Belica 2
51 (a) i kato go odberèm slàmata nafṛ̀game a vɤf plèvnite
So when we gather up the straw, we toss it in the loft.
52 (a) veàčki ìma pòčvame tùrame na veàčkata
[Then] there’s the winnowers. We start putting [things] on the winnower.
53 (a) edìn odgrìba žìtoto drùkᵊ odgòre veàčkata si ìma kòš tàm
One [of us] shovels up grain, another's up above. The winnower's got a basket,
54 (a) podàva na veàčkata odvèem žìtoto plèvata baškɤ̀
feeding into the winnower. We winnow out the grain – the chaff separately
55 (a) žìtoto baškɤ̀ priberèm i tovà i pòsle vèče
and the grain separately –and we store it away and that’s it. And after that –
Bosnek 1
27 (a) i vejàčkata i koì sa pò visòki če sa gòreka
a winnower. And the ones who were taller were up above –
30 (a) i koì sa pò visòki gòre če pùska: žìtòto ednì ogrìbaja
And the taller ones above would drop the grain down. Some raked [it]
31 (a) ednìte pa na plèvata koì mràzime decà gi tùrime
and others would be down with the chaff. We put the kids we hated [down there]
32 (a) na plèvata da odgrìba
to rake the chaff!
Breste 2
86 (a) na kùpi go na veàčkata go prevèeme go sìpvame vɤf kòšovete
into piles, winnow it with the winnower, and pour it into baskets.
Glavanovci 1
100 (a) obèremo slàmutu ka u ukàramo u plèvn’u i pòčnemo da umìtamo
we gather up the straw, take it to the loft, and start to sweep out
101 (a) žìtoto ta da vèemo da iskàramo [laughter] da iskàramo plèvutu
the wheat so we can winnow it, to make it /laughter/ so the chaff
102 (a) od ednà od ednù strànu žìtoto ne znàm a be kòlko e
is on one side and the wheat on the other. How much it –
109 (a) skubèmo natvàrimo na kolàta otkàramo na gùvno ta a očùkamo
We pluck it, load it on the cart, take it to the threshing floor and pound it,
110 (a) odvèemo i lèča pasùl’ pàj i pasùl’ smo si br bràli
winnow it, and [you’ve got] lentils! Ah, and we also gathered beans
Godeševo 3
10 (a) da òdimə nə ərmàn ə i səber'è̝me tvà žìtutu səs pl'evòwtə
Yes. We go to the threshing field. We gather up the grain and the chaff,
11 (a) səberè̝m gu nə kɤ̀wp i z'èmeme lupàti̥te fəf rəkɤ̀jte
we gather it into a pile, and take shovels into our hands.
12 (a) i še gl'òdəš iskəd'ètu ìmə v'àter tàm še istàtək
Then you look where the wind is coming from, and that’s the direction
13 (a) še fòrneš tò sə žɤ̀jtutu jəndàn si sə udv'àvə
you’ll throw the grain. It winnows out, off to the side
14 (a) jò pri pri pl'àvətə
over there where the chaff [is].
Godeševo 4
7 (b) i də sə i kətu sə svəršè i pòsle slàmətə fkàrvəš
and to – And when it’s done, afterwards you put the straw
8 (b) fəf pl'àvn'ətə də gu kàžem slet tùj səbìrəš žìtutu nə kùpu
into the hayloft, so to speak, and then you gather up the grain into a pile.
9 (b) udv'àvəš gu i pòčvəš veče kòlkutò e gu prenàs'əš
You winnow it and then begin – however much there is you take it
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
17 (b) izvàdim slàmata smetèm žitòtu ìmame takìva vejàčki ìmaxme
We take out the straw, sweep up the grain, we have these winnowers – we had [them]
18 (b) u zberèm go na kùp ut udvɛ̀em go s vejàčite i takà
– we gather it up in a pile and – and winnow it with the winnowers, and that’s it.
Kolju Marinovo 2
73 (c) pɤ̀k vičartɤ̀ gu udvèjš
Then in the evening, you winnow it –
74 (a) sm’èli sə mašìni ìməjme
It gets ground. We had machines [for that].
75 (c) məšìni gu udvèjš
you winnow it [with] machines.
76 (a) odv’àvəme go
We winnow it.
81 (VZh) s kakvò go vèete kàk se vìkə tovà
What do you winnow it with? What do you call that thing
82 (VZh) dèto gi m dèto se dìgə
that – that lifts up?
83 (c) i nàj naprèš jednò vr’èmi
Way long ago, in the old days …
84 (GK) ednò vrème kàk e bilò
[Yes,] what was it like in the old days?
85 (c) àsəl’ stàrite òrə səs òpki
… the really old people [used] a two-pronged pitchfork
86 (a) ò jednò vrèmi ij bilò
Oh, in the old days it was …
87 (c) fɤ̀rl’ət na v’àtərə
They toss it up into the wind –
88 (a) na lupàti e
… it’s with shovels …
89 (c) fɤ̀rl’ət fɤ̀rl’ət
toss it, toss it …
90 (a) lupàti è tòl’kəvi šəròčki
… shovels [that were] this wide …
91 (c) i sə udv’àvə
… and it gets winnowed.
92 (a) è tòl’kəvə dlɤ̀čki
… and this long.
93 (GK) i kɤ̀k sə vìkət
And what are they called?
94 (a) lupàtə
A shovel.
95 (c) i òpki ìmə i lupàti ìmə
There are [the old] pitchforks, there are shovels,
97 (c) i vìli ìmə dètu sə trɤ̀si gà sə vəršè
and there are [modern] pitchforks, that you toss about when you thresh.
Leštak 2
74 (d) əmi smet’èž gu udvɛ̀ež gu ə hàjde nə vudenìcə [laughter] gu sm’èl’əš [laughter]
You sweep it, winnow it, and off to the mill [laughter] you grind it [laughter]
Leštak 3
64 (e) udvɛ̀jəd gu təkà nə veterɤ̀ də bɤ̀de č’ìstu̥
They winnow it in the wind so it will be clean.
65 (GK) əmhəm kàg gu vèehte
Uh huh. How did you winnow it?
66 (e) əmì səs rəš’ètu ednì drɤ̀ški təkìvə
Well, with grates. These [things with] handles.
68 (e) kətu təkòvə d’ètu prudàvət č’ergàrite
Like these things that itinerant peddlers sell.
86 (GK) i segà ako ìma kàmən’e nèšto prɤ̀s slet tvà
So now if there are stones, and some dirt [comes in], after that
87 (GK) čìsti li se po drùk nàčin n’àkəf prìmerno kət zərnòtu
do you clean it some other way? For instance the grains.
88 (GK) zərnòto go zbìrate pòsle na kùp nalì
You gather the grains up afterwards into a pile, right?
89 (e) dà
91 (e) nə kùp nə kùp se səbìrə
In a pile. It’s gathered into a pile.
99 (e) dà i d’ètu ìmə sùšk’e əf rəš’ètutu gu zəvɤ̀rtə təkà
As for the husks, you twirl the grate around like this. The women
100 (e) ženìte gu vərtɤ̀t i sùšk’etu ustàvə vdìgə sə gòre
twirl it around and the husks stay behind. [All that] rises up.
101 (e) nəlì e pò l’ʌ̀ku
It’s lighter, you know.
103 (e) izlàzə ud žitòtu i se dìgə gòre
It gets separated from the wheat and rises up.
104 (e) tɛ̀ gu pribìrət s rəcète i gu fʌ̀rlət
They gather it up in their hands and throw it off [to the side],
106 (e) i təkà gu preč’ìsti
and that’s how it gets purified.
107 (GK) à na tovà rešèto ìməše li mu speciàlnə dùmə
Ah. So then this grate: was there a particular word
108 (GK) da se kàzvə tò rešèto ot kakvò e napràveno
for it? Did you say “grate”? What is it made from?
109 (e) ut kòž’e
From leather.
110 (GK) ut kòže səs ə otdòlu nàči
From leather. And underneath, [there was] –
111 (e) dùpki kòlkutu cigàrətə dol də fl’ène
Holes, the size of a cigarette, [for things] to go [through].
112 (GK) əhà ot tàm mòže da pàdnat kàmene e nə
Aha. So that stones could go through there, and –
113 (e) n’è uttàm minàvə ž’ìtutu
No, that’s where the grain goes through –
114 (GK) à žìtoto si minàva odòlu pàda
Ah! [It’s] the grain [that] passes through and falls –
115 (e) dà ž’ìtutu minàvə uddòlu i tvà d’ètu č’èkləsə sùšk’e ustàva
Yes, the grain falls through, and what’s left is the awns and husks.
116 (GK) ahà i tò se obìra s rəkà
Aha, and then you gather that up in your hands …
118 (GK) i se isfɤ̀rl’a nastranà ɤhɤ̀
… and throw it off to the side. Right.
Malevo/Asg 1
16 (a) kətu jə udvìjem’ə vərìme si jə sìəm ə̟ səs rəš’ètu
After we winnowed them, we’d cook them. First we shake them through the sieve,
Malevo/Hsk 1
238 (a) nə hərmàn’e ìməše vijàl’ki i pòčvət səs vijàlkətə
of the threshing floor. There were winnowers: they start with the winnower.
239 (a) ədɨ̀n vərtɨ̀ drùgijə slàgə drùgijə dɤ̀rpə zərnòtu uddòlu
One rotates [it], another puts [things in], another pulls the grain out from below,
Pavelsko 1
27 (a) i drùgi dvàmə truìcə pàk ə səs v’ìl’i rəstrɤ̀s’uvət snòpenu
And two or three others [take] pitchforks and toss the sheaves apart.
28 (a) rəstrɤ̀s’uvət rəstrɤ̀s’uvət’ i stàvə nə slàmə i tugà izvàd’im mùl’enu
They keep on tossing it about and it becomes straw. Then we take away the mule
29 (a) izvàd’im i slàmənə i vəzber’èm žìtunu i kətu pòčn’e də dùje v’àtər
and also the straw, and we gather up the grain. And when the wind picks up
30 (a) i gu vìjeme vìjemè gu i i sə udvìje žìtunu
then we winnow it. We winnow it and the grain separates out,
Petrov Dol 3
165 (a) kət i sm’it’èm’i də ispruv’ɛ̀jm’i pr’ib’ìrəm’i u hɤmbàr’e i slàgəm’i tàm èč’i
when we sweep it up and winnow it, and gather it into the barn, and put it there,
Široka Lŭka
9 (a) zbìrame žìttu nə kùp nə kùp i i vɛ̀jem i pejèm
We gather the grain up into a pile. A pile. [Then] we winnow, and we sing.
Stoilovo 2
40 (a) sètne z bandrɤ̀k sètne s lupàta
and then with a “bandrŭk” (large hayfork) and then with a shovel.
72 (a) v’ɛ̀eme v’ɛ̀eme udv’ɛ̀eme gu kәd gu udv’ɛ̀eme tә gu isčìstime
We winnow and winnow it, and when we finish winnowing we clean it
73 (a) nә zɤ̀rnu nè mlògu čìstu dè uddelìme gu ut slàmәtә
into grain [that] isn’t very clean [yet], we need to separate it from the straw.
75 (a) tùvә s lupàtәtә pruv’àvәme gu iščìstuvәme gu
to winnow it out with the shovel, we keep on cleaning it up.
76 (a) če kəd gu prov’ɛ̀eme tə gu iščìstime ut slàmata kətu se iščìsti
And when we winnow it and clean out the straw, when it’s clean
Stojkite 2
11 (b) i pòčvat da vejɛ̀d ž’ìtutu i udvejɛ̀d gu hùbavu i pòčvat tugàva
and they begin to winnow the wheat. And they winnow it nicely, and then begin
12 (b) də gu kàrat də gu nasìpvat səs krìni vəf č’uvàle
to take it off to pour it into bags with a half-bushel measure.
Tihomir 2
188 (a) azàm ž’ìtətə pàk s as m’ètla at adv’èeme go fnes’ème go
and then the grain with a broom. We winnow it, and carry it inside.
216 (a) kanà da pràim tò ne imè sakvòne sakvɔ̀n ballɔ̀kᵊi atvɛ̀ana atsɛ̀ana
What [else] could we do? There wasn’t such plenty that’s winnowed and sifted.
Vladimirovo 3
95 (VZh) əmhə a tòo zrèlijə kɤdè dèk dèto go vìkaš pešàk
Uh huh. And those ripe ones, the ones you call “peshak”,
96 (VZh) pòsle nèšto prài li se tàm vèe
do you do something with them there afterwards? Do you winnow [them}?
97 (a) pòslem go tùrame ta sɤ napečè i s ednò dṛ̀vu
Afterwards we put them out in the sun and then [beat them] with a piece of wood –
98 (a) [thump thump] bùame bùme ako a mnògo [thump] čùkame odgòre nəšìbame
[thump thump] bang, bang – if there’s a lot [thump] we pound them on top, thrash them,
105 (VZh) əmhə tò kàk se vèe zìmaš ot ut u tenekìi
Uh huh. And how do you winnow? Do you take these large tin boxes and –
106 (a) ko ə tenekìjata kòfi takòvo grebèš i sìpvaš
Tin boxes, buckets, and such. You dig through and pour it out [and the wind takes the chaff].̀
107 (c) nèšto dòle mu slòži oddòle
[You have] to put something below it [to catch the beans in],
Vŭglarovo 2
40 (b) tì də səbɨ̀rəž kupɤ̀ slàmətə
You gather up a stack of straw ...
42 (b) če veiš na rɤ̀kə [unclear]
... and winnow it by hand [unclear] ...
43 (c) če vejàlkə ìmə či gu vejè
There’s this winnower, and you winnow [with] it.