white cheese (sirene)

Dolna Sekirna 3

53 (a) zèl’e ìmašᵊ a òvce mlèko sìren’e màslo màslo ka napràimo kačamàk
you’ve got cabbage, sheep, milk, cheese, butter – butter to make polenta –

58 (a) i nìe tùka si kràvu čùvaemo pòsle òvce kozà sìren’e
We would keep a cow here, then sheep and a goat – [for] cheese.

59 (a) trì tanakìje sɤm nasirìla sìren’e pa ga izmìjem
I set out three tin cans of cheese, then I wash it,

64 (a) tòlko sìren’e mlèko kaškavàl sɤm pravìla ma stàrɤcɤt mi lovdžìja
I’ve made so much cheese, milk, kashkaval! My husband is a hunter,

Huhla 5

23 (a) icà sìren'e mlikò ə ftòrutu zəguv'àvəni du velìgd'èn' nìšto
eggs, cheese, milk. And in the second fast period of Easter, nothing.

Iskrica 3

85 (c) ml’àkutu nəlì nəpràim sìrni də jədè̝m ml’àku kìselu pr’àsnu
After all, we [need] milk to make cheese to eat, yogurt and fresh milk [to drink].

Kralevo 2

48 (a) è səs ə òdvəricə ili səs sɨ̀rence təkà rəstòkuvəš listàta če
With small curds, or with cheese. So you roll out the sheets and

50 (a) nəràsəš sɨ̀rencetu ili pək òdvərətə nə na ud gàt
you sprinkle onto it cheese or curds,

51 (a) d’èt tvà ìməme də kàž’em kràvə
from what we have, let’s say, [from] a cow

Malevo/Hsk 1

199 (a) i hl’àp səbɨ̀rəme sɨ̀rene jejcà kvòt ìmə vkɤ̀šti
and we [also] put together bread, cheese, eggs, whatever we had in the house.

Oborište 1

103 (MM) e dobrè za kakvò gi glèdaxte vìe ofcè zə
O.K., then. Why did you raise and look after sheep? For –

106 (a) za sìrene
… for the cheese –

110 (a) mlekòto go izdoìm i precedìm go i m màlko tə gorèšto
we milk [the animal] and strain the milk, and when it’s cooled some –

111 (a) i go zèmem ta go potsìrim i stàne sìrene
and take it and put rennet in it, it becomes cheese

112 (a) precedìm go vɤf cedàlki
and we strain it in strainers.

114 (a) f kalɤ̀pe
in molds –

115 (MM) e dobrè de pràvite sìrene
O.K., so you make white cheese

133 (MM) čàkaj segà vìkaš precàdiž go
So wait now. You say you strain it –

134 (a) mi prec kato go izdòat od ofcète precedì sa mlekòto
Well you str- after they milk the sheep then you strain the milk

135 (MM) vɤf kakvò
Into what?

136 (a) vɤf kakvò vɤf tèndžuri ili vɤfᵊ ə kɤzàn gul’àmᵊ katò e mnògo mlekòto
Into what? Into pans, or into a big cauldron if there’s a lot of milk,

137 (a) i se tùri sìrištè i potsìri sa i
and you add rennet, and it ferments, and –

138 (MM) otkɤdè sìrište
Where do you get the rennet from?

139 (a) mi kupùvaxmè pa n’àkoga i pràvea ut ə ègnetḁtḁ
Well, we used to buy it. At one point they would make it from lambs –

140 (a) kato zakòlet ègneta ìmaše sìrište i sčùkaa gò i
when they slaughter lambs there was rennet. They would pound it and

141 (a) tùrnat sòl razbɤ̀rkad go i go vɤf šišèto sa sìpe
add salt, then stir it and you pour it into a bottle

142 (a) sɤs vòda se napràvi i se od nègo se sìreše
and make it with water and – That’s what you made cheese from.

143 (a) n’àkoga d’àdo mòj sìreše sè sɤs ə takòvo sìrište
At one time my grandfather made cheese only with this sort of rennet.

148 (MM) kɤdè go slàgaš slet tovà
Where do you put it after that?

149 (a) vɤvᵊ mlekòto bè
In the milk, of course!

150 (MM) nè kat sìreneto kato s se fàne
No, I mean the cheese once [the fermenting] starts up.

151 (a) sìreneto kat sa fàne sa razbɤ̀rka sɤs ednà takòva
When the cheese gets started, you stir it with a sort of …

154 (a) lopàtka i sa màlko sa utài pòsle go precedìm
… ladle, and it – it settles a bit and then you strain it into a –

155 (a) vɤf en takòva ednì ima si kalɤ̀pe takà se cedì
into – there are these molds, and then it filters out,

157 (a) i sa narèže pa na felìi pòsle kato se iscedì sìpvat
and then you cut it into slices. And after it’s strained they pour it [out]

158 (a) sa narèže i tùr’a se f kačètata sòli go
[then] you slice it and it put it in jugs, and salt it,

159 (a) f tenekìi f kačètḁ
in cans, in jugs –

176 (a) tò ne mòe po pèt šès v’àdra ml’àko mòže li
That’s not possible. Is it possible to [take] five or six buckets of milk –

177 (a) da go bìeš tì na rɤ̀ka tàm i da go sìriš
and to churn it by hand and get cheese from it?

Petrov Dol 2

90 (a) nə nərid’ìmi t’ìe àgn’ita pr’àsnu s’ìr’en’e kòjtu ìmə uscè
and arrange [on them] the lambs, fresh cheese – those who have sheep

91 (a) pr’àsnu s’ìr’en’e pràj slàgəmi p’ìt’it’ȅ mu ba i màlkit’i d’ecà
make fresh cheese. We put out the round breads, and the little children

Rajanovci 2

2 (a) a sìrene smo pravìli
Oh, we made “sirene”

4 (a) dà jà sɤm pravìla znàm a kaškavàl nè
Yes, I’ve made it. I know (how). But not “kashkaval”.

6 (a) kaškavàl ne smò pravìli a sìren’e sɤm pravìla kato sùtrin
We didn’t make “kashkaval.” But I’ve made “sirene”. In the morning

61 (a) to tì znàeš pa òn nosìl lèp i sìrence i si jàl
You know that. He took bread and cheese and ate it.

63 (a) i òn rèkɤl a be tekvòj blàgo sìren’e e nàšte tùru ama
And he said, “Wow, what tasty cheese! We make [it too] but

68 (a) onà mu odnèla oǹ nèče parì onà mu odnèla sìren’e
she took them some. He didn’t want money, so she took him cheese

69 (a) a be sòleno bi kicèli a tvòjto nè e sòleno
but it was salty, sour. But yours isn’t salty!

75 (AK) i kakvò pràv’at ɤ pòsle sɤs sìren’e za kakvò ispòlzvat
And what do they do later with the cheese. How do they use it?

76 (a) jadème si go
We eat it!

77 (AK) no pròsto napràvo jadète ili kàk
You eat it just like that? Or what?

78 (a) a bòže lèp i sìren’e ofčar kato pòjdeš lèp i sìren’e u torbàl’k’utu
Well, bread and cheese – a shepherd goes off with bread and cheese in his bag


64 (a) nè e imàlo i bràšno i tegàj onà če omèsi če ùzne
did we even have flour! But she’ll mix it up, she’ll take

65 (a) ako ìma sìren’ke če ponesèmo štò pa mì ne smò imàli
cheese if we had some, we’ll take it – But we didn’t have –

207 (a) vèrno ìmaš ìmaš jàgn’e ìmaš ə mlekò ìmaš sìren’e amà
It’s true that if you have a lamb you’ve got milk and cheese, but

Skrŭt 3

67 (f) pà pòkladi po zapòstuvame ednà nedèl’a pòstim ut sìrenetu̥
there’s Shrovetide again, and we start the fast. One week we have “white cheese fast”

68 (f) tovà ut ə sìrene jadèm bèz mrɤ̀fki sìrna nedèl’a go vìkame
– we eat white cheese, without any meat. We call that “cheese week”.

Srebŭrna 2

35 (c) a pək mi sə edè ml’àku i sìr’ənci i udvàrə təkòs stàwə
but I like to eat milk. You can make from it white cheese, curds, you know –

36 (c) i sìčku stàwə è è sigà kànə tɤ̀s unùkə d’èt ut sòfijə̟
[you can make] everything from it. Like now, when I invite this granddaughter who’s from Sofia

37 (c) bè drəgumìra də gùd’ə̟ vìkəm dumàti də gùd’ə̟ n’èštu misò
I say “Dragomira, should I serve tomatoes, should I serve some meat [dish]?”

38 (c) à nìj màjkə dàwə kɑ̀rəme nə sìren’e i nə dumàti
"Ah, mother gives us – we make do with cheese and tomatoes.”

39 (c) si̥ kupùvət sìrene i dumàti̥ pò l’èku jàdini
[Over there] they buy cheese and tomatoes, lighter fare.

Stalevo 3

1 (GK) əmi kato e n’àmalo tenekìi sìreneto v kvò sa go dəržàli
But when they didn’t have tin cans? What did they keep cheese in?

2 (a) mə̀h tugàvə m’əhuv’è
Then [they used] skins.

4 (a) m’ehuvè e pràehə mlògu ut òfcet ud òfč’etu m’əhuvè pràehə
They made many [containers of] skins. From sheep, they made skins of sheepskin

29 (a) f n’ègə du ustàtə tòlkuvə ustàvə ostàeno nər’àdəj toˀ t’ɛ̀ə drʌ̀ne
[Making sure that] so much space is left at the top, arrange these lumps,

30 (a) tò tvà sìren’e i s’ètne ku ìskəš s ml’àku nəl’ùəž gu
this cheese. And then later, if you want, you pour milk over it.

31 (a) ku ìskaš ìzvəd’ n’àkəv drɤ̀n i ut kràvintu ml’àku i ud òfč’utu
Or if you want, take out a lump, [one each] of cow’s milk and of sheep’s milk

Stojkite 2

3 (b) i ednò šišè səz barkanìca i s’ìr’ɤnce nɛ̀štu takà i ìd’em ž’ɔ̀nem
and a bottle of buttermilk and some white cheese, and we go. [Then] we reap.

Šumnatica 3

15 (VZh) nèšto ne mù li klàvaš sìrene də
[But] don’t you put something in it, cheese or –

16 (b) ama sìčku kənàtu ìskəš mòže də mu kləd’èž bè
Well, everything! You can put whatever you want into it!

Tihomir 2

60 (a) č’òpka tač’ìlkɤ sùč’eme kòrᵊi arìsč’e klad’ème sᵊɨ̀renke klad’ème
[Like] a stick, a rolling pin. We roll out the pastry, add some rice, some cheese


25 (a) jèrencətə sùčət pək nìj tr’àbvə i nìe də xàpvəmi ml’èčici sìrenci
The kids suckle, but we also have to eat a bit of milk and cheese.

86 (PSh) kvò pràite səs ml’àkoto
… what do you do with the milk?

87 (a) sìreni

99 (KP) kàg go pràit’e sìreneto i ml’àkoto
How do you make it, cheese and – milk?

101 (b) uc’èdim [unintelligible]
We strain [unintelligible]

102 (a) məìčkə f ednɤ̀ t’èndžərə gu slàgəmi
… starter – we put [the milk] in a pot

103 (a) i slàgəmi pu màlku məìčkə i tò si stàvə sìrincitu
and we put a little starter and it becomes cheese.

104 (a) pòsl’e gu prec’èždəmi
And after that we strain it.

105 (b) za dvà čàsə slàgəž gu vəf edìn cidàk təkà
You put it into a strainer for two hours,.

106 (b) i tò sə prec’èždə i stàvə sìrini
and it strains out and becomes cheese.

107 (a) t’enzùx t’enzùx nəpràenu i
Cheesecloth, [it’s] made [of] cheesecloth, and –

110 (b) əmxəm prec’èždə se i stàvə sìrinci
Uh huh. It strains out, and it becomes cheese.

112 (b) kət ìskəmi zə zìmətə pòviči gu usul’àvəm
When we want more [to keep] for the winter, we salt it

113 (b) kət ìskəmi də gu id’èm prisnusòlnu ni gù usul’àvəmi
[but] when we want to eat it freshly salted we don’t salt it,

114 (b) mnògu màlku tɤ̀j mu slàgəmi za fkùs sòl i gu jədɤ̀t
we [only] put into it a very little salt for the taste, and they eat it.

115 (b) l’àtnu vrèmi i màj pùvičitu təkòs sə jəd’è
In the summer time it’s mostly eaten that way,

117 (b) màj u.dumà
mostly at home, I think.

118 (a) [laughter] ami sìrinci dumàtenci segà izl’èzi
[laughter] Well, cheese – and tomatoes, they’re coming on now.

162 (KP) a ə nə sìrenetu kvò mu slàgate̥ z zə də stàne
And – and for cheese, what do you put into [the milk] for it to become [cheese]?

163 (a) nəlì ti kàəm məìčkə məjɤ̀ sə slàgə i
Didn’t I tell you? You put starter.

166 (a) i tàm slàgəš pu kòlku kàpki
and you put a few drops into each [container of potential cheese].

168 (b) i stàvə dvà čàsə kət stuì i tò sə zgəst’àvə
It sits for two hours, and while it’s sitting it thickens.

169 (a) zgəst’àvə sə pòsli pris cidàk sə prec’èždə
It thickens, and then you strain it through a strainer.

170 (b) i pòsle se cedì pɤ̀k pres cedàka
Then you put it through a strainer.

171 (b) t’inzùx nəpràenu tɤ̀j kətu cidàči
Something like a strainer made out of cheesecloth.

173 (b) i sìpvəš ml’àkutu i tò sə isc’èždə
You pour the milk in and it strains.

Vasiljovo 1

38 (a) i sìpem ml’àku s’ìrene če ìmame dobìtak daržìme gl’èdame dobìtak
We pour out milk, white cheese – we’ve got livestock, we raise livestock –

72 (a) nagòtvili sme si sìčko i okàčim pa s’ìrene bùca sìrene gol’àmə
We’ve cooked up everything. And we hang up a big lump of white cheese –


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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut