62 (a) emi bàncko jàdenè am nàj ubàvotò e sùi č'ùšč'i sùš'eni
Ah, Bansko food! The best thing is the dry peppers. [They’re] dried,
Bela 1
2 (a) domàti pipèr tovà
Tomatoes, peppers, this [and that].
6 (a) kòlko po màlko i tàm sàde:me pipèra tàm polìva:me
maybe a bit less – and we planted peppers there, and irrigated them.
20 (a) čùški màlko i tovà e
a few peppers, and that’s it.
Eremija 1
129 (a) segà cəftì za slanàta a do sèga ne smè kinàli
[But] it bloomed [just in time] for the frost! Up till now we haven’t picked
130 (a) te tòkova čùsčica da vìdime kakvà e nè bèše isəhnàlo
even a tiny little pepper to see what it was like. No. It’s all dried out.
Eremija 3
36 (a) òx lè ti kažùvam kumačènceto tvṛt lèbec i u enà knìška tùreno
Ohh! I tell you: a little piece of hard bread and – poured into a bit paper –
37 (a) červèn pipèr màlku tàm č ìdeš i če tòpiš če rùčaš
a bit of red pepper, and off you go! You dip [bread in pepper] for lunch;
Gela 2
38 (a) a sufrɔ̀ ta ga tùr'aš na sufrɔ̀na ta č tugàva izvàdiš
but rather a low “sofra”. You put it on the “sofra” and then you take out
39 (a) pupèrki čùški ut kàca salamùra i hùbavu bɤlò jɛ̀lu sɤ
peppers from the barrel of brine. and it was nice. One ate well,
Glavanovci 3
47 (a) kàk kato poglèdneš kòlko e rasadìl si u svèt pipèr
Like when you look to see how many – you’ve planted lots of peppers,
48 (a) a kato pòčne da kḷ̀ca ka pòčne da vṛ̀l’a gḷ̀ta pṛ̀vo detè
and when they begin to sprout, when it starts to storm, the first child swallows –
49 (a) koè e pṛvàče gḷ̀ta pṛ̀voto zṛ̀no koè vìdi da sɤ̀pre gradùškata
the child that’s oldest swallows the first bud it sees so as to stop the hail.
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
8 (b) kvò ìmam s skòpam ja nàsada pipèra a polìvam gu
What [work] do I have? I dig [in it], plant the peppers, water them,
15 (a) də ədème š’à: svər’ɤ̀t fasùl’ ə pupèr turšìe kukòški vər’àhə
for us to eat. They’d cook up beans, peppers, pickles – and they cooked chicken –
Kruševo 4
115 (a) tə dumàti li nè tə pip’èrki li misìrč’e stànə mi
And tomatoes, and peppers – And the corn came in fine. Everything!
Leštak 1
45 (a) i dv’è̝ č’ùški è tòlku bɛ̀hə gulɛ̀mi i f n’ègə də imə
and two peppers – this big – and in them [barely]
Rajanovci 2
79 (a) i čùška ako ima nèšto jàbɤlka krùška edèš (laughter) ako ìma nèšto blàgo
and a pepper. If he’s got an apple or a pear to eat, if he’s got something tasty..
88 (a) sɤs sùvu sùvu čùšku i ako imàlo kràstavica ama onò
with dry – dry peppers, and if there was cucumber, but –
Stalevo 2
14 (a) ɛ̀ əmi s’àkəkvi domàt’ fasùl’ dumàt’ɨ è sigɛ̀ glèj
Oh, all sorts [of things]. Tomatoes, beans, tomatoes. Look, now
15 (a) gòtvim tvà sigà pup’èr’ žə up’eč’è̝m č’ə gu nədrubì
now we’re cooking. We’ll roast the peppers, then chop them up,
16 (a) č’ə gu vərì č’ə i dumàt’ə č’ə burkàn’ə pʌ̀l’nim
then cook them and [some] tomatoes and then put it up in jars.
Vladimirovo 2
98 (a) čùšcici narèžime i mesòto i a napḷ̀nime i i sɤšìjeme
and bits of pepper, we cut up the meat, and fill them, and sew it up,
Vladimirovo 3
72 (a) i lùk čùščici nətùraš i č čùbricә̥ n
... you add onion and peppers, and summer savory, [though]
Žitnica 1
2 (a) mɨ ràbutə mnògu snòštɨ xudɨ̀xmi də berè̟m pipè̟r wòlele umurɨ̀x sə
[What] a lot of work! Last night we went to pick peppers and I got so tired!
Žitnica 2
1 (b) è òdə n’èkuj pɤ̀t nə pulè̟tu tə berɤ̀ čùšk’ɨ kupàjə pipè̟r’ət
Well, sometimes I go to the field to pick peppers, and to dig in the pepper patch.