
Baskalci 1

34 (a) živutuvɤ̀tstvu i zemledèlie stòka glèdami
Animal husbandry, agriculture! Looking after livestock,

Bela 1

163 (a) no takà vìka se glèda stòka no nì se izàgn’e
But he said that’s how you look after livestock. But they lamb

Stančov Han 3

13 (PSh) ne sì li glèdaš segà nèkakɤv dobìtɤk
Don’t you raise any livestock now?

14 (c) əmi gl’èdəm òšti
Yes, I still do …

16 (c) əmə ši gi istrìvəmi v’èči e sià isintɤ̀
… but we’re going to get rid of them already. Now in the autumn

Stikŭl 1

85 (a) i prəz zimɔ̀nə žə hrànim ufcènə žə hrànim dubìtək tò si ìməme
And in the winter we’ll feed the sheep, we’ll feed the livestock. We have

Tihomir 3

23 (c) pɤk dubᵊìtaka tàmone kat tàmo oddòlunu dàm dàm sa kàžuva
But the livestock are over there, separate. In the barn. It’s called a barn.

25 (c) dabᵊìtaci imɛ̀šon kràvᵊi òfce kuzì
We had different sorts of livestock: cows, sheep, goats –


138 (a) mnògu dubìtək ìmə i
There’s a lot of livestock around …

Tŭrnjane 1

58 (a) na živòtnite
…for the animals [to protect them from winter frost].

Vasiljovo 1

38 (a) i sìpem ml’àku s’ìrene če ìmame dobìtak daržìme gl’èdame dobìtak
We pour out milk, white cheese – we’ve got livestock, we raise livestock –

Vasiljovo 2

3 (b) tùka tetev’èncite sa sa zas’è̝lile zərəd dobìtakḁ da im e širòko
People from Teteven settled here because of their livestock – to have enough space

Vŭrbina 4

14 (d) kàktu pu.stàrumu təkà vər’èše slàmətə ispòlzvəme pàk jədɤ̀t dubɨ̀təkə
that's how it went in the old times. We use the straw to feed the livestock

15 (d) i nèe si ispòlzvəme sɤ̀štu kusìme pràime dubɨ̀təkə si
[and] we use it as well. We also do the mowing, and make [food for] the livestock

63 (d) t’à e pò bɤ̀rzu zrèe i zə dubɨ̀təkə ə ispòlzvəme nìe
It is – it ripens more quickly. We make use of it for the livestock:

67 (d) pràət nəgrɛ̀fki nə dubɨ̀tək nezəvìsimu nə dubɨ̀tək sme pràili
they make heating packs, [also] for the livestock. Even for animals we made

70 (d) nə gərdìte i nə dubɨ̀tək dàže ispòlzəme ərpɤ̀tə i nvà e ərpɤ̀tə
on his chest. We use barley for the livestock as well. And that’s barley.

104 (d) i gu kàrame hrànime dubɨ̀tək ud mešòvutu̥ dɤ̀rvu
and bring them in. We feed the livestock from oak trees.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut