Georgi Kolev
Eremija 6
1 (GK) After you do the reaping, what do you do? You reap, you gather –
and | after | when conj | reap 2pl pres P | what sg n interr | do 2pl pres I | reap 2pl pres I | and | acc refl clt | gather 2pl pres I |
2 (c) [0:02] No, no. Then ...
no | no | and |
3 (d) [0:03] We reap.
reap 1pl pres I |
4 (c) [0:04] … they gather it up into sheaves.
gather 3pl pres P | acc n 3sg clt | in | sheaf pl m |
5 (d) [0:05] We reap, and we thresh.
reap 1pl pres I | thresh 1pl pres I |
6 (c) [0:07] We thresh, and we gather up the sheaves –
and | thresh 1pl pres I | and | gather 1pl pres I | sheaf pl m | and |
7 (GK) How did you do the threshing?
how interr | acc refl clt | thresh 3sg impf I |
8 (c) [0:10] Well, with horses. Oho! Ho! Ee hoo!
disc | and | with | horse pl m | hort | hort |
9 (d) [0:12] [laughter]
10 (c) [0:13] Ohoho, Ohoho!
hort | hort |
11 (d) [0:14] [laughter] [inaudible]
12 (c) [0:15] You, Blackie! You, Brownie!
nom 2sg | adrs | adrs | Gorcho | Dorcho |
13 (d) [0:17] [laughter]
14 (RA) [laughter]
15 (GK) [laughter] And where did you do the threshing?
disc | where interr | thresh 2pl impf I |
16 (c) [0:21] In the threshing floor, in front of almost every house. Each has his own.
disc | and | threshing.floor pl n | pres exist | before | each sg f adj | house sg f | as.if adv | each sg m adj | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I | threshing.floor sg n |
17 (d) [0:25] Like here, in the yard!
ost | like | here adv | yard sg m def |
18 (c) [0:26] No, it was here …
no | 3sg pres cop clt | here adv | 3sg impf cop |
19 (d) [0:27] In the middle there was a tree, a pole …
how inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | in | middle sg f def | one sg n adj | tree sg n | pillar sg m |
20 (c) [0:28] … right up here, there …
ost | ost | atop adv |
21 (d) [0:29] … [that's what] we call it.
dat m 3sg clt | call 1pl pres I |
22 (c) [0:29] … and that’s where we did the threshing.
ost | here adv | in | this sg n adj | up.high adj | thresh 1pl pres I |
23 (GK) Yes?
yes |
24 (c) [0:32] We get up early, lay it all down, and we chase [the horses] until it gets light,
and | arise 1pl pres P | early adv | lay 1pl pres P | and | dat refl clt | chase 1pl pres I | until conj | dawn pres imprs |
25 (c) [0:37] and we bring in all the sheaves. 1pl pres P | bunch.of.sheaves sg m def |
26 (GK) How do you lay it [all down there]?
how interr | acc refl clt | lay 3sg pres I |
27 (d) [0:40] Sheaves, sheaves.
sheaf pl m def | sheaf pl m def |
28 (c) [0:41] Sheaves
sheaf pl m def |
29 (d) [0:41] [unintelligible]
30 (c) [0:41] sheaves. We lay it down ...
sheaf pl m | and | acc m 3sg clt | lay 1pl pres P |
31 (d) [0:42] [unintelligible] little by ...
slowly adv |
32 (c) [0:43] … [in] sheaves.
sheaf pl m def |
33 (d) [0:43] … little.
slowly adv |
34 (c) [0:44] Everything in rows, in rows. We line them up one next to another
all adv | in | order sg m | in | order sg m | arrange 1pl pres P | thus adv | one sg m adj | to | one sg m adj |
35 (c) [0:47] and release the horses, and off after them! There’s two horses each [for]
and | release 1pl pres P | horse pl m def | hort | after | acc 3pl | and | pres exist | by | two m | horse ct m |
36 (c) [0:51] [for] some, [for] some three, [for] some – Each as many as he wants.
someone sg m | thresh 3sg pres I | someone sg m | three | someone sg n | who sg m interr | how.much inter.rel | dat refl clt | want 3sg pres I |
37 (GK) Mmhm
bkch |
38 (c) [0:54] Each according to how many horses he has.
who sg m interr | how.much inter.rel | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I | horse pl m |
39 (GK) And are the horses tied [to something] somewhere?
and | horse pl m def | tie pl P.part P | interr clt | 3pl pres cop clt | somewhere adv |
40 (c) [0:57] They’re tied to a rope.
thus adv | 3pl pres cop clt | tie pl P.part P | on | rope sg n |
41 (d) [0:59] They’re tied with a ring.
nom 3pl | 3pl pres cop clt | tie pl P.part P | with | ring sg f |
42 (GK) Yes?
yes |
43 (c) [1:00] One here, [one] here …
here adv | one sg m adj | here adv |
44 (d) [1:01] A rope.
rope sg n |
45 (c) [1:01] … one here. And it’s tied here in the middle with a rope.
here adv | and | here adv | in | middle sg f def | 3sg pres cop clt | tie sg n P.part I | with | rope sg n |
46 (c) [1:05] And when he said “Turn!” the horse turns. They turn back [the other way].
and | when conj | say 3sg aor P | turn sg imv P | and | that sg m adj | acc refl clt | turn 3sg pres P | horse sg m def | turn 3pl pres P | acc refl clt |
47 (GK) Will it wind up?
disc | nom m 3sg | acc refl clt | wind 3sg pres I | interr clt |
48 (c) [1:11] What?
disc |
49 (GK) The rope.
rope sg n def |
50 (c) [1:12] Oh, the rope –
disc | rope sg n def |
51 (d) [1:12] [Yes], the rope winds up.
rope sg n def | disc | and | wind 3sg pres I | acc refl clt |
52 (c) [1:13] The rope is tied here in the middle.
rope sg n def | 3sg pres cop clt | tie sg n L.part I | thus adv | in | middle sg f def |
53 (d) [1:15] No, on the pole! [Tell him] how the rope winds around it!
no | on | pillar sg m def | how interr | acc refl clt | wind 3sg pres I | rope sg n def |
54 (c) [1:17] Ah, ah, on the pole.
disc | excl | on | pillar sg m def |
55 (d) [1:18] [That’s what] they’re asking.
nom 3pl | ask 3pl pres I |
56 (c) [1:19] We wind it around. It winds around like this.
wind 1pl pres I | thus adv | wind 3sg pres I | acc refl clt |
57 (d) [1:20] [It winds] around the [piece] of wood.
on | tree sg n def |
58 (c) [1:20] As the horses go along, that’s how it winds up –
horse pl m def | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | how inter.rel | walk 3pl pres I | and | nom n 3sg | acc refl clt | wind 3sg pres I |
59 (GK) Uh huh
bkch |
60 (c) [1:23] – the rope, up to the end. And then turn it back, and they turn around.
rope sg n def | to | end sg m | and | disc | turn sg imv P | acc n 3sg clt | and | nom 3pl | acc refl clt | turn 3pl pres I |
61 (GK) By themselves.
alone pl adj |
62 (c) [1:28] By themselves. [Well] no! We chase them!
alone pl adj | no | chase 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt |
63 (GK) Aha.
bkch |
64 (c) [1:31] We chase them – someone [has to]. No other way. [If] they’re [left] alone
nom 1pl | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | chase 1pl pres I | someone sg m | neg | can 3sg pres I | nom 3pl | alone pl adj |
65 (c) [1:34] they will otherwise munch from the pile of sheaves. They won’t –
and | dat refl clt | munch 3pl pres I | there adv | bunch.of.sheaves sg m def | otherwise adv | fut neg | comp |
66 (GK) They won’t work!
fut neg | comp | work 3pl pres I |
67 (d) [1:37] They won’t work! [laughter]
fut neg | comp | work 3pl pres I |
68 (c) [1:39] They won’t work, but we – come on, you! Come on you! Hey you! Come on!
fut neg | comp | work 3pl pres I | but | nom 1pl | hort | adrs | hort | adrs | hort | hort |
69 (RA) [laughter]
70 (c) [1:42] That’s how we lived. Backward ways.
and | ost | thus adv | 1pl pres aux clt | live pl L.part I | simple pl adj | thing pl f |
71 (c) [1:46] Ah, but let me tell you about my mother!
disc | and | comp | dat 2pl clt | say 1sg pres P | mother sg f | dat 1sg clt |
72 (GK) Hah.
bkch |
73 (c) [1:48] Well, [it was] when I went to school. I come home and say, “Mama!
and | when conj | go 1sg aor P | to | school sg n | and | nom 1sg | come 1sg pres I | and | call 1sg pres I | Mom voc sg f |
74 (c) [1:54] The sheep were just lying down [so I left them]. But I’ve learned something!"
sheep pl f def | lie pl f L.part I | 3pl pres aux clt | but | nom 1sg | acc refl clt | and | learn 1sg aor P |
75 (c) [1:58] “And what did you learn?” “ ‘The wolf howls in the high forest’ !”
disc | what sg n interr | learn 2sg aor P | wolf sg m def | howl 3sg pres I | at | in | forest sg f def |
76 (d) [2:02] [laughter]
77 (RA) [laughter]
78 (c) [2:03] And she said to me, “Well, the wolf may howl [up there],
nom f 3sg | dat 1sg clt | call 3sg pres I | disc | wolf sg m def | fut | howl 3sg pres I | and | no |
79 (c) [2:06] but you! You – let’s see how you will howl [down here]!”
but | nom 2sg | nom 2sg | comp | see 1pl pres I | how interr | fut | howl 2sg pres I |
80 (RA) [laughter]
81 (c) [2:09] And she deceived me into coming into the sheep pen
and | acc 1sg clt | deceive 3sg aor P | enter 1sg aor P | by | sheep pl f def |
82 (RA) [laughter]
83 (c) [2:13] And when she caught me, oh did she beat me!
and | when conj | acc 1sg clt | catch 3sg aor P | disc | battle sg m | disc | battle sg m |
84 (c) [2:16] And I jumped from something like a small balcony, this high or so,
and | from | one sg n adj | small.balcony sg n | disc | so.much adv | as.if adv | jump 1sg aor P |
85 (c) [2:19] and underneath there was soft garbage, this stuff from …
but | 3sg impf cop | below adv | soft sg n adj | garbage sg n | impf exist | hes | from | hes |
86 (d) [2:23] Fertilizer.
fertilizer sg m |
87 (c) [2:23] … [it and] – straw.
straw sg f |
88 (GK) Aha.
bkch |
89 (c) [2:24] – down there. I got up and said [to myself] she’s chasing me.
disc | down adv | and | arise 1sg aor P | and | call 1sg pres I | all adv | acc 1sg clt | chase 3sg pres I |
90 (c) [2:26] in order to beat me. But she’d gone back. And I thought
comp | acc 1sg clt | beat 3sg pres I | and | nom f 3sg | 2sg pres aux clt | acc refl clt | return sg f L.part P | and | nom 1sg | call 1sg pres I |
91 (c) [2:29] she’s still chasing me. So there’s this river, our river over there,
all adv | acc 1sg clt | chase 3sg pres I | nom sg n | one f sg adj | river sg f | ost | our sg f def adj | river sg f | down adv |
92 (c) [2:32] [and] I ran off there. 1sg aor P | to | there adv |
93 (GK) [laughter]
94 (RA) [laughter]
95 (c) [2:34] And I didn’t go [to school] any more.
and | already adv | neg | go 1sg aor P |