati trèbe me zavrɤtì
three times around the horse. Three times he had to take me around it
91 (a) jà sam takà ahà izvrɤtì okol kòno i svàli vèče
I was [welcomed] that way. He took [me] around the horse, and then let go.
Gorna Krušica 2
24 (c) ìmahme volòve ìmahme kobìlə pa dzàran ìmam cadìlka
we had oxen, we had a mare. So early in the morning – I have a string-tie bag
Huhla 4
32 (a) nɤ̀j mnògu əm ufc'è̝ kuz'è̝ gl'èdəjne əm kun'è̝ ìməh
Mostly we raised sheep and goats, and I had horses.
Izgrev/Var 1
4 (a) nə č'uš'm'ɛ̀tə hòdim tòj səs kun'ète ɑ̀s səs kubìlicə̥tə nə ràmu
[so] we go to the well – he with the horses and I with the yoke over my shoulders,
Kovačevo 2
2 (a) məgàre kòn mùle vòluve
Donkeys, horses, mules, oxen –
9 (c) i kòn’ i mùle
and a horse, and a mule.
10 (b) i kòn’ ìməme i sìčku ìməme
We also have a horse. We have everything.
11 (c) dvè mùl’tə səm prikàrlə dvè məgàrtə i idìn kon’
I looked after two donkeys and one horse.
13 (c) i idìn kon’
And one horse.
Leštak 3
56 (e) i pùsnət ə pùštət tugàvə kunète kòn’e li kətɤ̀re li nezəvìsimu
and then they start up the horses – horses, hinnies, it doesn’t matter –
Malevo/Asg 1
7 (a) pàk jə vərš’ìjeme səs kòn’e
we thresh it again with horses,
12 (a) kòn’ n’è z guv’ʌ̀də n’è
[or] with a horse. Not with cattle, no.
69 (a) ɛ̀ɛ vr’ème vərš’ìjehme pòveč’e vr’ème sə vərš’ìje kàrəme kòn’uven’e
[We needed] more time for threshing. When we thresh we drive the horses around,
70 (a) kàrəme d’ìgəm’e n’àkvi ìmə tə presìč’ət snòpi̥te
drive them, lift [up all the sheaves]. Some people would cut the sheaves –
Malevo/Hsk 1
232 (a) i fpr’àgəž dikàn’ətə səs òluwə il’ səs kun’è
and then you harness up the threshing board to oxen, or to horses,
Mogilica 3
32 (a) səs mùl'e mùl'etə kòn'i təkà gi vər'tɔ̀t mùl'etənə
With a mule – mules or horses. The mules go around in a circle.
Petrov Dol 3
134 (a) i kət pr’ègn’im vulòv’it’ȅ gi kun’è l’i vulòwi i kəkòt ìməm’i
And we harness up the oxen, horses, oxen, whatever we have,
145 (a) vulòvit’ȅ kun’è l’i kəkòt ìməš dubìtɤk minàət
The oxen, the horses, whatever sort of livestock you have – they go by
36 (a) i trì čètiri kòn’a ìmame edin kòn’ ždrebèc [cough] gulɛ̀m
And three or four horses. One of the horses we had [was] a big [cough] stallion
37 (a) pḁ às mnògo se raspràvaj sɤs nègu nòsej se na kon’ète
and I had a lot to do with him. I spent time with the horses,
38 (a) pasɛ̀h gi glèdajme gi [cough] na pojànata ni e tàm dèto
I pastured them. We looked after them [cough]. [It was] to our meadow, where
39 (a) igràa orò àz žɤ gu zàveda na vòda go zàveda
they danced the round-dance, [that] I took him to water him. I took him
40 (a) na vòda [cough] a pa tòj potskàča pràvo nagòre sa plàši od mùzikata
to water him [cough], but he jumped straight up in the air – he was frightened by the music.
41 (a) jà sam si vɤrzàla sindžìrɤ səm gu zàvela na rɤkɤ̀tɤ si̥
I had tied my hand to the chain I was leading him by
42 (a) da ne opùšta kòn’a i tìja mi vìkat òrɤtɤ ut stɤrnɤ̀
so the horse wouldn’t get loose. And these folk called out to me from the side
43 (a) ma marìjo ma puštì tòo kòn ma puštì tòo kòn
“Hey Maria, let go of that horse! Hey! Let go of the horse!”
44 (a) às vìkam kà še go pùšta tòj mi e stegnà: rɤkɤ̀tḁ
I said, “How can I let him go? He’s fastened tight to my hand!”
45 (a) pristɤ̀pi edìn čovèk tàm lèko lèko go fanà otkopčà mi rɤkɤ̀ta
A man came up and carefully caught him, and undid my hand
46 (a) puštì kòn’a tòj pobɛ̀gna otidè si baštà mi izlɛ̀zi [cough]
and let the horse go. It ran off, it got away. My father came out, [cough]
47 (a) tòj mu raspràva kəkvò sam napràila tòj vìka bè màma mu
and he (this man) told him what I had done. He said, “Well damn it all!
48 (a) abè puštì go koto skàča kòn’a puštì go še ta prebìe
Let the horse go if it jumps! Let it go! It’ll batter you –
52 (a) ìmaxa o izvinj’àvajte ìmaxa òrata konè
People had – oh excuse me! – people had horses (standard form) …
53 (a) kòn’i
Horses (dialect form)
56 (b) kòn’i
Horses (dialect form)
180 (VZh) kvò kvò e ə kogà nè e imàlo vɤršàčki a kòni
what [was it like] when there were no threshers but [just] horses?
Stikŭl 1
60 (a) i imɛ̀hmi si i ž’ìtu imɛ̀hme si sᶤìčku imɛ̀hmə dvà kò̝n’a
And we had grain, we had everything. We had two horses
70 (a) tugà nìkuj nə hòdi də ràbutɨ nèməš kò̝n’ nèmə s kəkvò
And nobody goes out to work [it]. You don’t have a horse, there’s nothing [to work with]
82 (a) tugàvə gu kàrəha è bəštà mɤ i nèguvijə bəštà səs kò̝n
They took them then – my father and his father, they’d [take] the horse
83 (a) že tuvàr’ət tə də ìdət nəh pulènu də gu smen’ɔ̀t səs càrevicə
and load [it up] and go [down] to the plains to trade it for corn.
Sŭrnica 2
178 (a) àjde i nə duspàt s kònə šə gi zəkàrəš’ tàm
and then it’s off to Dospat. You take them down there on horseback
Sveta Petka 3
79 (e) vɤrdzùvəə vɤžètu zə nègu i se vɤrtè kun’ètu
They tied the rope to it, and the horses went round [it].
84 (e) pa: vrɤ̀zaa kun’ètu ftòr pàt
Then they tied the horses up a second time.