
Bosnek 1

85 (a) kato kàzax žìvata vodà ta kosàta mi pojdè nagòre
When I said “living water” my hair stood up on end.

Breste 1

82 (GK) às si spòmn’am če bàba mi ednò korìto vlàčeše po ùlicite
I remember my granny dragging a washtub down the street.

Čokmanovo 1

21 (a) spumìnəmè si mìnəlìte ràbuti kəkvì sə bìli nə tr'èpeznìk' jɛ̀den'e tùr'əhə
We remember what things of the past were like. They piled food on the festive table,

Golica 3

154 (a) tì si zapòwnila
You’ve remembered [it all].

156 (c) zapòwnix jà
[Indeed] I did remember.

Kovačevo 1

126 (b) zèr ne pòmnetè ta pòmnime sìčku
You really don’t remember all that? We remember everything [don’t we?]

127 (c) pòmnim èee tvà gu pòmn’əm jà
We remember. Ah, I myself [certainly] remember that!

128 (a) i jàs pòmn’əm žəl’tìci i utùk i utùk i uzàt
I remember too! Gold coins here, and here, and in back.

Kralevo 3

8 (a) zə kò sèlutu ìmə i ìmat kràl’evu jà tvà si pòmn’ə
why the village has the name Kralevo. I remember this

9 (a) ud d’àdə m t’è sigɛ̀ kàžuva
from my grandfather. There’s this, they say,

26 (a) ə i sigɛ̀ tvà znàm ut d’àttu mi ud d’àdu s
the rebel leader.” I know this from my grandfather, my grandfather:

65 (a) i sə səberàl s ednɤ̀ č’ètə i tvà zə tvà
and he got together with a band, and that’s why

66 (a) nə tvà ìme se imenòvə
they gave this name [to the village].

67 (b) i stànuvə si kràl’eu
And it became Kralevo

68 (a) kràl’u vujvòdə kràl’u kràl’u
after Kralyo the rebel leader, Kralyo,

71 (a) tvà znàm jà mòjə d’àdu
That I know (for sure) [from] my grandfather.

Kruševo 1

85 (a) dàž’e pò pòvni i ud m’ène
She even remembers more than I do.

Skrŭt 1

220 (b) i às tovà səm zapomnìla
And [how] I remembered it.

Sveta Petka 2

22 (MM) znàči pòmnite kogà e došɤ̀l tòko
So you remember when electricity came.

24 (c) mhm
Uh huh

25 (MM) kojà godìna gòre.dòlu
What year was that, approximately?

26 (a) [laughter] ne znàme gudìnite
[laughter] We don’t know from years.

27 (c) tamàn sme zәpumnìli kujà gudìnә
How should we have remembered which year?!

28 (a) nìe ne pòmnime
We don’t remember.

29 (MM) è de
Oh, come on!

30 (a) nè ˀnèˀ
No, no.

31 (MM) kàk da ne pòmnite be
How can it be that you don’t remember?

32 (a) è

Tŭrnjane 1

15 (a) i às pòmnim kogà e bilò tṛ̀n’eto
Even I remember when there were thorns [here].

29 (a) ama tavà go ne znàm
But I don’t know that [from personal experience].

Vasiljovo 1

62 (a) pàk unuvà vèk’ ne pòmna kàg gu narìčaa pùsto
from that one, but I don’t remember anymore how they interpreted that one. Damn it,

63 (a) zabràila sam kàg gu narìčaa zabràvila sam go ne pòmna
I’ve forgotten how they used to interpret that one. I’ve forgotten it, I don’t remember.

64 (a) ne mòa ti gu kàža unuvà kàg gu narìčaa
I’m not able to tell you how they interpreted that one.

Vŭglarovo 2

26 (a) vìj ni pòmnit’e li
You don’t remember …

28 (a) tvà n’èštu
… this [sort of] thing?

29 (GK) nè às səvsèm mɤ̀tnu s təkà smɤ̀tno si spòmn’əm
No, I – very vaguely. I just vaguely remember that.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut